Dawn Infinity

Chapter 290

The green grass is full of land, the sun is shining, the trees are shaded, all kinds of wild animals are everywhere, there are rabbits, there are deer, there are antelopes, etc., and there are a lot of birds in the sky, even the eagle is not uncommon. It can be said that the natural environment protection here is very good…

A good wool! Here is the metropolis where Human used to be bustling! Now the whole city has already presented such a ruin state, even the lion can see a few heads, which is nothing but natural environmental protection is good! Not only does it make people feel the joy of being close to nature, but it will only make people feel lonely and painful!

This is the case with Chu Hao et al. In the central square of a city in an unknown city in the United States, everyone sits in the middle of the square, surrounded by the protective barrier of Lord God, where everyone in the team is, and this There is no newbie in Horror-Movie World. When Chu Hao sees it first, he is relaxed, which means that the Horror-Movie World is not too difficult, at least Lord God will not appear. The situation of the plot changes, and so on.

After Chu Hao finished watching the Team Member, he began to look at the city. If the city is abandoned, then the city is at least a medium-sized city with a population of more than five hundred thousand. There are many high-rise buildings and very good roads. Spacious, there are a lot of abandoned vehicles, but everything is quiet, there is no Human, there is no buzz, the sound of birds, the sound of animals, and the sound of the wind, these make it all more quiet, not It should be silent, lonely, quiet…

Inexplicably, Chu Hao suddenly felt sour in his heart, all of which made his heart touch. Although he has seen such a scene in the movie, it is really a reality experience, when you see it around, it is completely Different feelings, and all this, really touched the deepest string in Chu Hao’s heart.

His long-term efforts, so many choices, and so many sacrifices, aren’t they just to make the life of his world, Human, calm and peaceful? Under the threat of countless Meme, the threat of C-Organization and X-Organization and the threat of unmanned experiments, Judgment Day may come at any time. At least, as Chu Hao knows, the Rebel Organization itself has saved seven. Eight times Judgment Day has arrived, and the frequency of this Judgment Day is getting faster and faster. The people who know these things are heavy in their hearts. No one knows when it is Judgment Day. When will Human be extinct.

Chu Hao saw all this in front of him. His heart was so heavy. He didn’t know if he could save his world, the millions of beings…

Just when Chu Hao was a little crazy, the rest of the people woke up from the half-dream and half-awake, Chu Hao immediately patted his face, and then said to the rest of the right color: “This Horror-Movie World doesn’t have newbie, the difficulty is not too big, but it’s not absolute. It probably means that the plot will not change, but I have said it many times about the difficulty. Don’t take it lightly.”

The rest of the people woke up from half-dream and half-awake, and did not say anything for a while. After a long time, they all eased one by one, and the newbie girl Bilis immediately shouted in the distance: “Wow, the lion is also from the zoo. Run out? Really a lion!”

The rest of the people were not so leisurely. Except for Zhang Heng, who was sculpt and handsome, the rest of the people quietly began to organize their equipment. This Horror-Movie World used firearms weapons as much as possible according to Chu Hao’s instructions. In order to save energy, everyone except Zhang Heng chose a sniper rifle, Nian Xikong chose two Desert-Eagle pistols, and a Bayonet. Tier used two super heavy-duty reel guns. The rest were The semi-automatic rifle used replaces physical exertion with firepower.

Just as everyone assembled the weapons, Chu Hao had not had time to say anything, the surrounding breeze had blown into the protective cover, apparently Horror-Movie World had begun, and everyone looked at their respective watches, showing Lord God Quest they are going to complete.

“Get Super-Evolution Virus antidote within 30 days.”

This Quest is simple and straightforward. In fact, it’s not just Chu Hao’s thoughts, everyone thinks so much. The most annoying thing about Lord God Quest is what kind of first step to do, the second step to do, or It’s the most annoying to follow someone, where to go to the cumbersome Quest, because a detail is wrong, it may be eliminate, relative, those simple and clear Quest, even if it is more difficult, it makes everyone better. Some, just like playing online games, when the characters inside pick up various Quests, the Quest that is understood is much more comfortable than the complicated Quest, such as killing XXX, getting XXX’s head and the like, like what to kill. What is going to be, how much to play, or where to scout, to get what to seduce, even if it is not difficult, just run the map, but it is inexplicably irritating, it is about this truth. .

“After thirty days, do you get Super-Evolution Virus antidote? In other words, the story should be the story of I Am Legend’s positive story, the protagonist is still alive, even his dog may still be alive, he is developing Out of antidote, but because I don’t understand the method of use and mistakenly thought it has failed, the time limit is only 30 days?”

