Dawn Infinity

Chapter 329

“I don’t know if you have studied Plane, you haven’t…”

The five youth men and women at the lawn suddenly suddenly said that the calmness of the person suddenly spoke.

The other four people all showed a strange expression. The man with the hippie hairstyle immediately said: “Captain, do you tease us? This is the basic subject, you have to go to college to study, at least you have to take Level 8 in college. Yes, do you think we are all the wastes that go to the back door?”

When it comes to the word waste, the five people are laughing at Hehe.

The Human society of Great-Desolate Continent is also rich and poor, and the gap is not small. Where is it? It is reflected in the major aspects of eating, using, and living. Seriously speaking, it is similar to other Humans in Plane. Although in the Great Desolate Human society, even if you are a waste from small to large, nothing will happen. Even if you have never been to school, you can live a good life, travel every day, eat mountain and seafood, play interracial women, play network Virtual Reality games, etc. You can also live in other Plane’s Human life. But the gap is there after all.

For example, the delicacies you eat are only grown on a large scale by Spiritual Qi, which is similar to the food produced by roadside snacks, while the rich can eat those Great-Desolate Continent wild, and those who have money can eat those Great- Desolate Continent, the richest ones, can even eat other Plane foods and so on.

For example, if you live, you have no money, you can live in a street villa allocated by the government, or you can apply for a community house in a remote area of ​​some tourist resorts. These can be, but you want to live in Sanqingshan, or Hongjun Pavilion, Pangu Plain. These high-end residential areas, you have to spend a lot of money, more money can live in thirty-three days, the richest can even live up to thirty-three days, this is the difference.

As for the use of it is even simpler, you have no money, you use the popular type of equipment, such as the rich man playing Virtual Reality with a type A road game machine, and you can only use the C type, or even Those who are outside the T-shape, such as the transportation of the door, the rich people can use the latest models, or even directly buy a variety of spirits, and you can only use the most common models, facing the beast What is the drooling.

These are real gaps, and the second generation of the rich second generation does exist. These are not necessary for the Imperial Court regime and the Human of Great-Desolate Continent. Everyone, the whole society I know, but no one is envious. Even if someone envy and hate, it is only a very small number in society. Such people will be despised by others because the rich have the right to rely on themselves. Ability, or the strength of their ancestors, you can say that you have no strength, you say that you are sour, and you are envious of hatred. This is the garbage that will never be strong, that’s all.

These wealthy people have the right to use their money and rights to get some convenience that ordinary people can’t get. For example, the wastes they mentioned just now are, they have no ability, or they just play, and they don’t study hard. If you can’t get into the university from college, you can use their money and power to run inside to gilt that’s all and get a diploma.

But this is useless! Strength, reliability, and knowledge are their own. This is not the Human society like No Magic Plane. This is Great-Desolate Continent!

Human’s power system is numerous, but there are two summed up, one is Gene Lock, the other is Culture, or Magic. These two systems, Gene Lock, require personal qualifications, beliefs and experiences, and qualifications allow them to solve quickly. With Gene Lock, the belief can make it rely on Gene Lock to be powerful and live, while the experience can make its mind settle, and finally reach the point of transforming Heart-Light.

What Culture needs is knowledge, precipitation, and most important computing power.

No matter which kind of system is strong, money and power are just sidelines, and the 1% of importance is less than that. I know that Imperial Court has already decrypted all the knowledge of Culture. There is no family with unique Culture. In the case of cultivation techniques, and the orthodox Cultivator does not look at your cultivation techniques at all, it depends on your breadth of knowledge, depth, and the power of computational power, and Gene Lock is not to mention, if you don’t have that The heart is like the vastness of the sea, there is no such belief that you will die, and there is no such experience that you will never look back. Then you may solve the Second-Step Gene Lock for the most part of your life. These are not the money and the power. Come.

This is not a society like No Magic Plane. Maybe you are now having the right to have money. It is a generation of n generations, and it will suppress a person who contradicts you, forcing him to drop out of school or resign, even experiencing blood hatred. After a few decades, you have forgotten this, an expert with Heart-Light, even Saint, or Immortal has come directly to your family, something like this in the history of Imperial Court. Yes, once and twice three times… After n times, the rich and powerful people who are still doing this are directly 2b, and even the more so, the descendants of the rich and powerful will become more and more low-key, the more similar to civilians Children, this is a blood-like lesson, so many people who invaded other Plane, see those of Planet’s so-called online novels, the children of the Culture or Magic family are so arrogant, brazenly oppressing civilians, this will only make intruders It’s incredible… this is not No Magic Plane, it’s a Culture or a Magic Plane, who knows if you’re blaming a future Saint or Immortal ? Can the family who dare to do so still pass on? This is simply too fucking.

The Great Desolate Human Society is such a world. There is an infinite number of possible futures as long as your personal ability is sufficient. A person who abandons the enjoyment of the world and pursues his dreams will not be stupid or neurotic. On the contrary, it is respected and worshipped by all, and there, your father’s wealth has the right to simply not represent anything, even because you are personally incapable, you can only get rid of your teeth because you It is a waste.

The five people present are the elites in the same class in the same year. They can naturally blame those who rely on the money to enter the school. In fact, even if they are heard by the parties, the wastes will not dare to refute them. Because this is the fact, a powerful child who runs gilded, can compare with the elite who are admitted to school? If both sides are really upset, it is estimated that it is possible to learn to directly retreat this powerful child.

