Dawn Infinity

Chapter 362

The battles on the ground are cruel and fierce, and the battles in the sky are equally dead…

Numerous aviation units are fighting with the red flying behemoth in the sky, and some planes seem to be going to bomb the lower half of the hill before the behemoth, but this monster looks like a huge body, but it is very flexible. And as long as it is not a large-scale air-to-air missile attack, this behemoth can also emit a straight-line flame flow with a range of nearly 10,000 meters! The speed is amazingly fast, as long as a little bit can burn a plane, and then it is a blast, only this giant beast has blocked the way forward of the entire aviation force!

Moreover, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. When the aviation force discovers this monster and sees the power of this monster from the front of the video, whether it is transmitted through satellite or directly through communication, this information will be the fastest. The speed was passed to the military headquarters of the rear.

The situation is already very clear, whether it is the ground battlefield, the Plane connection point on the semi-mountain slope, or the battle between the future warrior and The Mist world wisdom creature, the core is actually only one… strategic hydrogen bomb! This is the focus of the focus!

The threat of this flying behemoth to strategic hydrogen bombs is obvious. This is not seen by any military expert. Soon, when the information is returned, the new information transmitted from the command, the first Quest is Kill this flying behemoth and kill this monster at any cost!

Because of this, all the aviation forces have been fighting around this flying behemoth, air-to-air missiles, airborne cannons, etc. are all constantly launched, but this is not Human’s own air force battle scene, but It is a scene where Human fights against the existence of Human’s current technology!

Air-to-air missiles are useless. In addition to the first wave of large-scale missile attacks, other missile attacks are not close, they are destroyed by the fire line. The energy of this behemoth is also limited, although it is far more than Human, or Reincarnation. Team Member can enhance the energy cycle system, but it is not possible to continue to apply in a wide range on the battlefield, and its wisdom is obviously very high. In this case, it is a fire line application, only for the air Air-to-air missiles, or air units that are close together.

For ordinary combat, the body of this monster is too big, and its flexibility is very high. It only needs to be hit by the body. There are already many planes that have been hit by their bodies and smashed into the ground, but it is almost unremarkable. Injury, but this moment, almost one-half of the fighters in the aviation force have been destroyed here. As for the bomber, it is far behind, but it has also been knocked down a lot. In this way, the complete elimination of the aviation force is only time. problem.

Chu Hao saw it all the way. He never let Bilis approach the flying behemoth. Instead, he looked at the battlefield and watched the watch on his hand. He silently calculated the time and the color change on the skin of the behemoth. .

(Energy consumption is at least ten or eight. Just two air-to-air missiles are a little far away from it. It just evades and does not use the flame energy. This is one, and the other is time… no matter It’s time for us, or time for each other… Nian Xikong, don’t let me down! Our lives are already in your hands!)

Chu Hao has always been clear about the power in his hands. Anyone’s strength is calculated, and what most cares about him is actually the power of Nian Xikong, who can fly, can explode, Sword Immortal skills, and the total reason. Taken together, Nian Xikong is undoubtedly the strongest person in Team North-Iceland. The soul of Meme will never allow for loss. This is not to mention. According to the biggest weakness of the machine Meme that he gave Nian Xikong, Nian Xikong does not need to spend too much. The price can be re-acquired, and then when she returns…but why is it not yet, or if she is there, this behemoth can be easily solved…

In such a short period of time, the number of aviation units has been reduced to less than one-third of the previous number, and in Chu Hao’s perception, the monster’s attention has been somewhat biased towards the ground with him and Bilis. Body, time… has been delayed forever!


Chu Hao slammed the teeth and said to Bilis: “Far from the side to the side, fly to it, don’t approach it, just drop me from above, don’t leave too far, pay attention to me. Throwing things out, that is its body organization, remember to curse immediately, use Heart-Chains to immediately tell me that the curse is not completed, remember!”

Bilis nodded again and again, her face was already white and nervous. After hearing the words, she immediately flew up the broom and began to approach the top of the behemoth.

Chu Hao took a deep breath, he had made the final preparations, the whole person’s attention had been fully assembled, and his eyes were stunned, his body muscles began to swell, and when the broom came over the behemoth, he Directly with a force, the whole person has fallen from the top 100 meters to his body. On the way down, Mage Hand’s protective layer has completely protected him.

Sure enough, the people are still not close, the violent heat has been transferred from the behemoth, even with the protection of the Mage Hand protective layer, but this heat is still hit, Chu Hao can only bite his teeth, say later, then Fast, but within a few seconds, he has fallen on this monster, compared to the previous heat, but it has dropped a lot on his body, and it has many red feathers and fluff on the body, which makes Chu Hao I easily grabbed the body hair, and finally fell without a moment.

But it was such a little bit of movement, Chu Hao immediately found out that the temperature of the body of the beast began to rise sharply. He also refused anything else. He immediately pulled out a fluff of the body of the beast, saying it was fluff. The fluff was much higher than him. It was pulled out by the force of the Mage Hand. When it was pulled out, he immediately flew the fluff out of the behemoth.

The behemoth made a scream, and it saw that a thin layer of flame began to emerge on the surface of the body. The flame was golden yellow, but it was a thin layer on the surface, but this layer would almost be Chu Hao. To completely cover up, to the indescribable temperature rise, Chu Hao only feels that his whole body seems to be burning up, and the surface of the skin is blisters at a speed visible to the naked eye. He can’t think of it, only use all the attention. The force was all collected on the Divinity particles. Using the computational ability of the Divinity particles, the madness of the Mage Hand hood began to sneak out. Although each mask was formed, it was immediately destroyed. But this is his last life-saving moment. Only one layer after another can be superimposed, one layer and two layers… ten layers and twenty layers… In the end, all his attention has only been such a repetitive superposition, and no longer pay attention to other any.

However, relying on the individual’s protective cover, the physical quality of the human being is inferior to the huge behemoth. Perhaps this is just the energy of the giant beast 2%, but Chu Hao has already fallen into the realm of almost death, he It’s no longer possible to continue stacking up, and the last layer of the shield will be broken. At that time, it was the moment when he was instantly burned to ashes…

At the last moment of such life and death, the unnamed object in the most central part of the Divinity particle, shaped like a mirror, is invisible, inexplicably flashing some unknown information flow…

Rune ……


Divinity particles…


Four-Piece Five-Line Gossip Sealing Array…




Clarify everything and clarify everything in the world…

An unknown, totally indescribable response, Chu Hao subconsciously spurred the last Mage Hand shield at this moment of life and death, but this time, Core Ruin, which makes up the Mage Hand shield, is only … four! And the four Runes are communicating with each other in an unknown way, and they are about to turn into two…

I don’t know why, Chu Hao’s eyes suddenly appeared brilliance, it is from an endless void, countless energy condensation, countless material combinations, invisible space is linear, time is flowing water, visible energy and matter, invisible The space and time, they are all presented, and then there is change and communication in his eyes, energy and matter are merged together, into a dark and turbid, space and time are merged together, into a bright and light, At this moment, it seems that there is a big secret to be presented…

“Okay! Captain, the curse is over!”

Fierce, the voice of Bilis was in Chu Hao’s mind, and he woke him up from this unnamed state. He discovered that he only had a layer of Mage Hand shield, but a protective cover. But it is tough to imagine, even if the flame burns at a high temperature, but it is not enough to burn the shield, even the temperature can not pass in, just in his mind, the shield is twisted and twisted, forming With his head under his head as a sharp-headed force field, but as soon as he moved, his whole person had already slammed into the behemoth, blood, flames sprang out, and Chu Hao has disappeared into the giant body!

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