Dawn Infinity

Chapter 279

Chu Hao knows very well that he and Li Ganglei and Ling Xin, the feelings and affection of the three of them are definitely not false. This is the feeling that has gone through a long period of time and reality. These two people are the only ones who still live in the world. .

But the same, Chu Hao knows very well that he can’t abandon the current Team North-Iceland. It’s not moral, it’s just about real feelings, newbie doesn’t mention it, Zhang Heng, Tom, along with him through several games. Horror-Movie World, has long been a life and death, if he left, what should they do? What’s more, according to Ling Xin’s way of doing things, as long as he nods to reach Team Deity, then all of these people will be killed by Ling Xin, one will not stay, this is Ling Xin, for people other than his loved ones and approvers, Life and death are only considered in terms of interests.

At the moment when Chu Hao decided to start, the previous tacit understanding had already come to an end. This is the difference between each other’s roads. All that remains is confrontation.

When the image of Rune appearing on Chu Hao was covered with hundreds of meters of space, Ling Xin also stopped the attack in his hand, but said to Chu Hao with a regretful tone: “I really don’t follow me. You and me, as we have done before, we can definitely build Team Deity into a super strong team of Reincarnation World. As a foundation, we can fight CX-Organization and save us. The world, isn’t this always your pursuit and dream? The final answer… Come with me at Team Deity.”

Chu Hao is silent, his hands are constantly moving in the void, and as his hand moves in the void, the seemingly chaotic three-dimensional Magic-Array has begun to show some regular combinations.

Ling Xin sees this, he is no longer multilingual, just sighed: “So… then it will force you to come to Team Deity. This is the best established matter at the moment, and it is not allowed to change, so it can only First, you will be wronged.” The voice fell, and he once again raised the long knife in his hand and slammed into the void.

In an instant, with his knife marks as a straight line, the space is cut, which is a visual and sensible dislocation, and in this space cutting line, the stereo Magic-Array seems to be cut as well. It is divided into two halves directly around this line, and after being divided into two halves, those Rune images are beginning to dissipate.

“Since the start of the battle, I found that you didn’t seem to move much. And why did you follow a Team Deity Member behind you?”

Just as the Magic Great Array began to dissipate, suddenly Chu Hao’s voice sounded: “You are not Li Ganglei, you will not do anything extra, in other words, why don’t you move dodge and avoid Zhang Heng The arrow that shoots you, why should you follow a Team Deity Member behind, let her hinder your hands and feet in the battle, this is not your style of action, if it is possible, you will never do this, but you still do Did, in other words…because some situations make you have to do this, let me guess it…”

“First of all, you always tell us how much you have to lose, and secondly, I guess your time to enter Team Deity is definitely not too long, at least not more than a year and a half, after a year and a half ago… if At that time, you have such a strong power, then that thing will not happen, and the premise of entering Lord-God Space seems to be the desperation of real world. In other words, you should reincarnate in Lord-God Space. The world is not long, it is longer than me, but it is limited. It also includes the time spent in your own team before you come to Team Deity. In such a short time, you should not be as good as you are. This is so strong, it is enough to rival or even defeat Team Great-Westland Captain, at the top of the entire Reincarnation World, you have to use such a powerful force, it should be obtained by what is lost, I personally guess, you can not Freedom to move, and the Team Deity Member behind you, is the price you can play such a huge force, then…”

In the voice, the dissipated Magic Great Array suddenly glowed, and the remaining Rune, which had not yet dissipated, suddenly transformed, and several Fireballs with orange-red appeared in the sky, directly slid down from the air.

“Fireball?” Ling Xin slightly disdained with a smile: “You are also in the cliché? I really thought that five Fireballs are everything in Mage? Such an attack is simply…”

At this moment, the Fireball has already slammed into the position of Ling Xin… and directly hit the ground. Every Fireball is like an explosion grenade. Continuous bombardment, violent explosion violently, Ling Xin The platform rock at the site slowly began to break and tilted down the abyss.

