Dawn Infinity

Chapter 288

“The so-called Uniqueness Plane…”

“You should already know that the whole universe is infinite… Well, I said nonsense, I am not only referring to the size of the universe in which we live, but the size of the universe that is horizontally and vertically compared, that is, The size of the universe in Plane is infinite and infinite. In almost every moment, the endless Plane is born and disappeared. This is the multiverse.”

“Using our Reincarnation Team as an example, take a very familiar Plane and discuss it with the Lord of the Rings Plane we have experienced before, whether it is The Lord of the Rings trilogy or The Lord of the Rings. – Prequel, the Reincarnation Team that has gone through, said that there are at least ten, including Team Battle and individual experience. These are all, but after each Team experience is completed, Exchange Horror-Movie World time is entered. It won’t overlap with other Teams, that is, you are entering your Lord of the Rings. I am entering my Lord of the Rings. Everyone is not guilty of water, except for Team Battle. The Bedevilment ring is impossible to meet other Reincarnation Teams, which means that there is probably an infinite number of The Lord of the Rings world.”

“Similarly, there are many super props in Horror-Movie World, such as The Lord of the Rings, such as some of the legendary Phantom-Type props, the famous Resurrection of the Resurrection, and the recording of a large number of Magic Cultivation. Alchemy witchcraft and other knowledge of the death of the Bible, and every Reincarnation Team Member that reaches the world, as long as they have the ability to get a copy, there are countless of these magical things.”

“Like our real world, the 21st century Earth, like the 21st century Earth in movie novels, the Earth, the big historical events are basically the same, there is not much difference, but in these movie novels The earth, however, will change in such a way because of the development of the plot, resulting in many differences, and the most standard, the most common world in the 21st century, there is only one, that is, the so-called Uniqueness Plane, It is the only standard existence in this series of infinite Planes.”

Having said that, Varo paused seems to be waiting for everyone to digest the information he gave, and then continues: “The Uniqueness Plane is extremely difficult to encounter. In fact, probabilistically, one infinity If you have a chance, you can think of them as non-existent, but the Lord-God Space is different. Lord God has special rules. You can find the Uniqueness Plane in this countless Plane, but the chance is very low, unless it is you. You must enter this Uniqueness Plane to complete some Quests, Lord God, which may allow you to enter. The people in my previous team guessed that it is likely to consume what is going to enter the Uniqueness Plane, which is also very precious for Lord God. “”

“Uniqueness Plane is mostly the same as a lot of repeating Plane. The only difference is only two, that is, the overall strength of the Plane is stronger, and the most powerful level of it, such as the creatures in mythology, God and the Devil The class is completely in line with the original setting, and the other is the baby props that have appeared in it, basically the same as the original, such as The Lord of the Rings, what we got, and what the Master knows of The Lord of The Rings only have the function of compressing energy, but the Lord of the Rings in the original is not the case, so if the Lord of the Rings is really the Uniqueness Plane, then it is the only real Lord. Of the Rings!”

Uniqueness Plane?

The information in these passages is also very large. Chu Hao also memorizes it in his heart. He really feels happy about Varo’s joining, even though he has a bunch of jelly, and his words seem to be A monkey is pleased to come, but his experience, his level of knowledge of Lord-God Space, etc., is indeed a great fortune. It can even be said that if information is equal to power, then Varo is at least Equivalent to Ling Xin’s level of expert, this is only the current stage. As Team North-Iceland becomes stronger, knowing more Lord God information, the role of Varo will be greater.

Chu Hao took the Lord of the Rings from Zhang Heng. This piece is only one-third of The Lord of the Rings. It looks quaint and is a very ordinary one-third ring. But after holding it in the hand, it seems that the faint sensation feels that the third of the Lord of the Rings is different, as if it is emitting some kind of heat.

Chu Hao indulged in a moment: “That’s it, this Lord of the Rings is kept by me first. After all, I have Divinity, if it is the Lord of the Rings, the Lord of the Rings.” Like Rings, it has a confusing power. I think my Divinity can also resist a little. In addition, Varo and Uniqueness Plane are different from these two points. It is definitely the most important of all the same Planes. Do you have any information? Concealed not telling us?”

