Dawn Infinity

Chapter 346

There are still twelve hours from The Mist World Invasion…

There are still twelve hours from the unique unique Plane invasion…

Twenty-four hours, according to common sense, is simply not enough to organize a war, but this time the situation is really special, one is the consequences of nuclear bombardment, and the other is the consequences of The Mist world invasion. For the first time, the various politicians who were slow to respond were so desperate, the negotiation of interests was completed within 12 hours, and the rest was to wait for the process and result of the invasion.

However, Chu Hao and others have felt the enthusiasm of the US military in the base within these 12 hours. They know that the real world has no different ability or Mutant, and the Americans love to imagine such surreal. Hero, this may be the romance of a man. Now such a character appears in front of them, and more in line with their fantasies, the lonely hero who returns from the future, the hero who is willing to pay his life to stop this catastrophe. The characters are really in line with the fantasies of these American soldiers, heroism, sacrificialism, and romanticism. It can be said that this is the ultimate dream of men, especially the military, who sacrificed at the moment of the victory of the war, and then stayed forever. In our hearts!

And the key point is that among Chu Hao’s group, Chu Hao is the kind of unspoken General-style character, while the rest are mostly civilians withability. This is simply too much for their taste. As in the TV series, in the contradiction, life and death struggle, the image of the ordinary person who sacrificed was chosen. It can be said that it is because Team Members and Chu Hao have different images, which makes them the future warrior. The identity is more realistic and more credible.

In this case, find them to sign, find them to take a group photo, and even find them to talk about, the American soldiers looking for them to see the powers abound, and under the direction of Chu Hao, everyone also basically satisfied these American troops. The demands and hopes of the soldiers, of course, some excessive demands were rejected, such as asking for love from the crowd, some men wooing Bilis, some women wooing Zhang Heng, and men wooing Zhang Heng. There are women who ask for love from Bilis…

“Good terrifying… they invited me to take a shower, then I saw with my own eyes that each of them brought a piece of soap, terrifying, terrifying, terrifying…”

Zhang Heng huddled in the corner of the seat, trembled around, whispering in his head, while the rest of the people were not as exaggerated as he was, but the expression was very wrong, especially the Bilis eyes were a bit sluggish. The face was a little pale, and I didn’t know what she was doing.

Only Chu Hao, cold face, faceless, military posture satisfactorily, so a look at the front of the window, everyone at this moment sitting on several military jeep, is following a tank of the US military The division moved forward together. This tank division was also one of the units that the United States entered into the Mist area. In the center of the tank division, it was a strategic-grade hydrogen warhead loaded by a large long truck. It is also the largest equivalent-level strategic nuclear weapon that the United States can find.

Taking the tank division as the core, the front has already started first is a mechanized infantry division of the US military, as well as airborne helicopters and ground-to-air self-propelled gun clusters, etc. It can be said that this is an armed tooth. The most advanced army in the 21st century, and the same army has nine, each entering the The Mist region from six directions, the total number of troops exceeds six hundred thousand, which can be said to be from the second world great war, There has been such a large-scale coalition in many countries.

But… For such a large-scale army, Chu Hao is not optimistic about the fate of these soldiers.

The first and most important one is that The Mist has the effect of all the current contact methods on the screen. The reason for this shielding is still unknown, but even the Spiritual-Force Scan can be shielded. When the Human army enters it, it will lose the biggest weapon of the modern army. Any visible distance will be full of unknowns. As long as the enemy is encountered, it must be a sudden encounter. In the visual environment such as The Mist, the effect of firearms on close encounters is not obvious. The horrors in The Mist The creatures are not vegetarian, and the situation is superimposed. The science and army of these six hundred thousand people are still unable to level the The Mist area by crushing.

What’s more, there is the unique and unique Plane’s Human in it. God knows that the incomplete Great-Desolate Ten-Thousand Beasts Array can achieve the power of the original array. If Summoning has a special fantasy Divine Beast, then these never An army that has adapted to a similar combat mode is likely to collapse. After all, the liaison between the military has been interrupted. The superior order cannot reach the lower ranks of the army. Only the most basic non-commissioned officers command, and they do not know when they encounter the situation. The retreat, the coordinated operation, or the in-situ defense, Chu Hao can already imagine the chaos of the army after entering The Mist, even if he has already told the situation to various countries, he still does not Any hope…

Now his only hope is that his Team Member can give more strength, and the army of these countries is more likely to be a cannon fodder…

What if the Reincarnation Army he designed had such a situation? Can he achieve the final result with minimal sacrifice? Or… even the Reincarnation Army is just… cannon fodder?

Just as Chu Hao had a face and thought about it, another battle had already begun. That was the huge metal creature that the nuclear missile base had. It was step by step, but it was extremely accurate and near its position. In one case, the US team has already placed a defensive position in front of it, ready to annihilate the unknown metal.

In a valley far away from the army, Nian Xikong was lurking there with Tom, burning a bonfire in front of them, roasting a bison on the campfire, and grilling many skewers next to the campfire, while Nian Xikong While eating the meat skewers, I used the branches to insert the buffalo to see if the meat was cooked, and Tom looked at it with a very strange look. After a long time, he said: “Elder Sister Nian… Please don’t go every time. The first thing in a place is to order a bonfire to bake food. If you do this, it will really make me feel very surprised.”

Nian Xikong paused with the action of the skewers. Her frowns seemed to be thinking about Tom’s words. After a long time, she finally nodded as if she had made a difficult decision. This said: “I understand… ”

Just when Tom relaxed and wanted to say something joke to ease the atmosphere, Nian Xikong continued: “It is good for you to eat more fruits and vegetables, but the world’s fruits and vegetables are too nutritious. If you eat meat, it is best. Seafood, although it is more troublesome to prepare, but I have to eat barbecue, I am a little tired, next time we will change the taste.”

“… Wait, wait a minute, Elder Sister Nian, I really don’t mean that…”

Tom almost lifted his hand, and then he saw Nian Xikong’s eyes that looked at him seriously. He finally nodded with a sigh of relief: “Well, what do you say, how can I do it? I have no opinion… … Having said that, why do we have to hide here? Is there any secret action to be carried out?”

Nian Xikong nodded affirmatively: “This is the last Quest that Chu Hao told me. Then we have to go to the Plane connection in The Mist. This time, you don’t have to participate, you only need to be here. I will be able to wait.”

Tom was curious and curious: “What Quest is this time? Elder Sister Nian is it alone?”

“Well, I am alone, as for Quest…”

Nian Xikong said if he had smashed the military position, “As he had expected, the army began to assemble and prepare to block the front of the position, and the living body formed by Meme would be more because of the position. Going there with the metal found up, my Quest is when they are fighting…”

“Recapture Meme!”

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