Dawn Infinity

Chapter 35

This Quest…

“Fuck Lord God !”

Even with the calmness of Chu Hao, I still couldn’t help but whisper when I saw this Quest.

In fact, Chu Hao reacted after seeing this Quest for a few seconds. It seems to be a very easy Quest, but in fact this Quest is really life! And it is a terrible Quest!

Daybreakers Movie’s protagonist Edward Dalton is a Vampire and a very important Vampire. He is a blood expert who specializes in the largest blood supply group in the United States. He is the core expert in the research of Human blood substitutes. He goes to the city Vampire every day. Intensive places to work, there are thousands of Vampires there, and for Human… is the “dairy cow” of this supply group!

Everything else is that’s all, that one can’t leave the distance of the protagonist at a distance of one kilometer. Once it is more than immediate, it is a desperate situation! How to complete this Quest? How is it possible to complete this Quest? Do you want them to follow the protagonist to the city, and then see Vampire to kill? With eight people in front, and five newbie Reincarnation Teams to do a war! ?

“Fuck Lord God !”

Chu Hao was cursed again. When he looked up, he saw that J and Ares had already watched the watch. J still had some memories, and Ares seemed to understand something. His face was already a bit blue.

“The very dangerous Quest, the specific situation will be discussed in detail, in one sentence, it is absolutely impossible to meet him before the protagonist Edward Dalton sees Lionel Cormac, otherwise… this Quest will let us out! As for the deduction of 3000Reward Points …I have to plan carefully, there is always a solution!”

Chu Hao said in a hurry, he had already produced several plans to recover the deducted Reward Points. It was really impossible… just to have a terrorist attack. This is good at him, even more than the already dead Arab Osage. Good at, big deal, finally come to a city big blast, in short, this Quest is an absolute trap, never be able to step in!

Speaking for a moment, the five people on the ground have been waking up one after another, but beyond the expectations of the three, the first thing to wake up is actually the Yellow-Skin Asian you, and the way he wakes up makes the three people jump and see him. When the body trembled slightly, then suddenly turned up and popped a small handcuff from his sleeve. The handcuffs had been slammed into the standing three.

(This action, this reaction… This person is not an ordinary person, is a soldier? Mercenary? Or something else?)

“Hey, buddy, be careful, we just wake up from the ground, but wake up more than you, be careful not to shoot it out.” Chu Hao immediately waved his hand, actually blocking j and Ares with a gun behind him. Said to this youth.

The eyes of the youth were slightly blurred, but they quickly returned to normal. He looked at the three people in front of him coldly and looked at the four people on the ground, and the corners of his eyes also observed the situation around him. Slowly, He just put his hand down, but the bow on his wrist didn’t close up.

“Where is this, why am I here?” the youth asked immediately.

Just as he asked questions, the four people on the ground were also waking up. They were two men and two women. The two men were a blonde youth, a brown fat big man, and two women were ten years old. Students, and seeing their school uniforms, seem to be students of the same school. They look very beautiful, but one looks like a short hair and one looks like a long hair.

“Ah! Who are you? Where is this place!?” The long-haired girls of the two girls shouted as soon as they woke up, and moved desperately behind them.

The short-haired girl immediately hugged her, and watched the rest of the people with vigilance: “Don’t be afraid, Mary, don’t be afraid, I am here… Who are you? What do you want to do with us?”

Chu Hao is a little speechless, because this scene is really a bit strange. If I use the perspective of these two girls to interpret it, it is like a group of perverted men kidnapping two flowery girls and then going to the suburbs to rape something, so He immediately said: “You don’t want to mess, two ladies, we don’t want to be like you. Please relax now. In fact, we only came to this place and only wake up from the ground.”

The four people looked at him with unbelief. Only the Asian, who frowned his head, looked up and down. “He didn’t say anything wrong. He really got up from the ground. As for whether he wakes up, I don’t.” Got it.”

The rest of the people looked at this thing with suspicion, and this youth’s cool expression did not move: “I am a killer, good at observing the terrain and details, so I can see that he really wakes up from the ground. This is absolutely true, believe me.”


