Dawn Infinity

Chapter 299

Everyone has long known that Lord God can’t be so simple to let them complete Quest, a month… If the current plan is just enough, there is really not enough time to think about something else.

“But if this is the case, what should the other Reincarnation Team encounter in our situation? Certain death? You know that we are almost flying directly to New York, and there is no delay in the middle. In this case, the time is just right, then if What should I do with Team without flying equipment?”

In the middle of the night, everyone slept in the room arranged by Robert Neville, while at the same time they still talked to each other using Heart-Chains, and Zhang Heng raised his own question when discussing how to go to the institute.

“If this is the case, the Quest time given by Lord God may be three months, half a year, or one year. Of course, it may be a Quest change, such as finding an antidote and finding a survivor camp. In short, if Lord God’s rules are definitely not a sure death Quest, then this Quest will change with Team.” Chu Hao replied.

“But that’s so smart, just give us enough time, just to have a research institute near New York…” Ozzie said.

Yeah, that’s so smart…

Chu Hao didn’t say anything more this time. Instead, he meditated in bed and closed his eyes. He had too many things to think about, Quest, salvation, and the hidden things behind this unimaginable coincidence…

I don’t know why, he always feels that there is a hand behind him that is manipulating all of this, and it feels so clear, it hasn’t been discovered before, but since the Lord of the Rings world, he has become more and more aware that there seems to be someone peeping. With him, even now…

“It’s a keen sense… I just have to return to the essence of the ‘thing thing’, and the ontology, as well as the infinite pieces of the scattered multiverse, have not yet been found, so I feel so keen, it’s not that ‘thing’ what.”

In the far distance from the I Am Legend movie world Plane, there is an endless Plane, the limit of the limitless sky, there is nothing, no air, no sunshine, no matter, no energy, even time and space seems to be It doesn’t exist, it’s not the so-called vacuum in the universe, but the higher level, the real void between Plane and Plane. Here, a person wearing the 21st century Earth Human men’s casual wear is so empty. Sitting there, there is a man and a woman, two five- or six-year-old Taoist children behind him, and under his emptiness, it is a mysterious yellow one. It seems that the faint ambiguity can see the four elephants and five lines of gossip in it. But when you look carefully, it’s just a mixture of black and white.

In front of this youth, a great expanse, like the universe, from which the sacred songs of the sacred songs are constantly being heard, so that they are standing right in front of this youth, and just that paragraph is the great idea This is what youth sent.

“Mirror…means clear, clear, clear, understand, and as the beginning of all mirrors, the performance of Hao-Tian Mirror is not limited to this, it is above most Innate Spirit Treasure, can be called with Innate Supreme Treasure is so beautiful that it has its essence. It’s no surprise that this kind of vision is…”

The youth whispered something, then he smiled and smiled at this great idea: “Hehua, I don’t remember letting you come here, then what are you doing?”

The great idea seems to have a slight bow. Of course, the idea is invisible, but this idea sends out a respectful expression of similar actions. Then the mind continues to say: “Human Emperor, I am just coming in person, with any There is nothing to do with the power, the Imperial Court, the West, the Black-Skin, the Culture, everything. It’s not related to this time. The reason I came… maybe it’s as great as you, should you already know?”

Youth heard the words silently, time passed like this, but it was not in the void, and did not know how long it took, then you whispered: “I have no intention of being uncomfortable with ‘he’. After all, Karma is hard to eliminate, and kindness is even more It’s the big head in Karma. If you owe it, you owe it. I won’t recognize it. All my watch on ‘he’, including changing the plot in Lord-God Space, giving it a coincidence, etc., is to make ‘he’ Growing up faster, I think you know it well, because there is no time for it.”

The great idea has not yet had time to speak. Suddenly in this void, three green and abrupt flashes, then, three songs reverberate in this void, that is three clear and clear, if there is The power can be carefully identified. The three clear and clear Qingqi are slightly different. If you want to use words to describe it, you can describe it as Taiqing, Yuqing, and Qingqing.

Among the three qis, the road that represents Taiqing sent a message: “Time is never enough, but ‘he’ is an exception, even if it is goodwill, can’t continue this way…”

The Qingqi, which represents Yuqing, also sent a message: “The accident will always happen. The sentence that he said before in his [Iluvita” is the biggest proof… When the sentence comes out, Do you know how much effort we will spend in the future to completely settle the Great Desolate? I said earlier, it is better to destroy them directly!”

