Dawn Infinity

Chapter 281

Nian Xikong feels that she has become Sword Pill. Her body is this Sword Pill. All her spirits are condensed in it. Even she can “see” her body and stand in the same place.

This is something she has never experienced. When she used to smelt Sword Pill, it was a normal thing. Just like the swords she sacrificed, it was just the Innate Qi that she had when she was promoted to the Primordial Spirit. The feeling is the same as part of the body, but it does not become her body.

Nian Xikong also knows a few other Sword Cultivators. Before the promotion of P Primorial Spirit, Sword Pill was condensed. Of course, it is not a Sword Cultivator that can be condensed. It must be a Sword Cultivator with sufficient knowledge and innate talent. These are the so-called super geniuses, or the Sword Cultivator with the experience of the Primordial Spirit. Those who have reincarnation and restored their memories of the past life. Only these two types of talents may condense Sword Pill in the early stage of the Primordial Spirit. The Sword Cultivator can’t do it even if it’s a fight.

And these geniuses who condensed Sword Pill in advance, they all fell without exception. Even if they didn’t fall, they disappeared completely into the eyes of everyone. Perhaps it was fallen, maybe it was a big chance. Down, this is not something that outsiders can know, and there are several different processes in which they fall. Most of them are Heart Demon, and some are dead, and others are Sword Pill backlash. , all kinds of deaths are strange, and like her…

Could it be lost?

This is the most terrifying and horrible possibility that Nian Xikong knows. There is almost no one. If this is the case, then it is really worse than death.

The so-called disappointment is that all of his will and Soul are gone away, and they are not turned into Phantom or dissipated, but become the instrument of the ritual, or directly infected by Heart Demon backlash. It becomes part of Heart Demon, so you can’t live, you can’t die, just like a living dead. What’s better is that you can sense the surroundings like a spirit, but you can’t have any movements. The bad ones are embarrassing, even time. Half-point induction is not allowed. It has been going on like this for thousands of years. This is really a terrible situation than death.

Nian Xikong feels like this now. Her whole body is this Sword Pill. In any case, she can’t go back to her body. It is a feeling of complete disconnection, as if she is this Sword Pill. The same, is it… after she lost her mind, became the spirit of this Sword Pill?

Just as Nian Xikong was in a daze, Xiao Niaoren’s attack had arrived. It was the attack that had made Nian Xikong helpless. It directly condensed the powerful sword. Nian Xikong also refused to be in a daze. She was just thinking. Sword Pill, who has been her conscious, has stopped at the speed of this stab at an extremely fast speed, and the speed, control, and power of Sword Essence are all beyond her imagination, almost a moment. It was already in front of the stabbing sword, and there was no feeling of moving through the space at all. The power was only a block, and the sword was completely broken. This is simply amazing…

Whether it’s a loss or not, at least so far, Nian Xikong has got the power she wants, as for the loss… just wait for the return to Lord-God Space and find a way.

At this point, Nian Xikong does not retain it, and directly uses the skills in her memory that can be used with Sword Pill. First of all, naturally, the sword is made into silk…

This is the input of Sword Essence into Sword Pill, which is a kind of energy, which is similar to matter. It can be kept in the void for a few seconds. It is designed to block a wide range of space and Sword Cultivator skills. When used, it is full of silver, and each piece of silver is explosive. It is as powerful as a high-explosive bomb. If the Sword Cultivator of the Primordial Spirit is used, it can dance millions in the sky. A silver wire that blocks a few kilometers.

Although Nian Xikong is not a Primordial Spirit Sword Cultivator at the moment, once it is used, the entire passage is full of silver and flurry, forcing Xiao Niaoren to evade everywhere, and the wolf is at its limit, but I don’t know if this Xiao Niaoren is luck. Good or something, his chaos and roll, actually smashed out from a large group of swords and silver.

This scrolling is very different. Nian Xikong is thinking about it. She doesn’t want to continue with Xiao Niaoren at this moment. Kill Xiao Niaoren as soon as possible, get The Lord of the Rings as soon as possible, and return to Lord-God Space as soon as possible. This is her. At present, the biggest and most urgent idea, so I immediately received the silky silver, and once again stabilized Sword Pill from the fast movement, and then, all the Sword Essence condensed to the front of the Sword Pill several centimeters, forming a An invisible energy layer similar to an awl.

