Dawn Infinity

Chapter 370

In a large base somewhere in the Rebel Organization, this is a rare weapon backing base in the Rebel Organization. So far, the Rebel Organization has been able to produce weapons at the headquarters and this base, and in terms of production, the base has significantly higher capacity than the headquarters. After all, although the headquarters is large, there is a comprehensive base, and even the family’s residential area and its supporting facilities are not comparable to the weapons production efficiency of this base.

In the core underground test site of the base, there are only Rebel Organization o3 and above. In general, when the internal level of the organization can reach 03 and above, it is basically a Member that Rebel Organization can trust. There is no external Spy, but because of this, the number of Members above Rebel Organization o3 is very small. For a multinational organization like this, these numbers are just enough to control the organization.

At this moment, a new American-style aggravated armored main battle tank is parked in the field, and Chu Hao and Li Ganglei are standing there away from the tank, and there are more than ten behind them. Organizing Member, especially seven or eight of them are technical personnel. Before joining the organization, they were also internationally sound weapons experts. At this moment, they all concentrated on the first experiment of watching new weapons.

Gauss semi-automatic rifle, this is the protagonist of this weapon experiment, because it is Lord God Exchange, far from the world’s gauss-weapon is cumbersome, unstable, and energy-intensive, Lord God produced, must be a boutique, this Gauss Semi-automatic rifles are about the same size as ordinary rifles, and the image has not changed much, so it seems to be an ordinary new rifle.

“So… get started.” Chu Hao rushed to an organization expert next to him.

The expert immediately shouted two people and ran to the side console to start the maneuver. This is a weapon test field controlled by a mechanical computer program. The shooting is also controlled by the computer. All the shooting processes are taken by the high-speed camera. When Chu Hao’s order was issued, the expert activated the launch button, and then everyone heard only a loud sound. When they looked again, they saw a twisted air trajectory, and on that line. At the end of the game is a main battle tank with a fist-sized hollow.

“…The initial assessment came out. Let’s talk about the power. The most heavy-duty new composite armored main battle tank is now easy to penetrate with just one shot. I mean to penetrate directly from the thickest armor layer on the front and then enter the interior. And then pierced from the tail, and the power has not been released, and the rear is injected into the protective armor layer of the lower base, the injection depth reaches 1400 mm…”

Chu Hao and Li Ganglei listened quietly. From time to time, Li Ganglei’s face muscles twitched slightly. In fact, it was not only him, but the organization around him, even those experts, their expressions were so Stop smoking.

“… can this Gaussian semi-automatic rifle hit the satellite?” Li Ganglei suddenly said this.

The expert of the report stunned, and then looked through a few pages of data and looked at it carefully. After a long time, he hesitated: “It is theoretically possible, and the power can be directly from the ground to the satellite geosynchronous orbital layer. However, there are many constraints, first of all, the speed of rotation, followed by the line of sight problem, then the earth’s high magnetic field changes, and the flow of particles…”

Li Ganglei interrupted the expert’s words: “I understand, please continue.”

The expert wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued: “…the gun material is a high-composite organic metal, far more advanced than the highest material composite metal in our organization. Simply put, we are not able to manufacture this metal at present. The basic process is not enough. It is basically three to forty years advanced than the technology of modern countries. It is more than ten years longer than our organization. Then the energy problem of gauss-weapon is very different from our original expectation. The energy is not provided by the firearm itself. But the bullets are carried, then…”

“Bullet carrying?”

This is not only Li Ganglei, but even Chu Hao is amazed, because the gauss-weapon bullets are as thin as a cow, and a box of Gaussian bullets has a million quantities, so how can a small bullet still carry energy, and it is still enough Will it accelerate to the energy of the gauss-weapon state?

“The bullet itself does not have energy, but the metal that makes the bullet is not any metal known on our planet. When it is placed inside the firearm, it will react with the metal inside the firearm, and then the bullet will shoot. The energy is automatically erupted. This energy source is the bullet itself. In fact, in the bullet hole after the gauss-weapon shot, we did not find any bullets. The bullet itself represents the energy source, even for such small bullets. With such a huge amount of energy, in fact, the energy of a box of Gaussian bullets is completely triggered, no less than the power of a tactical nuclear missile, but we do not know how to trigger that’s all, except for this Gaussian semi-automatic rifle… ”

This weapon test did not take long to end. In general, gauss-weapon is miniaturized and stabilized. Technology is about 50 to 70 years advanced than modern technology, especially the bullet of gauss-weapon. It’s too high, at least those experts haven’t understood the principle yet, so even if the gauss-weapon is really miniaturized and stabilized, its bullets can’t be manufactured in a short time.

This time, Chu Hao not only exchanged 30 Gauss semi-automatic rifles and their ammunition, but also related technical materials, including even the most basic technical processes, etc. Relatively speaking, these technology materials Exchange is very cheap. Chu Hao is much cheaper than the real thing, and Chu Hao also has his own ideas. He is not an ordinary Reincarnation Team Member. He has almost one world behind him. This big advantage has never been used. The Reincarnation Army is only the first. After one attempt, the subsequent weapons are self-produced, and as technology advances, it can even help the Reincarnation Team’s Enhancement or Armion, which is more important than anything else.

