Dawn Infinity

Chapter 307

The result of the virus gene analysis made both Chu Hao and Robert Neville shocked and unable to speak.

In terms of Human’s technology, the theory and science of genes, in fact, just have a beginning that’s all, what kind of clones are reported, what animal genetic modification, and so on, these are just the beginning of Human genetic science. That’s all , such as the most critical point, Human has not been able to make life until now, not the kind of genes that have life, embryos, what to clone, but the simplest, re-manufactured, without any clones In the case of the creation of a life from the beginning of the amino acid, Human can not do it!

The virus in front of us is completely different. It is completely different from all the viruses known to the earth. Does its genetic map actually outline a butterfly? What’s happening here? This is clearly a new type of virus that has been newly manufactured!

“This is impossible.” Robert Neville whispered in his face: “The original virus was I have seen it with my own eyes. I have seen the genetic analysis. It is just a modification based on the existing virus. Human technology is also There is no way to do this step, how can there be such a gene? This is just a joke!”

“But the virus Mutation…” Chu Hao’s face was also very gloomy, he said.

Robert Neville immediately retorted: “Even if the virus is Mutation, it should still be made up of the most basic genes. How could it suddenly have this change? This is simply… this is simply like a creator. Such a newly created living body, this is simply not what the earth should have!”

Chu Hao licked his temple and he was exhaled. This said: “Then we will take things from the ground up… First, we have created a special virus that can cure cancer, let alone who made this special virus. Of course, I know that you must know the researcher who made it, but because the virus is now in a special situation, we no longer believe that it must be made by her. In short, this special virus was created and then proceeded. The animal test, and after the animal test, and then the clinical test, this time is certainly not short?”

Robert Neville said with certainty: “Yes, this new type of drug involving in vivo injections is not even a pharmacy. It is a virus. Its review process is very cumbersome. It took five or six years and even longer. It is possible that I don’t know the exact time, but even after many people have been clinically tested, the virus is listed in the judicial process. After various tests, it will be listed, and the time will be very long.”

“This is also the doubt I had before.” Chu Hao continued to speak, in fact, this is his doubts when watching this movie.

“Long-term trials, clinical validation, etc. There have been no Mutations in the virus for several years, because we all know that this virus is also effective for animals, but for a long time, there is no Mutation, and there are so many cancers. The patient has also undergone clinical tests, and there is no Mutation. Why is there such a fierce Mutation in a short period of time? The degree of Mutation is far from being Mutation of antibodies or infections. It is like In exchange for another very different virus, sudden changes in such a short period of time, but there has been no change for so many years before, this comparison is completely aware of the problem.”

“We don’t know what happened to the virus during this period. From the information we have obtained, we can reasonably speculate that the biggest possibility is that when the virus is manufactured from the beginning, it has a password inside. This password is probably the same. When the virus-infected population has a sufficient number of bases, it will explode Mutation, but it is lurking before, and once the virus begins to break out of Mutation, the invisible connection mechanism of the virus plays a role, and the Mutation virus will contact. There is no Mutation virus, just like radiation. In the shortest time, all viruses have Mutation become this new virus, and this is the basis of the world’s Judgment Day!”

When Robert Neville thought about it, he curiously asked: “What you mean is that the Terrorist Organization, or a cult, or a hostile country, created the virus and wrapped it on a coat to treat cancer. All this?”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “I don’t have to say that science is no more than others. This is something that needs to be accumulated step by step to progress. There is no basic science, no basic theory, no relevant subject extension, you know that you have to make it. An artificial life that does not rely on the original gene, how many years does Earth technology still need to go? This is creation. Once it is successful, Human will completely create a new life of the world like the Creator. Besides, Human is at least still It will be possible to improve for a thousand years, and I will not be surprised even more. I don’t think there is any organization on earth that can achieve this, at least as normal, it is impossible.”

Robert Neville also understands this truth. Just now he just mentioned that’s all, and now he said: “If so, who made such a terrifying virus?”

