Dawn Infinity

Chapter 379

For more than ten days, for the real world, even in the fast pace of the 21st century, it is also a very short period of time. If you want to build a building in this ten-day period, it is estimated that you must be embarrassed, but in In the past ten days, relying on the investment of all countries at all costs, the semi-permanent base was built in Semi-Plane.

The reason is half, after all, only ten days, even if it is a collection of elite elites of all countries, even if the material conditions are open to an unlimited supply, only two underground bases can be built. The first layer is a collection. A comprehensive logistic medical layer for radiation protection, disinfection, sterilization, air isolation, and field medical treatment, affiliated medical care, etc.

The second floor is accommodation, food storage, and ammunition storage, harvesting and the living quarters and material storage areas where the prisoners are located. Of course, both of them require a large amount of space, so the construction of this floor takes a lot of time. The second district, which has already been built, can accommodate about 1,500 people and will continue to expand in the future, but this can only be done for the time being.

However, during this construction process, the experts in the construction team have been testing the island of Semi-Plane, including its soil composition and internal core structure. In this test, the experts found a very interesting place, that That is, the island is gradually getting bigger. Although the existing geological structure has not changed greatly, on the edge of the island, the average is about one meter per day, while the anti-gravity zone below is The range from 0.1 to 1.2 meters per day is getting thicker.

This is a big joy!

It’s just the size of an island. It’s absolutely impossible to meet the needs of the powers of the world’s major powers. According to their secret agreement, when the world extermination comes, every big country and every country must have at least a hundred thousand people to get blessing. There are already 16 countries that have survived the joint secret agreement, that is, at least one hundred and six hundred thousand people have survived. Such a small island, even if all the underground is hollowed out, It is also impossible to satisfy the survival of a hundred thousand thousand people. What should the food do? Is it all dependent on the storage supply? What about air? Is it all dependent on the storage supply? And how does civilization develop and continue? Such a small island is simply impossible to satisfy.

However, after hearing the news that the island continues to grow bigger, the leaders of the major powers of the country are really ecstatic, knowing that this is not an area that increases by one square meter a day, but that the length and width and the all around each increase by one meter. It is two meters long and two meters wide. The thickness is not satisfactory, because the land above does not increase, so only the thickness is increased from 0.1 to 0.2 meters below, but this is the case. In one year, the island has increased by 730 meters and 730 meters wide. This area can increase the sea, and this is still based on the original more than 2,000 meters long and wide. Constant numbers, then ten years? The future is still worth looking forward to…

As for Chu Hao, he has his own mind, this Semi-Plane expansion is as early as he expected, or after getting Godhead, it is known from the broken information inside, Semi-Plane has its own running rules, can be from Plane The gap absorbs free energy, matter, time, space, etc., and then the evolution of instinct eventually evolves from a Semi-Plane to a real Plane universe over a period of billions of years, otherwise it is the eternal size. How did the infinite Plane of the multiverse come from?

Moreover, in addition to the natural expansion of Semi-Plane, he can also get the Exchange space debris from Lord God. A piece of space debris can be a big tonic for Semi-Plane, far from the amount of natural absorption. This is the grain of Plane. In addition to these, if a creature with Divine Fire (Heart-Light) is killed in Semi-Plane, this is a big grain. In addition to the stability of the rules of Semi-Plane, you can also get a lot of Spiritual Qi and the like. .

So he is not worried that Semi-Plane is too small. This is just the starting point of his salvation. The future is still long. As long as it is not a world extermination in the past two years, then his plan can be implemented…

On the other hand, the Reincarnation Army has a total of 911 people, including the commander Barreton Fittas General, all of them entered the Semi-Plane, and they kept on entering for several days to adapt. Semi-Plane’s environment, gravity, and survival within the base, but also the war ammunition, weapons, and vehicles, and cold weapons that will be faced next are stored in the base, in fact, countries also It is required to send a joint battlefield observation group of more than 1,700 people. This is of course impossible. It was directly rejected by Chu Hao. After that, it was repeated, researched, and discussed amicably… In short, there is one in the end. Only more than forty observer groups have joined the Reincarnation Army. It is also the answer to Chu Hao’s great investment in various countries, and the answer to verify whether there is a real Plane war.