The previous battle has destroyed the foundation of this platform. These Fireballs are just a harbinger of the complete breakdown of the platform. Chu Hao knows very well that according to the space protection shown by Ling Xin, these Fireballs even show him The fireworks are not enough… What he really wants is just to break the platform!

This broken platform is like a chain reaction. It is not just the location of Ling Xin. The entire huge platform, even the surrounding rock walls, has begun to collapse and smash, with people on the entire platform starting. Falling down to the abyss.

“Good job.”

Ling Xin has not kept the leisure and standing still. He holds the Team Deity Member in one hand and the long sword in the other. The whole person keeps looking for his feet in this fall. The stone fulcrum, while keeping open the stones that smashed to him.

Under this circumstance, I can see what it is. Every time he slams, he will smash up the stones of the height of the people, and then he will smash the power of the mountains as before, and the space distortion range that covers the whole audience. It has disappeared, and although this strength is still very strong, it is not as invincible as before.

Chu Hao heard the praise of Ling Xin, and he also refused anything else. At this moment, he is working hard to transport the Divinity particles in the body, and the Divinity particles are running to the limit. One after another, the instant Spell is used by him. Out, all used the Mage Hand to block all the stones that fell down. At the same time, when the platform collapsed, they grabbed Zhang Heng and Tom, and also seized the upper body of Tier. As for Dwarf and Gandalf, I can’t take it anymore.

Unexpectedly, when Chu Hao used Magic to shoot, Gandalf’s Magic Staff also lit up, and the violent light shot from his Magic Staff and hit every living Dwarf. These Dwarfs were either seriously injured or comatose. In particular, Thorin is a one-shoulder smash and tear, and becomes a one-armed person. In this ray, these Dwarf wounds begin to combine and close, and also create a thin protective layer on their body surface. Used to withstand the stones that come from.

After Chu Hao used Zhang Mheng Hand to protect Zhang Heng and others, he focused his attention on Ling Xin and solemnly asked: “What is Lord Deity’s Lord God Quest? It won’t kill Thorin. So, what about The Lord of the Rings? So Mountain’s Heart?”

Ling Xin didn’t answer at this time, but looked at Chu Hao with an interesting look. This look is very familiar to Chu Hao. In the past many years, whenever Ling Xin has any layout success, let the other party fall into him. In the trap, he will show such a look.

“The Lord of the Rings… Are you sending someone? Nian Xikong…”

Chu Hao closed his eyes and opened his eyes again. His eyes were all firm. He said directly: “I trust Nian Xikong, and just like you know me, I know you too well. You won’t take Team Deity. The strongest person is sent to take The Lord of the Rings, because the strongest person can only be you, you will not trust others to be stronger than you…so if it is weaker than you, then The Lord of the Rings is our Team North-Iceland!”

Ling Xin chuckled and said: “Oh? So confident? Otherwise we will gamble again, see your Team Member get the Lord of the Rings and return, or I will kill your Team Member first, you Can only be forced into my Team Deity, how about we bet on this?”

If you die, there is nothing. If you die, you can’t do anything. Maybe Chu Hao can desperately guard the rest of Team North-Iceland at this time, but if they are all dead, the negative points will cause him to be either eliminate or go. Team Deity, then he can only have one choice, that is to go to Team Deity, because only then, there may be a glimmer of hope to resurrect the rest, instead of accompanying them to die, that is the most stupid way, perhaps in line with certain Human morality, but that is absolutely not in line with his philosophy. Chu Hao himself knows that Ling Xin is well aware.

(This gamble… I don’t gamble and gamble, just hope, Nian Xikong, you must not let me down, Zhang Heng and Tom, can’t stand up…)

At the same time, just as the platform collapsed, Chu Hao and Ling Xin and others both leaped in the collapsed stones. On the other hand, at the entrance to the Lord of the Rings where Nian Xikong was located, she and Xiao Niaoren The battle has reached the last minute…

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