But what makes Chu Hao strange is that there are no Exchanges in some key technologies at Lord God. For example, the most important big unified field theory is not at Lord God. This is very strange, but now Human It is still too early for science and technology to think about the theory of large unified field. The problem now is that even the most initial-level gauss-weapon in future technology cannot be thoroughly understood. Experts in those organizations have clearly told him that this series of technologies contains There are too many subjects, including basic theoretical knowledge from mathematics to basic crafts, and then the technology tree is constantly subdivided, and finally combined with the achievements of many technologies, this is gauss-weapon, even the most Initial-Level Future technology weapons only.

Rebel Organization’s own scientific research strength, at least two or three years before it is possible to smash down the information, not to say that these researchers, scientists, technicians are not good, this is not a hundred or two years ago, this era The science needs team cooperation, not the genius idea of ​​accidental divine light, unless you are a super genius like Newton, Einstein, or in addition to mathematics, the basic science of theory, after synthesizing various scientific fields, You don’t want to make anything about the physical manufacturing you get.

After all, the Rebel Organization is just an organization. Even if it is a multinational world super organization, it is still just an organization, or it will take time to accumulate or you need to seek cooperation.

This is actually the original intention of Chu Hao to let Li Ganglei contact the major powers of the world and the powerful countries. Now, this situation makes him feel that this decision is very correct, but Li Ganglei has different opinions on this matter.

“Actually, I also know that you are right. It is really difficult for an organization to engage in such a large-scale research topic… But, Chu Hao, don’t forget the event of ‘Mushroom’ Meme, these countries are not Peace, peace now is nothing but a false peace based on the solidification of order and nuclear deterrence. Once there is power beyond nuclear deterrence, then the third world great war may break out immediately, the technology of this gauss-weapon, In fact, it is such a technology. Before you thought that I asked to play satellites, did you ask to play? If you can even hit the satellites, then after forming the group firepower, do you think that the nuclear missiles can’t be played? What is our ultimate pursuit? A peaceful, quiet, safe world, I don’t want your gauss-weapon to make it all bad.” Li Ganglei said very seriously.

This is privately, when Chu Hao and Li Ganglei were both, Li Ganglei said this relentlessly, and after that, his eyes stared at Chu Hao, this is Li Ganglei. There are very few serious expressions, which also means that he is really opposed. If he is forced to oppose it, unless Chu Hao convinced him, this plan will never be implemented.

Chu Hao sighed, he thought for a long time, suddenly said: “I can’t tell you certain things, I will say one… I am in other worlds, I saw Judgment Day, the real Judgment Day, and More than once, more than one world sees it all.”

“The bleakness of Judgment Day can’t really be described in words. Every time I see it, I feel so sad in my heart…” Chu Hao closed his eyes and said, “So I have to stop this Judgment Day coming… In addition to this, I can tell you one thing. Our world is special, not the speciality of protagonist in the novels, but more fragile than other worlds. Other worlds do not have Meme. This seems to be unique to our world. I have experienced too much, but these can’t tell you, I can only say… our world may have come to an end.”

Li Ganglei was shocked. He stood up and looked at Chu Hao. After a long time, he sat down and sighed and sighed: “This, I actually had a hunch… from our Meme According to the statistics table, although the organization has basically stopped any actions in the past year or so, the appearance of Meme has not decreased. I began to suspect that Meme is probably not a c organization or an x ​​organization. And released, and the frequency of occurrence is more and more frequent, to be honest… I had a hunch, but I didn’t expect it to be so fast…”

Chu Hao is also silent. He doesn’t know how to comfort Li Ganglei. Both of them have the same experience, almost the same childhood, the same pursuit and ideal, so it will be so uncomfortable facing the world Judgment Day.

“This is one of them. Because of the external crisis, gauss-weapon must be mass-produced as quickly as possible. It is necessary to improve the existing level of world force as much as possible. Second, you don’t have to worry too much about gauss-weapon. Perhaps after the gauss-weapon is fully popularized, there is indeed the possibility of a third world great war, but the world is going on by inertia, especially in the current situation of solidification in the 21st century, unless there is intense suddenness. The change of the third world of great war will take at least ten years, and in this decade, I will continue to bring back future high-tech weapons. This gauss-weapon is actually the most initial-level future technology weapon. That’s all, after the nuclear deterrence, there will be energy weapons deterrence, there will be deterrence of outer space spacecraft, or other weapons deterrence, as long as we have a bowl of water flat, not let any country alone, at least the current big countries The balance of power is strong, I think, the possibility of the third world great war is not too big…”

“Then the last one…” Chu Hao exhaled, and finally said: “As time passes, the power I have, whether it is myself or the power of my team, will be stronger and stronger, and the increase will definitely exceed These future high-tech weapons, so believe me…”

“To form a global united front, at least let these big powers and clear powers clear that the world is going to be destroyed, so as long as we do not fight, these future high-tech can be shared, and as such, my request is very simple. ”

Chu Hao stood up and said as he walked outside the door: “Let this world become a strong fortress to welcome Judgment Day!”

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