Dawn Infinity

Chapter 311

“Nian Xikong !”

Chu Hao had only had such a sentence, and he saw the black glow flashing. The big bus that had flown quickly had been cut into several fast, but it was not enough. Several people’s firepower poured out and they were The metal hit the fly, which was the only attack.

But because of this, there are already hundreds of Mutant breakthroughs around the firepower network. Their speed is astonishing. The distance of 100 meters can be rushed through at most five or six seconds. More terrifying is that their There is a constant stream of Mutant to keep up, this breakthrough, just like the rupture of the embankment, the flood inside is a thousand miles.

“Zhang Heng !”

Chu Hao’s screams, from a mid-air is a light burst, then this flame-like light point fell directly into the Mutant group, a loud bang, violent explosions and even the position of the Bilis They all flew two or three meters, and when the volatility of the explosion gradually calmed down, there was only a huge pothole on the ground, and the broken limbs around the incomplete, because of the dense formation of Mutant, at least here Thousands of Mutant were killed and maimed, and the momentum of the charge was temporarily stopped.

However, there are only four air-to-ground missiles on the helicopter. However, the number of Mutant is still endless, but there are at least a few super-Mutants, but… behind everyone is the Institute!

There is no way out…

“Focus on fire! Free shooting! Suppress, suppress! Zhang Heng, Nian Xikong, devastating blow to Super Mutant!”

Chu Hao yelled again, and the cannon in his hand madly swept all around, and as his voice fell, the Achille helicopter in midair had already flown through the Super Mutant, while a black The glow flashed, and I saw that Nian Xikong was standing in the cabin of the helicopter. There was no heavy weapon in his hand, only a black sword was clenched in her hand.

“I said beautiful, you can’t do it.” At this time, Zhang Heng, who was driving a helicopter, suddenly said.

Nian Xikong frowned, but nothing was said, and Zhang Heng’s voice continued to sound: “Super Mutant…power is too big, don’t be close to me if you don’t get close, you’ll probably finish it. “”

Nian Xikong looked a little better, still didn’t say anything, just staring at the super Mutant below, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and she is getting more and more feeling this super Mutant The terrifying power of the body, this super Mutant is like the energy compression and condensation. It has completely separated from Human’s category, even out of the biological category. Even if it is more than three meters high, even It is a chimpanzee that is more than three meters high, and the strength will not be so large. This is definitely the scope of energy already involved.

(If Sword Pill is in hand, there will be fear of such an enemy…)

Nian Xikong has been refining Sword Pill so many times, but at that time she has not yet reached the Lord-God Space, and there is no cultivation, such as Sword Cultivator cultivation technique, which is almost the top Sword Cultivator cultivation technique. Pill’s strength is not comparable to Sword Pill at The Lord of the Rings. At that time, I used a power of Sword Pill. Now I think it is probably the most powerful Sword Pill since her first life. Let’s go.

If it is this power at the moment, it is really if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas…

Not to mention Nian Xikong’s thoughts at the moment, the helicopter that Zhang Heng drove had already flown over the super Mutant, and then Zhang Heng pressed the button of the airborne cannon, and suddenly a large amount of ammunition poured down.

Below, the first one is the super Mutant, but the bullet hits it, but most of the bullets are bounced off. His body seems to have an invisible armor to protect him, although sometimes there are flesh and blood, but sometimes It is obvious that the meat is not deep, which is Chu Hao’s flesh and blood, which is not much worse than the alloy steel plate! ?

“Astral Qi !”

Nian Xikong’s vision is the most poisonous. This reincarnation of many worlds, she also has the reincarnation to Low Magic and even No Magic Plane. In those worlds, the cultivation technique she can cultivate is too limited, and has to be from the lowest martial arts. Cultivation technique starts cultivation, internal cultivation from the inside out, internal cultivation, from the outside, the external force of the national art boxing, she also cultivation, and the essence of the national art boxing, or external boxing, is to improve physical fitness, to achieve Controlling its own purpose, from the outside to the inside, the body will gain a force called Astral Force because of the rapid improvement of physical fitness. This Astral Force is more similar to Battle Qi than Internal Force, except that Astral Qi has no Color, while Battle Qi is colored that’s all.

Obviously, this super Mutant’s ** has been extremely strong, although he does not have any cultivation means, but it is possible to produce Astral Force naturally. It is no wonder that when Chu Hao dissected Mutant’s body, they found that they are just flesh and blood. The body, this Astral Force must be used when the living body is alive. Once used, ** will greatly enhance the intensity, hardness, toughness, strength, and even speed. In other words, most weapons are super Mutant is invalid!

“This fuck! How can I kill this!”

Zhang Heng snarled loudly, while the speaking was an air-to-surface missile that slammed down, and the Mutant looked up and roared, but he did not dodge. He even wanted to block the air-to-surface missile. In this case, Zhang Heng was overshadowed. In the blink of an eye, a violent fire broke out. Mutant was immediately buried in the endless fire, and the Mutants standing by him were killed. The small mushroom cloud rises, this super Mutant is not dead, I am afraid it is also seriously injured.

