Dawn Infinity

Chapter 375

The process of absorbing Godhead is not simple. Chu Hao has no relevant knowledge, but there is an interesting place here… that is, Trinity Super-Computer itself can answer questions.

This is a wonderful and contradictory mistake. Chu Hao asked the Trinity Super-Computer how to absorb it, what to pay attention to, whether it is dangerous, and so has lost the Master, even without any backup energy, can only rely on offering Sacrifice to the sacrifice, which also makes it have to take the temptation to answer the question to get the sacrifice, it is like a computer, a program, even if you ask how it can destroy it, it will also be listed in detail Give enough options.

Chu Hao learned some information in this way, and some of the information required sacrifice sacrifices is too large. If it is converted into Human, at least a few hundred thousand people can kill this information. For example, the original Master of Godhead and how to ignite Divine Fire, he estimated that these issues involve the most core and power level, not simply available.

First of all, to absorb Godhead, you must have Divinity and Divine Fire. If there is no Divine Fire, Divinity will be gradually consumed by Godhead. Of course, Godhead does not only consume Divinity, but the beliefs of all beings can also be consumed. Even the energy circulation system in the body can be consumed.

To put it simply, Divine Fire is a sublimation and detachment of life. As we all know, all life is dependent on matter and energy, and living in time and space, this is absolute, even in the endless stardust of the vast universe. Even if some life has been separated from matter, it is absolutely related to energy exchange. Because the multiverse has a law, then the entropy of the universe always increases. Entropy refers to the degree of chaos in the system. In any closed system, The entropy value is inevitably increased from small to small. If a life is used as a metaphor, it is a low entropy value of life from the low entropy of birth, to the extremely high chaotic value of the extreme chaos of death.

It is impossible for any closed system to reverse this process by itself. To reverse its entropy, it is necessary to capture the low entropy of other systems. If it is a biological metaphor, it is eating or circulating with the outside world, plants and animals. This is the case. If not, then it will die because of the increase in entropy.

But Divine Fire reverses this process. It is the light from the life of Soul, consciousness, mind, and even deeper personal life imprint. Flame, that is the thing that comes out of the most primitive thing in life. Some people use light to describe, some use flames to describe, some use life to describe, some use Primordial Spirit to describe, some use… In short, all glory, good words to describe this from the most primitive soul of life. Something can also be called Divine Fire. It can also be called Heart-Light. It can also be called the Primordial Spirit. It can also be called the Magical Spirit. It can also be called the Devil. It can also be called the Demon. It can also be called Dragon Ball. It can be called Fengling… There are countless names to describe this source of immortality, because this is the greatest miracle of the entire multiverse, and its miraculous degree is far more than the content of a Saint, or even the inner universe!

Because this flame in the depths of the heart reverses the first law of this multiverse, it reverses the entropy increase!

It has been mentioned before that the entropy value, that is, the degree of chaos of any closed system, must be from low to high, and to reverse this process, it must be taken from outside the closed system. Of course, within the closed system. The smaller closed systems are mutually seized, which is also feasible. For example, if the whole ancient country is compared to a large closed system, the initial establishment of a dynasty is the most orderly beginning, and then over time, When the entropy of the domestic sector increases, the government will begin to collapse and collapse. When its government collapses, there will be multiple so-called dragons, and then swallow each other to capture each other’s low entropy, killing many people and taking them. The low entropy, and then its highest degree of order, the organization with the smallest entropy finally wins, which is the entropy value of a large system.

If the entropy of the big system of the country is to be lowered, it will need to be taken outwards, just as the modern Western countries did, colonization, dumping, slave, money and so on.

This is the truth of this multiverse, a closed system, the entropy value must increase from low to high. To reduce it, it must be taken outside the closed system, and Divine Fire, and Heart-Light reverses the process. A life, this separate closed system, if there is Heart-Light, then the entropy of this life can be from high to low, or at least keep its entropy value unchanged, without having to take it to the outside world, of course, this It is necessary to exercise Heart-Light to a very high level, that is, the so-called immortal, that is, the so-called non-fake foreign objects, that is, the so-called … detachment!