Chu Hao thought in his heart. He looked up at the sky and said to everyone: “Now the time is 2:30 in the afternoon. It is estimated that there are still three and a half hours from the sun going down. Then I am now assigning Quest, Ozzie and Bilis. Staying at the square, or looking for any location on the avenue that can illuminate the sun, I forbid you to go to any shadows, even if it is not allowed to go to any convenience store. This is the order, are you two clear? ”

Ozzie didn’t care, the newbie girl Bilis was immediately shocked, and then tried to stand up straight, although standing four, but immediately said loudly: “Yes, Captain, I will not drag everyone back. I must follow Ozzie.”

Chu Hao nodded and said to Ozzie: “Then start Spiritual-Force Scan, open the range to the maximum, then use Heart-Chains to transfer all the scenes you scanned to us, then, Zhang Heng and Tom. You are responsible for searching large fabrics. To be strong, it is best to go to those supermarket warehouses to find, Nian Xikong to swim, I allow you to use force, any Mutation Zombie, as long as you are sure, then I will allow you to kill, Tier, you Looking for wood and metal, I want a light aluminum alloy, no other metal, and the wood is also strong and lightweight. Then, please, complete your own Quest, yes, jelly, no, Varo, you stay in the square. on.”

Everyone was complied, only the girl Billis curiously looked around, she quickly said: “Wait a minute, Captain, and Mr. Stry did not arrange Quest, you forgot?”

As soon as the words were spoken, the entire Team was suddenly quiet, and everyone’s eyes drifted a bit, and Stry kept his head down and said nothing.

Chu Hao didn’t feel embarrassed. He just nodded and said to Stry: “So, it’s up to you to decide what you want to do next. It’s OK to be with Ozzie here, and to search for useful things yourself. It’s OK to kill Zombie, it’s up to you.”,

Stry didn’t say a word, just stood there silently, and after Chu Hao finished, he ignored the reaction of Stry, turned and walked to a building, and Bilis looked around stared wide-eyed. Until everyone had left, even Stry had left, she couldn’t help but ask Ozzie: “Mr. Ozzie, so strange, what does Captain mean? Why don’t he give Stry Quest?”

Ozzie was silent, and said after a long time: “Since you want to enjoy the protection and convenience of Team, you naturally have to take responsibility. The power and obligation are relative. Captain also gave Stry several chances, but Stry Still as it is, then the responsibility for Team has already been fulfilled. Next, if he is like this again, I am afraid…”

As I said, Ozzie recalled that in the Lord-God Space, he mentioned to Chu Hao in private. The Enhancement Attribute about Stry is probably related to the clue of the hidden chain, and the strength should not be Small, in fact, Ozzie is resentful about Stry. At the time, in the face of Team Deity’s Member attack, Gunlur was already dead, but Stry still didn’t need any skills to save the cards, and was protected by Team. Still, this made Ozzie, who had experienced life and death, very angry. Even he thought that if he was Captain, he would not be so indulged in Stry…

On the other hand, everyone started their own actions, and Chu Hao went down a building to the top of the building. Because of Ozzie’s Spiritual-Force Scan, there was Zombie gathering everywhere. One by one, they avoided the past. When he came to the top of the building, he took out a radio from his space debris and began to adjust the channel on the device.

“…survivors in New York, I broadcast on all AM channels, I will wait in the South Street Bay every day at noon, when the sun rises to the highest point, if you can hear me, anyone, if you can hear My words… I can provide food, I can provide accommodation, I can guarantee your safety, if you can hear me, anyone, please… answer me, you are not alone…”

These voices came out of the device and were a man’s calm voice, but Chu Hao heard the bleak and extreme loneliness. In fact, it’s not so much a male protagonist wanting to save others, but rather he wants to save himself. He has been alone for too long. After Judgment Day, gradually, he is left alone. After so many years, he is still alone. He has even forgotten how to get along with others. In fact, he is looking for help, he is crying…

If my world is Judgment Day, then I guess it will be like this. A hard person struggles, one insists, even if it comes to the end, maybe it will be like a male protagonist, when the last companion partner After dying, look for the path of self-destruction…

Chu Hao stopped the equipment, he stood quietly on the roof and looked down. The whole city is almost in sight. This bustling and ridiculous city is obviously an annoying steel jungle, which is obviously annoying. The city is fast-paced, but why, when it is lost, is it so lonely?

When Chu Hao saw the movie, he saw the male protagonist, as if he saw himself, the same self after the arrival of Judgment Day…

“|You are not alone, Colonel Robert Nefer, waiting for me, I will come to redeem you soon, and your world…”

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