Just as Zhang Heng thought about it, suddenly a huge roar sounded from the explosion fire, and then a huge figure rushed straight up, broke the flame, and jumped up to a height of thirty meters, already facing The helicopter approached and rushed up.

“Climb height!”

Nian Xikong’s crisp sounds, the next second, she has already slammed into the huge figure, black glow flashing, I heard a snapping sound, when Zhang Heng climbed the helicopter to the height, Nian Xikong Once again, she stood back in the cabin, but her face was very pale, her mouth had blood, and the black little sword in her hand, the black glow was obviously faded.

“Great, this is already the physical strength of the non-bad-level foreign boxing, and because it is not Human, this Astral Force is more than ten times more powerful than the human of the bad-level foreign boxing.” Nian Xikong I whispered a word, followed by a large spurt of blood, but after the blood was sprayed, her pale face was much better.

Both external boxing and internal boxing can directly reach the cultivation system of Cultivation. Naturally, there are ranks. The innate master of internal boxing is actually the Foundation of Cultivator. The so-called unity of nature and human beings is actually Foundation Establishment. In the foreign boxing, see God is not bad, this level of non-inferior level, converted to Culture is the construction period, which means that it has built a bad foundation.

In fact, this Mutant is a cultivation technique without the next step. Otherwise, according to his strong physical fitness, I am afraid that even the Golden Core has been built. Of course, such a non-human race is not a golden one. Core, is the demon, is the Demon Core, or the Inner Core, Astral Core, etc., but the meaning is actually the same.

Zhang Heng naturally doesn’t know what is not bad. When he climbs the height of the helicopter, he looks down. He sees the super Mutant roaring on the ground. He is covered in blood and has a gap and explosion wound. But it still looks like Spirit, and I don’t see the feeling of being seriously injured, and it is almost visible to the naked eye. The wound of this super Mutant is healing and healing…

“How can this be killed?”

Zhang Heng almost shouted loudly, but he did not stop moving, and he kept firing the cannonballs. He kept pressing this super Mutant, but it was only that’s all, and the super Mutant could be hard. But this hard shackles will also make him painful, so he also started dodging, and more terrifying is that this super Mutant is very powerful, grabbing what to throw, trees, cars, even those that are broken houses. The big rocks were all thrown away in the air. They were almost thrown in several times, and they were also intercepted by Nian Xikong. There was no crash, but obviously, they couldn’t kill the super Mutant.

“No, you can kill…”

Nian Xikong closed his eyes silently and then seriously said to Zhang Heng: “You will find the plane to drop the helicopter and let him jump. Then you will launch two air-to-surface missiles. I will explode on two missiles. At the same time attack… Even if his physical fitness is strong, there is no agglutination ‘Dan’ position, then the brain and heart are bound to be fatal, my sword can break Astral Qi, but only a moment of opportunity, this requires you Come and find me the opportunity… This is the only way to kill him. Can you do it?”

Zhang Heng was asked a bit of a sigh, then he smiled and said: “Dry, why don’t you do it! But you have to be careful. If it is dead, I can’t go to the strange pile below to collect the corpse. Oh.”

Nian Xikong didn’t say a word, just closed her eyes and silently condensed True-Essence Force, and converted True-Essence Force into Sword Essence, and the black sword in her hand gradually recovered the black glow, and she saw the black glow. There is a slight red thread in the middle, which looks awkward.

At this moment, Zhang Heng saw the helicopter descending down, and the super Mutant on the ground was fooled. He no longer ducked, but stood angry and roared up, and when the helicopter descended to a certain height, this only Super Mutant squats and makes an upward jump, while Zhang Heng has fired an air-to-ground missile.

Two missiles flew toward the super Mutant below, and the super Mutant just jumped up. Suddenly, two air-to-ground missiles slammed into him, while the black glow in the helicopter cabin flashed, Nian Xikong It has already rushed to the explosion of the group.

It’s too late, when it’s fast, it’s really a moment, Nian Xikong’s black sword has been turned into normal size, and she is clenched in her hand. Her whole heart has been condensed in one place, just in this flame. In the explosion light group, the black long sword stabbed forward and it was as lightning fast, but even so, the thick Astral Force was still shocking, she was almost fierce. Black, the long sword on the hand almost almost disengaged, but also her will is very tough, barely physical strength rushed up, a few moved back to the helicopter, then she was only able to stand on the ground, barely kept standing.

In the explosion fire group, when the explosion flare dissipated, a huge body that had been burned to the darkness fell from the sky, and no life was there anymore…

“Kill Super Mutant, personally get Reward Points 5,000, b-level Side-Story one, Team get Reward Points two thousand.”

When the sound of Lord God’s voice sounded in the minds of every Team Member, it also represented Super Mutant…kill!

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