In this way, after the time arrived, Chu Hao loaded the more than 900 people into the Semi-Plane and then returned to the Lord-God Space. He was worried about it, but returned to the Lord-God Space and everything was fine. And when he felt that everyone in Semi-Plane was safe, he was relieved.

Then there are a lot of things in the Lord-God Space. There is nothing important about Zhang Heng. This guy is wearing the Golden Saint-Clothes every day, and a pair of golden Saint Clothes armor makes his display stand out. Sao can be, every day deliberately shaking in front of Chu Hao, as if not to praise him a sentence makes him unhappy.

Chu Hao naturally lazy to pay attention to Zhang Heng. After he returned to Lord-God Space, he used Captain Authority to inquire about various Exchanges about Plane and Semi-Plane. Although he had also inquired before, he was away from Exchange Semi. -Plane is far away, so I only looked at the price of Space Debris and Exchange that’s all, and now he really has a private Semi-Plane, which he took a close look at the various Semi-Plane Exchange.

Any Semi-Plane, the price is unimaginably high, and the most advanced-level Semi-Plane, Lord God can Exchange Semi-Plane with about Taiwan’s land size, the price is too high, it can be said That is Chu Hao’s expense of the Reincarnation Army and the price of Exchange.

So he only knows that he can make his space fragments evolve into Semi-Plane, which is how much cheaper it is. It is like a piece of heaven, or a cold and hot one, and when he is inquiring, I also found another Exchange that just happened to solve some of his concerns.

Plane adjusts Exchange!

This is not a separate Exchange, but a Lord God service Exchange similar to the return to real world. You can use Reward Points and Side-Story to make Lord God make some adjustments to the Semi-Plane or Plane it owns. Adjust the atmospheric composition, adjust the gravity, adjust the temperature, adjust the size, etc. The most expensive one is to resize, basically according to the Exchange price of Semi-Plane size, which seems to be a fixed value, that is, Exchange To Taiwan-sized Semi-Plane, after deducting the price of Exchange’s tiny Semi-Plane, it is the price he needs to pay.

Other adjustments are expensive, but they are still within his acceptable range, such as gravity adjustment, such as adjustment of atmospheric composition, or even the degree of radiation, the temperature of the photosphere and the time of illumination, and what the water source introduces, these are his I have read it carefully and have some adjustments to my ideas.

After all, as the biggest card of his salvation, this Semi-Plane can’t always be like this. It doesn’t matter, it must be a place to live, it can be freely proliferated, and it can’t be like asteroid like outer space. Dead environment.

But in this way, his burden is even heavier, Reincarnation Army, Semi-Plane adjustment, and even the future weapons development of the Rebel Organization, etc…. Thinking of this, Chu Hao feels that the first two are big…

But it’s not the good news that didn’t make him happy. That is his Godhead research. At present, Godhead doesn’t dare to use it because he has been absorbing his Divinity, although the degree of absorption is very small, but it will last for a long time. It is inevitable that his Godhead will be sucked clean, but even so, a function of Godhead itself, if used in game terms, is that you don’t need to use Magic to consume the passive buff that you carry, one of which is very simple. That is the Magic storage function.

Because he uses Magic, it will consume Arcane-Energy and Spiritual Force in his body. These two points are necessary, and his Arcane-Energy and Spiritual Force have a certain value every day. Once they are consumed too much, they will be exhausted. If it is extremely consumed, it will even damage itself, so the Magic that he can use every day is actually a fixed value. Although it is much better than the Spell position in the Dungeons and Dungeons rules, this is still an unchangeable fact. It is impossible to accumulate today’s Arcane-Energy and Spiritual Force to Ming Angel, which is also impossible.

And Godhead is currently not working, and also has Magic’s storage function. He can store Magic in it in advance and release it when needed. This Magic is already consumed by Arcane-Energy and Spiritual Force, so it is almost Zero consumption release.

At present, Godhead’s storage has reached the upper limit, and Chu Hao has stored nearly 300 Magic in it. All kinds of Magic, Attack, Auxiliary, Summoning, and Protection are basically the same. He has become a Magic self-propelled gun!

Or hi or worries, and Zhang Heng, the idiot’s day-to-day funny, time passed in such a time. Finally, on the last day, when the light column fell, he and Zhang Heng glanced at each other and walked into the light column. And the next is…

Team Battle ! The battle of the gods!

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