Dawn Infinity

Chapter 366

Chu Hao was floating in a coma, and he didn’t know how long the time had passed. When he woke up completely, he was still suspended in midair, and the Lord God light ball was facing.

When he turned his head to look at all around and under the body, it was discovered that the entire Lord-God Space was empty… No, it should be suspended only by him alone, all around without one person, but in it Right below… He can only see the shadow of Zhang Heng.

This… this is…

Chu Hao’s eyes trembled a few times, and my heart was so excited that I couldn’t speak. After a long time, when he landed in midair, he looked at Zhang Heng and asked: “Have they gone to rest? I Has the whole body repair lasted for so long?”

Although there is already some psychological preparation, Chu Hao is still so difficult to ask, holding the last glimmer of hope in my heart.

Zhang Heng’s face was always pale. He shook his head without saying anything. The atmosphere was silent in such silence. After a long time, Zhang Heng said in a hoarse voice: “All… no return, only The two of us have returned, they are all…”

Chu Hao’s expression has not changed, but somehow, his heart seems to be smashed. He only feels that Venus is straight and his teeth are like to be broken, but his face is still the same, he This crossed Zhang Heng and walked slowly toward his room but firmly.

Zhang Heng took a moment and grabbed his sleeves and said: “Wait, wait a minute, they are all dead! Everyone! Tom, Nian Xikong, Ozzie! They are all dead! You are not What are you talking about?”

“What to say… nothing to say, this time, they are all dead, that’s it. Next time, maybe you and I can’t escape.” Chu Hao’s calm voice came and broke away from Zhang Heng’s hand. The footsteps are slightly embarrassing, and then continue to move forward smoothly.

Zhang Heng was angry in his eyes, but looking at Chu Hao’s footsteps, he finally stopped pulling, but turned his head and looked at the light ball of Lord God. The whole person stood there slightly in a daze, if not If there is nothing, sigh there.

Chu Hao ignored Zhang Heng and thought about it. He went straight to his room, and as soon as he walked into the room, the whole person seemed to be stumbling. The whole person leaned on the door, and he was in a lonely station. For a long time, people have never returned.

After a long time, I didn’t know how long it took him to walk to the basement of the room. The familiar place, the dirty but warm place where he and his only relatives lived together, he slept silently in the corner of this place, and Sleeping, his body naturally hugged his shoulders with his hands. The whole person kept shaking like a child, and seemed to make a squeaky voice. He didn’t know whether he was crying or a nightmare…

All the people who illuminate the colorful light are dead, even though Chu Hao has already rushed to the Plane channel as quickly as possible, but the time flow between Plane and Plane is different from the outside. In fact, the speed between the planes is different. In ancient times, there was a so-called heaven and a day, the idea of ​​a year on the ground, so… all the people who shined into the colorful light did not survive, even including the Tom who came to the main theater with the shadow skills, and also illuminated at the last moment. It’s the light.

The only exception is Zhang Heng, who was lucky enough to hide in the body of the giant beast. He did not touch the light at all, because the light is not blocked by ordinary matter. It is not allowed to transmit other objects except for life objects. Everything in the glass will be transmitted, so the soldiers in the tank will also die. Only Zhang Heng survived by relying on the giant beast and active **…

All this was mentioned by Chu Hao the next morning, Zhang Heng also listened to Chu Hao’s description of the colorful light, which made this assumption, and then both of them were silent silent, after a long time, Chu Hao said: “No matter what, we have to continue to live, and … there may not be a way to resurrect them, but we have not found that’s all yet, but… now let’s go see this Horror-Movie World, our harvest.”

Zhang Heng nodded helplessly and came to Lord God Square with Chu Hao. The two stood under the Lord God Square and began to inquire. Then the expressions of both were shocked!

Yes, the real shock is nothing else, but because the rewards are too rare and too rich.

Rarely, it is because Reward Points and Side-Story are not as much as imagined, and there is no extra scattered Reward Points. Lord God gave Chu Hao 10,000 Reward Points, one a-level Side-Story, and gave Zhang Heng Five Thousand Reward Points with a b-level Side-Story.

Although these Reward Points and Side-Story seem to have a lot, but this time, the big scene, whether it is to mobilize the army to kill at least the few thousand of The Mist world monsters, or the few who killed after the fight Monsters, or a few intelligent creatures in The Mist world, no matter how calculated, this Reward Points and Side-Story are too rare, and can even be described as 吝啬.

But in contrast, both Chu Hao and Zhang Heng have an unexpected joy, and both of them have an f-level Authority! !

Yes, both of them are sure that they are not mistaken. In addition to getting Reward Points, they also get a f-level Authority! This is a super good thing, even the two Authorities are enough to exceed the value of the two people’s Reward Points and Side-Story ten times!

But what makes them strange is that when these two authorities are inquiring, Lord God deliberately stated that both of the Authorities are (missing), which is to confuse them. I don’t know what it means.


Just when the two were puzzled and shocked, suddenly, there was a buzzing sound at the foot. When the two men looked at each other, they saw a group of jelly that was very strange and tumbling back and forth. It seemed to be very emotional. Look like.

“Varo… You didn’t die? Hey, I said that your stone hat is too strong! We have ignored you directly before!”

Zhang Heng was very excited to pick up Varo. It doesn’t seem that the jelly seems to have something like a blue-streak, and it is violently shaking.

Chu Hao looked coldly at the side, but didn’t know why, his eyes were full of softness. After a while, he said, “Varo, you have survived… but it’s strange, aren’t you a Nian Xikong pet? Master is dead. Are you still alive? And you have returned to the Lord-God Space? And have you not been illuminated by the colorful rays? Right, Ozzie is gone…you can’t talk through the heart, so.”

When Chu Hao said that he ran back to his room and quickly took an alphabet out, he told Varo how to talk, let him type the letters in the order of a, 2b, 3c, d, so that Although the dialogue is a lot slower, it is indeed possible to communicate.

Varo is a stomach, he quickly said in the alphabet: “I was really scared at the time! It is not like the colorful four, when we were the only unique Plane of Team great war, it was a certain legion of Yuqing. The main beast, the strength is not a little bit, but because it is a big idea, I am dying of death, even remembering me even if I die… What? I don’t know why Nian Xikong is dead, I can return I really don’t know, don’t yell at me, I don’t know, yes, I’m illuminating the colorful light, but you don’t know that Slime’s life is many times that of Human… What? Authority! You got Authority! ?Holy shit, this is really nb! I tell you, f-level Authority is basically consumables, really have to start with e-level Authority, you know that it is super good, after Lord God can eat spicy ……What?Authority? When you are finished, you are finished! No, I am also in this Team, I am finished! That means, your achievements are not yet Get an Authority, but already have this standard, so Lord God reduced your Reward Points and Side-Story, first gave you an Authority, but the next Horror-Movie must be a very terrifying world, almost a lifetime of death. And you can’t use Authority to avoid it. Only after you have passed it, you can get this Authority completely, or you will die in the next Horror-Movie World, haha, hey, what am I laughing? I am also in this Team… ”

In this way, the conversation with Varo lasted for a long time, it was “slow” too slow and too slow, but after knowing this situation, Chu Hao and Zhang Heng were also very grim, Chu Hao immediately began to look up Horror-Movie World.

“Team Battle, the World of the Gods! Team Battle Team…”

“Team China !”

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