Because of this, any moment in which a life emits light and flame from the depths of the heart already means that this life is no longer a thing, not because of anything else, but because this life has begun to transcend the first truth of the multiverse. , has begun to reverse the entropy of its own, the so-called shun is the inverse of the immortal, its True Meaning is actually this!

Chu Hao is also from this trinity supercomputer, and really knows the meaning of Divine Fire, or Heart-Light. Simply put, this Heart-Light violates the conservation of matter and energy conservation, and has the closure of Heart-Light. The system does not mean that the entropy value will not increase, or it will increase, but its direction of capture has changed, not to take it outward, but to take it inward from Heart-Light!

If Divine Fire is like a source of all eternal energy, then Divinity is the energy that comes out of Divine Fire, and Godhead is the most optimized machine or program that uses this energy, and he currently has Divinity, and there are Godhead, if he wants to absorb Godhead, then this Divinity will inevitably begin to gradually decrease, and even disappear in the end, and then, in order to load Godhead, his vitality, the energy of the body will inevitably be extracted, or even directly killed. It is possible.

This is why Chu Hao is hesitating now. In fact, after the Trinity supercomputer sensed Divinity in his body, it created some kind of mutual attraction with Divinity in his body. It can be said that as long as Divinity is mobilized and extended This Trinity supercomputer, then he is very likely to absorb this Godhead.


A large part of Chu Hao’s current strength comes from these Divinity. Whether it is the power of his Magic or the speed of Magic’s performance, he has a lot to do with Divinity. He has at least 80% of his strength. On this Divinity, this is absolutely impossible for him to give up!

But he also has a strange place, because according to the Trinity supercomputer, Divinity is a rootless wood, an incomplete Divine Fire or Heart-Light, which is a little less, but what makes him very strange is that he Divinity in the body does not decrease. In fact, the opposite is true. I don’t know if it is his illusion. He feels that the Divinity in the body is getting more and more pure. Although the number has not increased, it is actually improved from the speed of its operation. Quite a lot, and this Divinity is getting more and more orderly in its body, which is not in any way a sign of reduction.

At this point, Chu Hao has already reached a dilemma. First, he is afraid that the absorption of this Godhead will gradually reduce the Divinity in his body. This is not to absorb it, but to deprive it. For example, he can’t strip Divinity in the body now. When you come out, you won’t be profitable at the time, but it will be bad if you suffer.

But it is impossible for him to give up this Godhead, because once you have Godhead and Divinity as its energy, then another very important plan can be implemented… God’s plan!

The biggest shortcoming of the Reincarnation Army is that in addition to high-tech weapons, there is almost no means of confrontation with supernatural forces. He cannot bring Reincarnation Army soldiers to the Lord-God Space for Enhancement, but in the face of Phantom- Type, Curse-Type, or some super-ability When, the Reincarnation Army is actually not as useful as the regular army. This is the biggest flaw.

But if he can get Godhead, then he can make a god-making plan, create a god, and spread the faith. If a believer reaches the standard, he can call them to become the god’s pastor. This is a trinity supercomputer. To be clear, this is the relationship between God and believers, and the pastor can use Divine Spell, which makes the Reincarnation Army plan to fight against these supernatural forces, and if the pastor is the same as some of dnd’s novel games, For example, you can treat Divine Spell and increase the strength of the soldiers through Divine Spell, so the pastor’s role is much greater!

What’s more… If there is Godhead, if there is enough faith, then you can make a god country, then, war dead comrades, everyone… can still meet there…

Thinking of this, Chu Hao did not hesitate, he went to the three heads of stone statues, closed his eyes, extended his hand, and slowly touched his hand to a stone statue, and Divinity, also extended according to his ideas… …

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