This is not only the four people were shocked, even Ares and j are also a kind of eyes shined feeling, to know that now is the beginning of Team, the team can have more powerful people, this will survive the future Team It’s really good, but it’s really a killer. It’s really a very gratifying thing.

Chu Hao frowned. He began to recall the killers he was familiar with in his mind. The famous characters in the killer world, but the famous killer is not the same. He is too young, it seems that only about 20 One or two years old, maybe there is a baby face, but the actual young is absolutely only twenty years old, such a killer… It seems that there is no such one in the famous killer.

However, this is not the most important thing in front of him. Chu Hao coughed and said: “Everyone is quiet first. Listen carefully to me. This is not kidnapping, nor is it a joke. It is not a TV station mischief. The specific information should already be In your mind, please remember carefully…”

The five people in the room were all a glimpse. Suddenly, the expressions of the five people were a bit fascinating. It seems that there is a huge amount of information in their minds. After a while, the fat middle-aged man shouted first. I got up and said: “I don’t believe it! I absolutely don’t believe in such a thing! Is it what medicine you have given me? I have seen a lot of TV movies. Yes, you must have given me what medicine to take. I thought it was such a situation, hello, where is the camera, hurry up and show it to me, you are illegal, understand?”

While speaking, the fat man began to walk towards the edge, but did not go far, suddenly slammed down the ground, as if hit something, he rubbed his head and touched the front, an invisible barrier blocked His way.

“Do you want evidence? This is evidence.”

Chu Hao smiled and walked over to the fat man. He touched the invisible barrier: “Every time before Reincarnation World begins, we will be in this barrier. Until the world opens, we can’t go out, but it is absolutely safe. This time is the time to integrate the opinions of our team. Everyone can come and touch and see if I am telling the truth.”

The other four people walked around with a dubious suspicion. The result was that they touched the invisible barrier. Everyone showed a blank expression, but more unbelief and incredible.

Yes, that’s it…

Chu Hao is also so sighed in fact, in fact, although he looks at those movies in the real world, he often feels that doctors, police, mentally ill hospitals defend what, killing does not believe there is an abnormality, there is Phantom There are aliens that seem ridiculous, but in fact this is the case. After decades of real world life, when Turkic encountered something beyond scientific explanation, most people first did not believe it. I began to doubt myself, unless there is countless evidence to prove again and again, or it would be too difficult to believe that there is something beyond scientific explanation.

“No, this is impossible! This is definitely a hypnotic effect!” The fat man screamed loudly.

Next to the blonde youth is also dubious: “Speaking of hypnosis… I have seen a similar hypnosis program, after hypnotizing a person, let him believe there is an invisible barrier, this kind of thing is indeed reported, hello , everyone, shouldn’t we really be hypnotized?”

At this time, when j was angry, was about to go up to say something, or showed something, Chu Hao reached out and stopped him, pointing at the watch: “Look carefully, this time the number of 0 is not displayed on the watch. It’s not Team Battle, it’s not a negative point to die of Team Member…”

“We are not charitable organizations. If we have been unbelieving and have been skeptical, we will drag our footsteps. We have already given them the opportunity, and the explanation is good. It is an opportunity to show the invisible barriers. It’s not that we should care about it, and… it’s always unbelief, we don’t even dare to try it, we only think of ordinary people who are escaping, and we are not qualified to be our teammates.”

Chu Hao smiled, but said cruel words. His voice was low, but the people around him heard it clearly, but they didn’t wait for them to think about something. Then Chu Hao smiled and said to them: “Looking back. Didn’t start, everyone introduced themselves, age, what kind of work, what are the specialties, I just heard my words just now, although we will not drive away people, but we are not a charity, will not Deliberately protect someone unless you have any specialties.”

All five people hesitated. They didn’t know whether they should believe it or not. If it was Horror-Movie World, Reincarnation World is real, then it is impossible to believe it, but if it is false… …that I am convinced that I may suffer big losses and be deceived.