In fact, any Human who has been admitted to the three universities is already an elite of the Great Desolate Human. The three Great Desolate Human top schools, including teachers and students, have more than 60 million people, compared to the annual statistics. The total population of Great Desolate is 7,880 trillion Human. These are really elites in the elite. They need to have a preschool for 12 years, a basic elementary school for 16 years, and a senior for 22 years. In high school, 30 years of high school, and finally 60 years of college life. If you have all read it and finally graduated with honors after 60 years of college, this is the case. You can take the entrance exams of the three universities, and all five of them are here. Their actual age is over 100 years old. Of course, for Great-Desolate Continent Human, it is almost No Magic Plane. The seventeen-year-old youth.

In the examinations of the three universities, Plane is a must-have subject. The words of calming youth are actually just a head. The true meaning is very simple, that is, what he wants to say next. “Then I will make a long story short. The Plane study on Standard Plane is limited, even if it relies on the Cultivator to calculate, even if it relies on the strength of Advanced-Level Saint to locate the possibility of finding the Standard Plane in the multiverse.” They are too low and too low, one billionth of a mile, unless you rely on the legendary god list, or Lord God to locate, this may really find the Standard Plane.” Shen Youyou said silently.

The Yellow-Skin girl immediately said: “Captain, we have already known this. The gods list has already broken and disappeared into history. This is not to be thought of. As for Lord God, those thugs, terrorists, we lost the initial Under the rotation of the team, they also had good thoughts and were ready to give them the Great Desolate Human identity. As a result, they were envious, ruining how many Plane troops, how many Plane teams, and even directly attacking our homeland. How innocent The people were killed by them, and the death and injury were heavy. Those people have never left Great Desolate for the rest of their lives. Most of them are quiet labor and survival, but they are killed like this… I will never forgive these beasts!”

At the end of the day, the Yellow-Skin girl’s tears fell, and the White-Skin girl next to her also fell into tears, and the three men were all red and silent.

Silence youth began to speak again: “Because of this, under the referendum, all the forces related to Lord God are not in the same place, the three great eternal life will be chased by our Great Desolate, the Great Desolate, go to death, Lord God Team, they are grace death… I don’t think this is actually this. I just mentioned that Standard Plane’s research is limited, but some scholars have put forward some speculations and assumptions, specifically, the derivative of Standard Plane. Plane has two points of inheritance and non-inheritance.”

“About inheritance, almost all the changes that naturally occur in this Plane will be reflected to all derived Planes, such as this Plane. If the Black-Skin system was launched during the ancient Egyptian era, then this Plane series must be Black. -Skin is the dominant, if it is strong to the end by the Yellow-Skin mythology, then the Yellow-Skin is the dominant, and the White-Skin is also the same. These are the inheritance of the Standard Plane to the derived Plane. The most is the details, and then the world changes…”

“And Standard Plane’s non-inheritance, that is, when the change of Standard Plane is caused by the outside Plane, its changes will not be inherited, that is, when a Standard Plane is alienated, or by Lord God Team, or Great Desolate, or if it is killed or killed by our Great Desolate, no matter what the change is, it will not affect the derivative Plane, as if it has never happened before, except that it will be derived from it. In addition to the Plane’s outside Plane, the derivative Plane will not change. This latest research is quite famous. Have you seen it?”

Three of the other four raised their hands and signaled that they had actually seen the study. Only the hippie youth was a little red, as if he had not read this research article.

At this time, Shen You suddenly said: “This research report is not finished… There are follow-ups, but because it is too bizarre, it is not recognized by other scholars. This is not published. I am also from one. I saw it by chance. That is, the scholar believes that if the outsider who caused the change of Standard Plane goes to the derivative Plane again, then the derivative Plane will be considered as accidental, coincidental, and the power of destiny. The uncertainty of the influence of Wei Li produces similar or even the same changes as Standard Plane, whether this outsider is all of its personnel, or one of them, it will be…”

The four thought slowly about this passage. After a long time, the Yellow-Skin girl said: “Captain, you mean, you think the world will be the same as the world of 18,000, with the Lord God Team. To stop us Great Desolate and eventually cause Great Desolate to be sealed? But it has been over 18,000 years, and the ‘Tao Standard’ is our Human Emperor after all, he is angry enough once, how could he be The people are so cruel? If you seal it again, I really can’t imagine what Great Desolate will become…”

Silent smile slightly, then said: “I don’t think that the original personnel are still alive. After all, except for the two, the original Reincarnation Team has all been eliminated. It is impossible for the original personnel to exist. However, you also Knowing my character, I like to calculate all the disadvantages… We have to hold this Plane coordinate point for three days. We don’t have any support during these three days, so I will assume that the world has a Reincarnation Team. In order to carry out the operational arrangements for three days, I decided…”

“We set out to simplify the fourth edition of the Great-Desolate Ten-Thousand Beasts Array, which drove the Great Desolate creatures to violently. So, is there really a Reincarnation Team? We will soon know.”

The silent man stood up silently, and he murmured: “I am one of the reincarnation candidates, Human Third Sage, you only need to continue to trust me as before…”

“It’s that simple!”

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