Varo’s jelly body trembled a few times, and then said: “There are too many other things I don’t remember, but I can still tell you a noun. What do you think about it? Human Destiny Resonance is this. I haven’t said anything else for a while.”

Human Destiny Resonance…?

This word contains too many things. If you think about it carefully, Chu Hao has already had doubts about this aspect, because Reincarnation World has to go through a variety of worlds, except in these worlds, except Outside the pure illusory world of Lord of the Rings, almost all the history of the world is carved out of a mold. From ancient times to modern times, from modern times to modern times, there is almost no difference in history, as if it were the same world. And then there are different stories in these worlds.

But this is logically totally unreasonable!

Although the trend of the world is certain, such as the progress of productivity brought about by scientific and technological progress, from the primitive society to the Bronze Age, to the Iron Rider era, feudal society, the Age of Empires, modern times, modern times, such processes are basically certain, history It is accidental. When it comes to someone, it is almost even more so. Although countless hero heroes are starting to take advantage of the situation, they don’t necessarily have to win the righteous Qin Shihuang. Maybe it’s the generation of his father. The six countries may be the case of his grandson or the great-grandchildren. Such countless examples, such as the Western Sitler, may become Nantes, North Teller, etc. The characters are also uncertain.

But the facts are exactly the opposite. As long as it is related to the real society of Reincarnation World, history has always recorded that Win is becoming Emperor Qin Shihuang, and Sitler will always launch World War II. These are actually the same in personal circumstances. It’s like an invisible big hand manipulating all of this, so that all the Plane involved in reality has almost the same background.

And Human Destiny Resonance…that is, there is a Standard Plane, which is the Uniqueness Plane mentioned by Varo, and then as long as this Uniqueness Plane happens, it will be made through some method that cannot be understood and explained. The Plane derived from it has entered the same historical background…

If you say this, if the previous World of The Lord of the Rings is really a Uniqueness Plane, then the other Lord The the Rings Plane will definitely change to the same extent?

Thinking of this, Chu Hao suddenly felt a little embarrassed feeling, if his guess is true, then the result is definitely quite strange…

Anyway, the meeting before the I Am Legend was finally over. According to Chu Hao’s instructions, everyone exchanged certain protective props, and the newbie girl Bilis seems to have been in a bad state and has been performing. I am very worried and afraid, and often a person crying secretly, everyone is helpless. After all, not everyone can live strong in Reincarnation World, such as Chu Hao, Zhang Heng, Nian Xikong, it is already The type of freak is gone, and Tom is actually a very strong character. Newbie like Bilis is actually a real ordinary person. Ordinary people may imagine that they have super-ability and happiness, but they really have to face When you die, you will only be so depressed and overwhelmed.

Nothing, Chu Hao can only propose that she return to reality for a while, to get along with her family and friends, and that Bilis knows that she can exchange real world, and that she is happy, and because she is newbie, Reward Points have Exchange protection. Props, so Chu Hao paid her Reward Points, let her exchange a month of real world and go back to cultivate.

On the other hand, after handling the things in Team, Chu Hao also intends to return to reality. On the one hand, he is also a leader in the Rebel Organization. He definitely needs to go back and deal with some things. On the other hand, he intends to work with Ling Xin. Have a good talk, especially including his actions, and… Chen Haotao, if Ling Xin is still…

In this way, Chu Hao did not tell, the real Exchange had real world, and then returned to reality…

And when he returned to reality from Lord-God Space, in addition to practicing Rebel Organization, he immediately found the story about the Lord of the Rings on the Internet, and the result…

The work was written after the end of World War II, the story of the Cold War period, the author of the work is obviously influenced by the red regime thinking, the book reflects a lot of political purposes of the red regime, including the Lord of the Rings – Prequel, Torino Dwarf launched Land reform and the uprising of poor people, etc…

After Chu Hao read it, his expression was a zigzag in a few days…

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