Dawn Infinity

Chapter 32

Chu Hao inquired about the Enhancement Attribute he wanted, that is, the Wizard Enhancement in the dnd system. Sure enough, there is an Enhancement in this aspect in Lord God, and there is more than one.

There are four Wizard systems in the dnd system. The first is Magic Net-Access Constitution, which belongs to the Attribute Blood-Lineage type, one is Warlock Constitution, this is also the Attribute Blood-Lineage type, and the other is Demon. Constitution is also an Attribute Blood-Lineage type. It can use Spell like Magic Beast or Demon. Of course, the number of Spells is limited. Basically Warlock Constitution is very close, but each Angel uses Magic more times than Warlock Constitution. The number of Magics that can be used is less than Warlock, but the physical quality is much stronger than Warlock.

In addition to these three, there is actually a dnd Magic Attribute Enhancement, named Arcanist-Enlightened, which belongs to the knowledge class, not Blood-Lineage or Attribute.

Chu Hao brows, but my heart is full of interest in this Arcanist-Enlightened.

In the history of the Dungeons and Dragons rules, the earliest Magic users were not called Wizards, they were called Arcanist, and they used Magic instead of Wizards. By borrowing the existence of Magic Network, they can only use the prepared Magic every day. They are more like the Wizards in online games. They use a similar energy to Mana to use Magic. Advanced-Level Magic consumes more energy. Low-Level Magic consumes less energy, as long as this energy is not available. Exhausted, you can use Magic indefinitely and are not restricted by Magic Network.

In the history of the Dungeons and Dragons rules, Arcanist created a splendid Magic culture. They even cut the peaks and inverted the peaks to form Sky City. They were also proficient in Magic machinery, creating weapons that rivaled the gods. It was the most glorious time of Human, but in the rules of the Dungeons and Dungeons, Arcanist was too arrogant and attempted to replace Deity as a mortal, which led to the collapse of the Magic Network. In the end, this splendid Magic civilization was completely annihilated in time. ……

This is the history of the dragon and dungeon rules that Chu Hao has seen in the real world. In the introduction of Arcanist, he did not expect that there is an Exchange named Arcanist-Enlightened at Lord God, and the asking price is very expensive. Requires 3000Reward Points, but requires a b-level Side-Story. Once Exchange, he doesn’t have Side-Story, and then Exchange can’t need Side-Story.

In addition to these, look at the other three Enhancements, Warlock and Demon Constitution can be abandoned, he needs comprehensiveness, not to become a Fireball turret, it is not as good as Exchange dozens of high-explosive grenade, that power It’s much bigger, and the remaining Magic Net-Access Constitution is divided into three grades, one to Level 3 Magic Network, four to Level 6 Magic Network, and seven to Level 9 Magic Network, each like Summoning Necromancer. Level 1 is more expensive than Level 1, and in addition to physique, it is not as self-sufficient as Summoning Necromancer, and Magic skills need to be Exchange on their own.

And Arcanist-Enlightened Exchange… there is only one, there is no Advanced-Level Low-Level, and there is no Arcane Exchange. It is estimated that the skill still needs Exchange Magic skills. It is just such a contrast, but I don’t know the Magic Net-Access Constitution. Broken, after all, this can only be Exchange once, not as upgradeable as other Attributes, as if the potential has ended here…

Chu Hao is hesitant, his wisdom is strong, but when there is no information analysis, he also has no way to take this unknown. After all, this is his first Exchange. If the potential is here, then this 3000Reward Points and a b Even if Side-Story is in vain, you will need to re-Exchange in the future, and the next Horror-Movie World, his situation will be much more dangerous.

The only benefit is that this Arcanist-Enlightened is a knowledge-based Exchange that does not affect the Blood-Lineage class. This is a good news, and now you only need to consider whether to take the risk of being useless.

Chu Hao thought for a long time, and finally decided to Exchange this Arcanist-Enlightened, after all, abnormal things, he always felt that this Arcanist-Enlightened really a bit insider.

After a while, Chu Hao opened his eyes from Exchange. At the same time, he felt a cool feeling hovering in the body, very comfortable, can not tell the feelings, this cool, like liquid-like storage At his heart, it is not stored in Dantian as Internal Force, nor is it stored in the brain like Death-Spirit Aura, but stored in his heart.

“Is this the energy of Magic?”

Chu Hao feels the energy in the heart. Although his character is calm and has experienced too many things, it is impossible to say that he is now in the heart. This is Magic. This is the energy in the body. He is actually Excited not enough.