In the last Qing dynasty, the Qing dynasty also sent a message: “Destruction can’t solve the problem. This is from the Great Desolate to the Human calendar. This is countless. After hundreds of millions of years, I have tried countless times. Ice Phoenix still exists, we I can’t afford another Ice Phoenix, so we need to change… This doesn’t mention, ‘He’… As a big Karma who directly inherits his legacy, we can’t watch you manipulate it.”

Youth did not speak, he was silent, and at the same time, in this emptiness, there was one after another, and there was a group of visions until the end of a human snake. The vision of the body appeared until the appearance of the vision, youth then exhaled said: “Only this thing I will never let go, thousands of heroes, hundreds of millions of people, this opportunity to exchange for life, the most critical core of the gods plan I will never let go of the step. If there is a variable, I can suppress it, whether it is Great Desolate, or a secret organization, or Great Desolate Imperial Court… This is my way, this is the way of humanity. I will suppress it.”

In the voice, there is a fascinating glimpse of a giant tripod on the top of you, and it seems to extend into the infinite Plane. At the same time, his eyes fall with his voice, and one eye emits infinite light. The other eye is as dark as it seems to inhale the entire universe.

“Tai Chi two instruments and four images… Is it going to be pushed back to the two instruments?”

“That is… Jiuzhou Ding? Although it is still not complete…”

“Human Emperor Your Majesty… Once again, I intend to suppress the heavens and the earth with one person and suppress the Great Desolate universe?”

These great ideas each sent out each other’s information, but they basically did not say anything more, but silently retired from this piece of emptiness, and finally the great ideas left here are less and less, even that The great idea of ​​the head snake body has disappeared, and in the end there is only the great idea of ​​the light and sacredness that originally existed.

“That is the case, let us wait and see, Human Emperor, is the supernatural power of the gods, or the strongest emperor since the beginning of the world. At the same level, even beyond the world, the ancient, the greatness of you, can be reversed. We will all wait for this day.”

In the voice, this light and sacred idea disappeared. The whole void was left with this youth still sitting. He silently looked and turned his eyes to Plane, which is far away, where he has everything. Plan, all the painstaking efforts, the first-line opportunities that all sacrifices have come…

He will never allow anyone, any power to destroy it all! I am afraid that we must destroy everything, even if we want everything to be one, even if we are enemies with everyone… he will not hesitate!

Chu Hao didn’t know the origin of his feeling of being peeped, because it felt after the Lord of the Rings world, even in the so-called absolutely safe Lord-God Space, and then came. The world still hasn’t changed, so he can’t think about it. He can only think that he is suspicious, and after the discussion of the Team Member, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

When there was nothing in the next night, the next morning, when the sun came out, everyone had already got up. Today is the day when the reconnaissance institute began. This is the necessary action that was determined during the discussion yesterday.

Robert Neville is the Master here. He started earlier than the rest of the people. He just got up when he just got up, and when he got up, he first confirmed whether the rest of the people exist. To be honest, he has a kind of Unreal, Human… It’s true that there are other people who have survived, and they have brought the soldiers who want to communicate with the outside world. This has made him hard to believe, even though he was awakened several times in his sleep yesterday.

He is too lonely. One person lives in this Judgment Day. One person struggles. Apart from a dog, no one else communicates with him. In fact, he is so eager to make an antidote because he I want to have a companion, even if it was once Mutant…

After confirming that everyone exists, it is not his fantasies, he quietly began to make breakfast, although not rich, but the weight is enough, these are the foods he has searched and stored for a long time, the whole New York only There is a living man left, plus some crops in the wild in New York. He is not eating clean all his life, so the food is all.

When everyone was awakened, they gathered in the dining room after grooming. No one was polite with Robert Neville. They each took a knife and fork bowl and ate it after putting food. When they ate, they also ate. Robert Neville, his eyes are a bit moist.

Don’t be alone again… So, more Humans, save some of the Humans, and let more Mutant return to Human…

Even if it is dead, he has to finish it all…

He swears!

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