Dawn Infinity

Chapter 334

In a closed building room, everyone carried a large number of computers and various appliances into it, and there was a generator at hand. After entering, everyone quickly closed the door, and at this moment, it was clear that everyone was awkward. The clothes are damaged and have blood. Although it is not serious, it is very embarrassing.

This group of people is exactly the Chu Hao line. After they came to this area, they searched for a suitable location as a command. This is also dangerous. Those alien monsters are actually nothing to the Reincarnation Team. However, they are too many in number. All the way, everyone is rushing in the battle, there is no big injury, and there are small injuries, so when you get here, you will be embarrassed.

This is a presidential suite on the top floor of a hotel. The facilities in the room are really complete, and the room is quite big. The key is that it can be completely enclosed, so that the fog and creatures outside can’t get in. When everyone gets here, they are all relaxed, then Only then can you feel your own injury.

Chu Hao was eager to assemble the appliances and computers, and was connected to the network of the room. Of course, the entire area has been powered off, and there is no current and information in this room.

However, Chu Hao was still rushing to do all this, and connected the power generation equipment to the computer system. Then, he took out a small metal bead from his arms, about the size of a thumb, round and silver. , but that’s all that’s all, no other vision exists.

But when such a small bead was brought to Chu Hao’s hand and it was close to these computers, everyone had a feeling that these computers and some of the surrounding appliances seemed to be alive, seeming to have life, they They are all approaching this bead, and there is a feeling of wanting to possess or devour the bead.

But when Chu Hao put the beads together by hand, all the feelings disappeared instantly, the computer was still a computer, and the appliances or utensils, the people around them came back, and everyone looked at them involuntarily. Computers and appliances, Zhang Heng asked in a hurry: “Just what happened? What Magic did you use? Or what made Exchange from Lord God?”

“No, it’s Meme…”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “This bead is the source of Meme. To be exact, this bead, and another thing, can be called Meme Meme, which was obtained by the Rebel Organization more than four years ago. A Meme, at that time, in order to solve the disaster caused by Meme, we killed more than 10,000 people in various countries and used the weapons of the cloud bomb level to solve the problem. This Meme is divided into two parts, one is a This small bead, but it is not harmful to Human or any creatures. If it is just taken on a biological hand, it is an ordinary small bead.”

“Then part of the Meme’s other organization b, this component is any metal creation, it sounds, it is creation, not pure metal, that is, pure iron, copper, and even alloys do not belong to b, But to make it, such as making it into a weapon, making it into a computer, making it into a door, what is a creation, and b is an aggregate of these metal creations, and it can be integrated into any creation. Use its functions, such as a computer, you can use the computer function, you can use the phone function, you can use the gun function, you can use the gun function, even the missile nuclear bomb, it also has these functions, change In other words, the more it blends, the stronger the function!”

“When a exists alone and is shielded, no Meme utility is produced. When b is present alone, there is no contact with a, it is a bunch of broken appliance aggregates, and there is no abnormality, but when the two are in contact, the resulting Things have evolution, intelligence, and mobility, so the Rebel Organization named this Meme the soul of the machine, meaning all the mechanical soul, and another, when a is not shielded, and does not touch b, it has a feature …that is to lure all other metal creations, and it will have interesting effects.”

Speaking of this, Chu Hao chuckled, opened his hands, and suddenly, the people around him had the wonderful feeling just now. These computers, all kinds of creations, as if they had life, are eager for this bead. But when I looked at it, I found that everything around me didn’t move at all, just had this feeling that’s all.

“Start up.”

Chu Hao is holding the beads in his hand, faintly speaking to the computer placed in front.

Suddenly, this computer actually sounded the sound of the boot. In fact, if you don’t look at it with your eyes, you can use your eyes to look at it, and you will even see that the computer is shaking its tail… The computer shakes the tail? This is an international joke! ?

But this is the case. This computer does not have any voice control function, but it is Chu Hao’s simple words. Is this computer automatically turned on? This is incredible, or impossible!

“I didn’t use any Magic or abilities. Except for a very ordinary speech, nothing else was done. As you can see, it is this computer that did all this.”

Chu Hao while speaking, he handed the bead to Zhang Heng, and Zhang Heng was very interested in picking it up and said directly to the computer: “Shutdown!”

In the voice, the computer suddenly turned itself off, and Zhang Heng’s face immediately showed a eccentric expression. He held the bead and said, “Power on! Right, turn it on quickly! Clean up the disk garbage! Then …… Yes, play av! What else… How about giving me a dance?”

I knew that Zhang Heng was funny and funny, but I didn’t expect him to be so funny and funny. The people around him showed a strange expression, and Chu Hao changed his face and hurried forward to take down Zhang Heng. The beads in your hand, while yelled: “Zhang Heng, are you funny?? This thing is not used this way, otherwise our Rebel Organization has long been…”

In the voice, everyone saw with their own eyes that several computers beside the computer, as well as some of the nearby appliances, even including the gasoline generator set, all jumped directly, as if there was any power to control them. In this way, he directly pointed to the computer that was turned off and shut down. Chu Hao saw this, only sighed, one hand, and a Mage Hand wall shrouded the objects, followed by a loud explosion, that The computer was smashed and exploded, and the power of the explosion was not strong, but it also destroyed the devices around it.

Everyone looked at the result slyly, and Chu Hao glanced at Zhang Heng. This said: “Can you not be so funny in the future!? This incomplete soul Meme has great limitations. That is when you make too many orders for the same metal creation, this will cause other metal creations to have a feeling of envy and hatred, which will cause them to directly destroy the ordered metal creation! You are amused! I want these appliances! You and I are responsible for getting back new ones!”

Zhang Heng’s face was frustrated and excited. He leaned over his face and said with a flattering admiration: “Captain… I said Captain, this time I was wrong. How about you borrowing this bead?” It’s so handsome, I thought of some fun ways!”


After that, Chu Hao took the lead and walked out of the room, and Zhang Heng followed suit. When they had left the room and came to the corridor, Chu Hao said seriously: “The speed is faster, Zhang Heng, You almost broke the major event… Seriously, Nian Xikong Their situation and danger are all solved by our speed. The chip is a thing that directly blends the bead, that is, the chip can be considered Part B of the soul of Meme, I understand this? I have to order the computer, command the network cable, and then connect to the base, even if there is no physical connection with the outside world, but as long as the chip is there, the soul Meme will automatically The external line that produces the physical connection must be hurry…”

“This is our only hope!”

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