But apart from this energy, there is nothing else. There is neither skill nor Attribute. Even the energy in the heart can’t be mobilized. Since Attribute Enhancement, he created a room in his own room. In the quiet room, whatever he is, even if Gene Lock is turned on, he still can’t mobilize this energy. He can only feel the coolness of the cool, and even his physical fitness is not strengthened. He always has a feeling of wanting to swear. This is a pothole!

Now he still has 2500 Point Reward Points, no Side-Story, fortunately, Magic Skill Exchange, Level 5 Magic does not need Side-Story before, otherwise he can say that this is a complete Enhancement failure, nothing get.

Now Chu Hao does not delay, start to query the Magic Exchange at Lord God, the above Magic Exchange is a Magic count Exchange, according to the dnd rules, from Level 0 Magic Spell to Level 9 Magic Exchange, let Chu Hao is strange, there is no legendary Magic Exchange, but this also that’s all, Level 5 Magic before Magic does not need Side-Story, Magic Spell is 100Reward Points Exchange, Level 1 Magic is only 800Reward Points Exchange one, Level 2 Magic requires 1500Reward Points to be able to Exchange one, which is really expensive and scary.

(Those first Exchange a Magic Spell and see if I can use it.)

Chu Hao made up his mind and started to query all the Level 0 Spell lists. There are hundreds of them, which is more than the dnd rule Spell list in real world, and many of these Spell picks are really A very time consuming thing.

(It seems… you must get the Captain Authority as soon as possible. First, the automatic speed of the query, and the second is to know what the next Horror-Movie is, otherwise there is no Captain Authority, it is really troublesome and dangerous. )

Chu Hao has a constant thought and still rummaging through the useful Level 0 Magic Spell. After a while, he found a Magic Spell, Mage Hand, also known as Magic Hand. He can use it. Form an invisible palm, about ten meters away from the body, pick up something about five to ten pounds of weight, in some cases, this Spell is likely to change the battle to win or lose.

When Chu Hao Exchange took this Magic skill, almost a moment, a strange feeling came faintly. Under the subconscious, he felt that he could use Mage Hand, but he didn’t wait for him to feel it carefully, suddenly his heart The cold energy in the water went straight up, and instantly rushed into his mind, smashing the strange feeling, just like a bead smashed in his mind, a lot of knowledge almost buried his consciousness. .

After a few minutes, Chu Hao was completely recovered, and his face showed an indescribable ecstasy.

He can no longer use Mage Hand. When he was Exchange Mage Hand, he was already connected to the Magic Network. The Magic Network sent him to use the Mage Hand’s Authority, which is actually the Attribute of the Magic Net-Access Constitution, but Before he used Mage Hand, the energy in his heart shattered the Authority. No, it was not smashed, it should be dissected.

Yes, in a few minutes, he knew how to use Mage Hand, including Hand-Sign, Incantation, and Spell 3D Matrix, and directly printed this knowledge in his mind, only he needs to understand and Memories are fine, there is no need to worry that this knowledge will be forgotten.

How is a Spell happening and using it?

First of all, you must use your own consciousness to form Spell-Matrix, that is, to think about the structure of this Spell-Matrix in your mind, much like those in the fantasy, the view in Xian Xia’s book. In Chu Hao’s view, this structure is actually very Like the electronic panel of modern electronics, the Rune and images in Spell-Matrix are the parts of this electronic board. When Spell-Matrix is ​​constructed with a very clear mind in mind, this is just the first step to successfully implement Spell. step.

This is followed by Hand-Sign or Incantation. Of course, some Magics only have Hand-Sign, some Magic only have Incantation, and some Magic have both. What is the use of Hand-Sign and Incantation? In Chu Hao’s point of view, it should be the energy-on button, which is the key to mobilizing energy into the Spell-Matrix. At this point, Spell has actually formed and can be used.

If it is Magic Network, in fact, the first two steps are saved, all replaced by Magic Network, only the user needs to obtain this Magic with Authority, and then use Spiritual Force to boot out, but the Authority of the Magic Network is limited. That is, how many times the number of times can be used per day, and the energy in the body is different. As long as the energy is not exhausted, then Magic can be used without limit, and this is the difference between Arcanist and Magic Net-Access Constitution.

It seems that the Magic Net-Access Constitution is more convenient, but Chu Hao knows that what is really important is knowledge and knowledge about Magic. This is what Chu Hao really wants…

A best step from the passage of everything to the sacred ladder, a change in life by knowledge…

Arcane Knowledge !


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