Dawn Infinity

Chapter 349

The information gathered from the front has become more and more, because The Mist blocks the characteristics of the news. As early as entering the Mist area, ten countries have formed each other’s express intelligence units. This unit exists for the purpose of specialization. Ten countries are passing information to each other, but in fact, this kind of intelligence transmission is quite backward, and it is very inaccurate. If you don’t say anything, how do you know that other countries’ positions are in addition to their own countries? that? Is it going forward, or is it going backwards? This way, it will be dead.

But there is no way to do the last thing, so they have to adopt such a backward way to communicate, and Chu Hao and others have received various information in front of them.

At this moment, it has been nearly three hours since the first unit entered the The Mist area. The speed of advancement is slower than expected. The key is that the monsters in The Mist began to counterattack, and it was an organized counterattack, first encountered. It was the Russian army that attacked them. They almost went backwards until they joined the Australian army behind them. This finally resisted the rout, but they found that the monsters that had attacked them had disappeared. not see.

Next, the French team also encountered the same monster wave attack, but the French team’s heavy armored forces topped up, finally withstood the attack of the monster tide, but have not waited for them with this monster wave In the event of any subsequent war, this monster wave has also disappeared into The Mist…

“Obviously, the other party has discovered that our communication and reconnaissance in The Mist can’t be done. Here we are blind is the blind, and they use the advantage of The Mist to break through!”

An elderly chief of staff smashed the table with his hand. He was a high-ranking person in the US and had sufficient capacity. This time, he had one of his six-way strategy. Tickets, so the situation is like a slap in the face, which makes him angry and can not wait to personally take the gun to the front.

Another old-aged staff officer shook his head and pointed at the map and said: “After the two armies were defeated, there is still room for counterattack. The attacking monsters are not too many, at best, In the tens of thousands to the hundred thousand, and most of them should be similar to the Mutation spider, the large flies, the giant mites are estimated to have fewer creatures, otherwise it is not only as simple as the defeat, but also mentioned in the intelligence. A large part of the monsters show a rise in temperature, an increase in physical fitness, a greater power, and a faster speed. If you want to come, this should be a certain degree of strength, and it is estimated that it will not be too long, but now it is giving us too Great pressure.”

The rest of the staff officers are equally attached. They are all experienced staff officers. They are really at a glance at the battlefield situation. Even the enemy’s plan is imaginable, but it’s a pity that it’s one thing, how? Solving is another matter, at least for now, the immediate predicament is almost impossible to solve.

Chu Hao was sinking and looked at the map. After a long time, he said quietly: “The other party does not know our existence, and they should not have a wide range of investigation methods.”

The people around me stunned, and a staff officer asked curiously: “Oh? Why do you say that if the people in The Mist world don’t have the technology, how do they find each of our military, and how? Let those monsters hide in The Mist?”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “The Mist world’s intelligent creatures, they do have large-scale inspection techniques, which have been confirmed in the future, but at the beginning of the first invasion, the record of this period will be early in the future. It has disappeared, even the Savior can’t recall it, only sporadic memories can be pieced together, so we don’t know whether the current The Mist World Pioneer Team has the extensive exploration technology in The Mist, only able to investigate from the current situation… …”

“First of all, the monsters are attacking the fastest, and the farthest army in the Mist area, although it may be a little bad… but it is better to break the finger, if the other person directs the monster army With a little military common sense, it is possible to lure the Russian army and the French army deeply, and then surround the annihilation with the number of monsters. In the case of close penetration, Human is unable to compare with these monsters. It is very likely that we will completely lose two armies, instead of knowing the emergence of the Monster Legion as before, and we can make defenses in advance. This is one of them.”

“The second is us. In any case, our team is very special. This huge nuclear warhead is proof. If The Mist world pioneer has a wide range of investigation capabilities, then we have already exposed With The Mist, they can completely control the monsters interspersed between the army and the army, and carry out a sudden attack on us. As a result, all our plans will fail, and they have not done so, combining the above three points, I think the pioneers of The Mist world don’t have a wide range of searchability right now. They are more likely to know where monsters are being killed, and then centered on them to figure out the whole battlefield form. Why did Russia and the French team first attacked?”

The rest of the staff were also surrounded, listening to Chu Hao’s analysis, looking at the map, studying the possibility, and waiting for a moment, these staff members finally confirmed this possibility, and given this possibility Many staff officers have made some military adjustment plans, and are still planning related counterattack strategies.

In terms of war tactics, this is actually Chu Hao’s old line. What he is best at is actually this kind of thing. Therefore, in the discussion of the military plan of the staff officers, he is really like a fisherman, and the staff officers and officers around him. He is also more and more admired for him. These people are thinking about it. They are the old Generals who have returned from the future. After a hundred battles, the intuition of the battlefield is terrifying. Under such thinking, Chu Hao gradually gained A certain dominant position, at least his words made this American team more important.

“…The basic situation is like this. At present, the information asymmetry between the enemy and the enemy has caused the situation. If you have played some real-time strategy games of your time, then the current situation is the so-called war The Mist. The two sides, one side opened the permanent war The Mist, while the other side did not exist after the exploration of The Mist, but the other party is not a global vision, which basically belongs to the category of blind chess.”

“We are playing chess with our eyes closed. The whole world can only rely on memory, and we can’t see each other’s pieces. The other side is playing chess with our eyes open. We can see the pieces we have already played. The overall situation is very unfavorable to us. But we also have the advantage. We have more chess pieces than the other side, and the other party can only see the pieces we have now gone out of, we can’t see the pieces we are hiding, and we are going to take that step, so this situation under……”

Chu Hao took a hard shot between the Russian army, the French team, and the current Z** team in front of the US military. Then he said, “Let’s let us change our disadvantages into favorable places.” Here, what about the next big game?”

“Unfavorable to change into profitable?”

The surrounding officers obviously did not understand. One of the staff officers was curious and asked: “I can understand that it is the current environment of The Mist. Excuse me, what is the disadvantage of this?”

“At least, the new army soldiers will not lose morale and collapse because of the monsters in front. Isn’t it? When they find out, they are already in the battlefield. At that time, in addition to fighting, there is no need to worry about morale in a short time. What is the crash? This is actually our advantage.” Chu Hao said so.

The officers next to them did not speak for a long time. Although this was not very good, the soldiers were regarded as consumables, but those who could sit here to plan war strategies had already left the cannon fodder level, and they were more able to understand the compassion. According to the pawn, in modern warfare, when the scale of war is large enough, the so-called death toll is just a number that’s all, and all the soldiers in the eyes of high-level personnel are really just consumables, so this is the case at present. The same applies to the war.

“…so, if we only use human life to fight, we can’t even find the enemy there, but if we don’t take human life as a human life, in this place, we only need to do this… just fine, then, Just look at what the people in The Mist world are going to do, just to delay the time, or to swear at us…”

Chu Hao raised his hand from a certain place on the map. He didn’t know when he had put on the flat glasses that he had taken out of his arms. The words he just said were spoken when he wore the flat glasses. Therefore, this is plain, cold, and has no emotional fluctuations. It seems that he really ignores the players of all life. In this state, he does not let the staff or officers panic and fear, but instead let them have An awe-inspiring feeling is about the same kind of military personnel who have not participated in the war. It is almost the same admiration for the attitude of the veterans of the field to ignore life and death.

“The basic situation is like this. Now… counterattack.”

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