“Aliens, future people, super-ability people, different worlds, other ethnic civilizations, who knows, but I am sure that this virus must not be Human, at least not the Earth’s Human can make it.” “Chu Hao thought about it, just replied.

Robert Neville suddenly stunned, and he said strangely: “I thought you wouldn’t tell a joke, even if you say jokes are so powerful.”

“I didn’t tell a joke.” Chu Hao said very seriously: “Because we have to abolish our Human civilization, I really don’t want any organization or individual to be able to make this virus, then since everything is impossible, only these It’s impossible to do this outside of the impossible. I am very serious about saying these things to you. Maybe it’s an alien invasion, a future person returning, a super-ability person going away, or you give me a Probably.”

Robert Neville shook his head, and after a long time, he said, “What should the situation do now? There is a mysterious connection between the viruses. No matter how we change the antidote, it will change it unless we make it. Antidote, injecting or inhaling Mutant around the world in a flash, or you can’t kill the virus without harming Mutant. What should I do now?”

Chu Hao raised his head and looked at the ceiling. After a long time, after a long time, this said: “Therefore, the final steps are taken to perfect the antidote itself. Since it is impossible to kill the virus at room temperature, then we will carry out our previous plan, the era of the Great Ice Age. To save the world by lowering the global temperature.”

Robert Neville is very heavy, but the reality has already given him a blow, so this time he has no rebuttal, but his face is heavy and he should nod, and after this step, he can perfect the antidote in up to two days, but …this sacrifice is really too big…

On the same day, Robert Neville decided not to continue the antidote experiment at room temperature, but continued to improve the antidote. At the same time, Chu Hao and Robert Neville continued to monitor the indoor value of the virus while continuing the virus antidote study in the laboratory. The tier is issuing an alert.

Since everyone came to the closed area of ​​the institute, because of the huge gap of the institute, it was impossible to completely close it. Therefore, for the sake of safety, in the ten days, everyone will continue to be placed in all the street points and the sewer area. With hundreds of surveillance cameras, ordinary people can’t always stare at these monitor screens, but as a robot tier, there is no such problem. He can stare at these screens all night without blinking. If something is wrong, he can immediately notice it, and at this moment he issued an alarm.

“The third block, the fourth block, the fifth block, and the seventh block have all found a large number of Mutants, the number has reached tens of thousands, and is still increasing, they are crazy to demolish all buildings, including high-rises, cottages, And the trees, even the refueling battles are being demolished…”

Everyone was concentrated in the monitoring room. With the exception of Robert Neville, even Chu Hao came here. Everyone looked at the monitor screen, looked at the dense Mutant on the screen, and the inexplicable things that Mutant did. People haven’t thought about it yet, but Chu Hao’s face is getting more and more ugly.

“Now… there are at least four hours from the dawn, I hope that time is too late…”

Chu Hao looked at the watch and then began to adjust the watch to a four-hour countdown. Then he immediately said to the rest: “From the explosion point of the first to the ninth, start an explosion every half hour. Ozzie, monitoring the ground conditions nearby, Tom, I want you to sneak into the ground, find a safe roof, once you find a lot of Mutant coming to the neighborhood, I want you to lead them immediately, try to make a big sound, don’t Anyway, just open it, find a place to hide until dawn, action, everyone.”

Everyone is complied, but they are still full of curiosity, and Bilis asks curiously: “Captain, what happened? What are these Mutants doing? You know what they are doing?”

Chu Hao is getting up and rushing to the study area. He said afterwards that he is looking for us! “The situation is very dangerous. It must be smashed tonight. Damn, I should have thought of it right…”

Everyone was even more inexplicable, and Zhang Heng immediately said, “What happened? How do they know that we are here? And so many Mutants are acting together, it won’t… Can we have a traitor?” I looked at Stry with no good intentions.

“No, not a traitor…”

Chu Hao still doesn’t look back. His face is very ugly, and he said: “It’s the virus itself…”

“It’s the virus itself that is contacting these Mutants and telling them a message, here, where we are…”

“There are enough things to kill them!”

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