After all the Sword Essence has been condensed, the space at the front end of the entire Sword Pill is almost torn apart when the fierce explosion comes out. This huge tearing force creates a driving force for forward pulling. It’s complicated, but the principle is simple. It’s a technique that simulates the theory of curvature in the orthodox Cultivator. The key to using this technique is not to raise Sword Pill to an unimaginable speed in a flash. It is to disturb the curvature of the space before and after the space where Sword Pill is located, so that the instantaneous speed of Sword Pill reaches the limit in disguise, close to or even exceeds the speed of light, and this kind of horror speed brings more destructive power than imagination. And the thunder-like sound that erupted at that moment, this is the truth of the Sword Qi Thunder Sword Cultivator technique, and why it can only be used by Sword Pill and cannot be used by ordinary swords!

At this moment, Sword Pill directly penetrated Xiao Niaoren’s chest and gave Xiao Niaoren a dozen, not only that, the power of this move was too exaggerated, so that Sword Pill directly spread the mountain. Rock giant wall, but just a short moment that’s all, when Nian Xikong came back, her living Sword Pill has come to a very high sky, only from the edge of the line of sight, can be seen in that far away There is a mountain range, and there is a twisted trajectory caused by the break of the atmosphere, which is at least hundreds of kilometers away.

(What’s going on, why is the power so big… This is much more powerful than the Sword Pill that I have condensed when I was promoted to the Primordial Spirit… Why? Is it because of the parasitic Sword Pill?)

Nian Xikong herself was shocked by the power of this trick. She had never used Sword Qi Thunder before, but the power was so exaggerated, it was not a Primordial Spirit at all, or even the power of the stage or the stage. The power, at the very least, must be the Great Ascension level, already approaching, or it can be used by half of the Immortal level expert, but now she is still the Foundation Establishment, and it has this power…this is not Science!

However, the situation is too late to think about it. Nian Xikong thought that Sword Pill would sneak into the mountains. The whole Sword Pill seemed to be a silver battery. In just a few seconds, she returned to the mountains. Then, I drilled back into the mountains from a broken passage. On the original battlefield, her body still stood there safely. Even the body where Xiao Niaoren had broken her chest had not fallen. Seeing this, Nian Xikong was relaxed, just as she planned to fly back to her body to see if she could control her body and then find a way to get the Lord of the Rings. Suddenly, the chest was gone, absolutely Xiao Niaoren of certain death, but laughed wildly… Although the voice lost a lung and there was a strange sinister noise, it was really a laugh.

“haha Ha… It’s wonderful, I have to applaud, I can push me to this step, I have to pay a huge price to be able to live again… You are the most expert of Team North-Iceland, Team North-Iceland…not so weak…”

Laughed heartily, suddenly, from Xiao Niaoren, there was a boundless blood color. At the same time, his chest quickly squirted thick red flesh, and the hole was blocked, a huge pair The red bat wings stretched out from behind his back.

“The gift of Dracula… I really don’t want to use this, three chances, this is the second time. If I use it again, my Soul will be sucked away, but you forced me…”

Xiao Niaoren spoke loudly, his eyes turned into blood red, without any heterogeneous eyes with pupils. At the same time, his ears became sharper and longer, and the teeth became sharper, and the teeth became sharp. At the same time, a huge red heart emerged from his head. These red hearts were all put into the three props suspended behind him. The handle of the sword, the next moment, a handle, Two handles, three handles, ten handles, fifty handles, five hundred handles, five thousand handles, five thousand handles… countless stabbing swords floated from his side and then began to madly shoot at him. The endless stream of wind and rain hit the body of Nian Xikong. Just before and after, Nian Xikong was passed through. Before Sword Pill rushed over, Nian Xikong’s body was completely shattered and then beaten. It became a meat powder, and almost nothing left.

This is not finished yet, all the stabbing swords are still shot incessantly, and the mountain rock wall is shot through, and a large passage is opened directly from the other end, and these stabbing swords seem to be inexhaustible. In this passage, the whole passage was collapsed, and the collapsed rock was crushed by the sword. As the cycle progressed, the base of the whole mountain almost collapsed…

Nian Xikong could only watch her body being destroyed. She didn’t have a half way, but when her body completely dissipated, she didn’t see what she wanted to see. At this moment, she I finally know why her power when using this Sword Pill is so great, it turns out that…

This is not the power of ordinary Sword Pill at all. It turns out that the thing in her body replaces her Heart-Light into this Sword Pill, and why she will live in this Sword Pill, naturally That thing took her into Sword Pill because she was completely bound to that thing, but her Life-Source Spiritual Treasure…

But the body… no more…

(Kill you!)

The thunderous sound re-emerged, and the endless stabbing seemed to have found the opponent, turning together and gathering toward Sword Pill…

In a hurry…

The whole mountain began to collapse…

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