After a few seconds, the youth suddenly said: “I will introduce it first, my name is Zhang Heng, professional killer.” After that, it was very cold to see everyone.


At this time, Chu Hao and Ares both screamed, seeming to think of something, j quickly asked: “Is it a very famous killer? Is it powerful? That would be great!”

Ares and Chu Hao are all very surprised. They look at each other. Ares first said: “It is indeed a killer. From the rumors and materials of the dark world, he is good at using various kinds of bows and cold weapons, so he is very good at it. Killing people in some places where metal is banned, and the strength is still strong, just…” When he said this, he smiled and shook his head.

Chu Hao smiled and said something to him: “It’s a pity that his Quest completion rate is less than 10%. Basically, even the rookie killer can’t match it. Very few people have asked him. Unless it’s a big killing order for team cooperation, his strength is really good, the only surprise is his luck, or something more strange than luck…”

“I have seen some of his murderous information. He will fail every time because of such accidents, and it is a very funny failure. For example, once he received a big list, he was going to assassinate a man. The small country is political, and the only chance is to kill at the airport. It is difficult to bring weapons in, so he was invited. At that time, everything was normal, but when it was the last moment to assassinate, he was lost because of a loss at the airport. And the slightly disorganized woman of Spirit, who became her negative boyfriend, was entangled, and although she was not exposed, she failed.

Speaking of it, it seems to be over. Chu Hao thought about it and reminded him: “Yes, that woman weighs 180 kilograms… It is said that he was unable to use violence and finally broke two ribs. Escape from the woman’s clutch…”

“say no more!”

Zhang Heng suddenly turned into a anger and threw the bow to the ground. He slammed into two sections, and his face was also red, but he did not spleen at Chu Hao, but he was annoyed. It can be seen that he is still quite restrained, but it is a pity that the cold image he has been disguising has suddenly broken down.

Chu Hao shrugged his shoulders helplessly: “Well, the next four, please hurry up, the story may soon begin.”

The four people looked at each other. After a while, the short-haired woman actually took the courage to say: “My name is Aikeer, her name is Mary, my younger sister, we are all high school students.”

When someone saw the head, the blonde youth immediately said: “My name is Tom, it is also a student, but it is a university… Are you really kidding?”

Chu Hao shook his head and didn’t talk. After a long time, he continued: “My name is Chu Hao, I have experienced a Horror-Movie World, I am barely Veteran, he is j, and I am also a Horror-Movie. World’s Veteran, his name is Ares, the same, then… welcome everyone to Reincarnation World…”

When the voice fell, a breeze blew, and at the same time, a car was not far from the far end of the road.

When Chu Hao was planning to hide a few people in Summoning, he suddenly pulled out a car from another intersection. With a bang, the two cars collided together, but the scene was that everyone was stunned.

“It’s really, come in and see a car accident…”

Chu Hao shook his head. He was a little surprised that this scene seemed to have been seen somewhere. But when he didn’t think about it, he said to everyone: “This is the Daybreakers world. I don’t know how many people have watched this movie. I have seen it. Please let me know.”

Ares and j immediately said that the other five were hesitant. After a while, Zhang Heng and the blonde you said that they had seen it, and the remaining three had never seen it.

“It doesn’t matter if I haven’t seen it. I have seen this movie, and the details are basically memorized. So if you don’t have any opinions, you may want to follow us. Of course, I still have the sentence. We are not a charity. It is very likely. The danger of following our actions is more dangerous than finding a place to hide. As for what it is, whether it is unbelief, fear of danger, or follow us, it depends on your own decision.”

The five people looked at each other again, but before they even discussed what happened, suddenly the sound of the police car sounded in the distance, it seems to be coming to deal with this traffic accident.

But Chu Hao is a big change, he thinks about this scene!

Yes, this scene is that the movie is not open for a long time. The protagonist collided with the female protagonist’s car. Then the protagonist is Vampire, but he is very sympathetic to Human’s Vampire. He scams the police to save the female protagonist. Protagonist These Humen fled to the front of the police car and pointed in that direction…

Oh shit! They are standing in the direction pointed by the male protagonist!


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