Dawn Infinity

Chapter 38

Very good, it is this!


Chu Hao squinted at the huge humanoid bat, the only creature in the Daybreakers that was beyond the normal Human and the closest to the legendary Vampire. This strength and speed… even surpassed the best of all. j, but it is still within acceptable limits, at least far worse than the Team China Member that Skyline appears.

Just when the huge humanoid bat came over, j and Ares had already pulled out Type-54 Pistol, but Chu Hao immediately stopped them, and hurriedly said: “Don’t use Type-54 Pistol, the sound will bring trouble! Zhang Heng, Use your arrow to shoot! j, cover Zhang Heng and us, give me five seconds!”

j stunned, did not answer, immediately lifted a metal chair on the ground, straight to the huge humanoid bat rushed over, a sigh of silence, j directly hit by the wings of giant humanoid bats, The metal in the hand has been bent, but j itself is unscathed.

“Great power! Hahahaha…”

J was extremely excited. He took this curved chair and once again plunged into a huge humanoid bat, and at this moment the huge humanoid bat was rushing to Chu Hao, who was bleeding blood on his hand, and was caught off guard. The j that was thrown up and beaten was also hit, and almost at the same time, when the giant humanoid bat was beaten out, the metal bow in Zhang Heng’s hand shot again. This time, the accuracy was excellent. It was directly inserted into the chest of a huge humanoid bat. It was straight into the depth of seven or eight centimeters. Suddenly, this humanoid huge bat was painfully smashed. Obviously, this arrow gave Its damage is very huge.

Just two round trips, the time has passed more than five seconds, everyone is still watching the huge humanoid bat roaring, ready to rush, suddenly Chu Hao mouth read some strange tone words.

“Frightening Spell !”

The next moment, the huge humanoid bat that was roaring suddenly screamed. Although everyone didn’t know anything about bat, it was obvious that the panic and panic in the voice were heard, even this one. The huge humanoid bat that was going to be thrown up began to step back, step by step, and was about to withdraw from the villa.

“Zhang Heng !j!”

Chu Hao yelled and woke up the two people who were stunned. Zhang Heng was shot by an arrow. The arrow shot directly into the head of a huge humanoid bat. The huge force even pushed huge humanoid bats. Straight back a few steps, followed by j rushed up, slammed the metal chair in his hand, until the huge humanoid bat head was smashed, all the talents sighed with relief.

“Kill one of the Initial-Level Subsiders and get 100Reward Points.”

Just in the moment when this huge humanoid bat died, Chu Hao, Zhang Heng, j, the three people had this sentence at the same time, but the other four did not hear this sentence, Chu Hao looked carefully A few people, except for Zhang Heng and j with a happy color, the rest are just a pair of shocked expressions, and now he understands what is going on.

(Only the people involved in the attack will get Reward Points? And the Initial-Level Subsider…)

Chu Hao was silent for a while, and this was said with a smile: “The danger is lifted. This time, the match is good. I hope to continue this way when I face the Subsider…. Ask, are you afraid of ghosts or horror?”

There were a few people in the room, especially Zhang Heng and other four newbie. Only J and Ares seemed to understand something, especially Ares, a look of joy, and immediately went to this huge humanoid bat.

Since the four newbie didn’t talk, Ares didn’t want to be shocked. Anyway, it was Reincarnation Team Member. He saw him standing in front of a huge humanoid bat, his hands open, his eyes flashed black, and the next. For a moment, the entire huge humanoid bat began to tremble slightly, and the tremor was getting more and more intense. At the end, the tremor had turned into tearing. After a few seconds, I saw a white skeleton from this huge humanoid bat. The body cracked out.

This is a Skeleton with both hands and wings, and it is bigger than Skeleton, which has been tested. It seems that although it is not strong, the experimental Ares naturally knows that this Skeleton is even stronger than it is. … God, a Subsider’s Skeleton, how strong is that?

Seeing this Subsider can also Summoning out Skeleton, Chu Hao relaxed, so that some of his plans can be implemented, otherwise, he really can’t think of it… at least I can’t think of the undead. Quest’s approach.

The next thing was easy to do. The people slightly cleaned up the villa room, sorted out their selected bedrooms, and then gathered in the living room to discuss the next move.

“Every evening, Edward will go to the lab in the city to work, because we have already received Quest, it is necessary to be within a kilometer range of Quest during the Quest period. This is a death limit. Once it is impossible to complete, we will be Lord God eliminate, just like the one who has been eliminate.”

Chu Hao smiled, and the four newbie, including Zhang Heng, couldn’t help but shudder. They remembered the middle-aged man, but before they thought about it, Chu Hao continued: “Just As I said in the car, Miss Mary said, this Quest restriction seems to be simple. It is very difficult. We can’t go to the city center. It is all Vampire. Can we fight thousands of armed equipment? Vampire? Impossible, we are not Superman, at least not now, so this Quest is almost a desperate Quest, almost a ceramic death…”

“Almost?” Mary suddenly said: “Don’t you have a solution? Anyway, I started thinking about it after I saw Quest. I didn’t find any possible solutions. I could only gamble at luck and park my car at Edward’s company. In the parking garage, we have been boring in the car. If you are lucky, you can escape the eliminate. If you are in bad luck, then we will die. As long as they are suspected by Vampire or check the vehicle, this is the only way.”

Both j and Ares were a little surprised. They hadn’t heard Mary’s analysis before, so they now look at the girl seriously.

Aikeer immediately said: “Mary! Respect some, Mr. Chu Hao is a Veteran who entered earlier than us! Honor Senior, do you know?”

Mary spit a tongue and said: “I know, old lady, don’t treat me like a child, and I didn’t say anything wrong. Isn’t your analysis the result? You can analyze the ability better than me. Oh.”

Aikeer immediately looked at Chu Hao and saw that there was no blame for her expression. She said, “Mr. Chu Hao, everyone… I am sorry, my analysis with my younger sister is the same, we can only hide In the car, gambling on luck, this is the only way we can reach Quest conditions.”

“very sorry……”

Chu Hao smiled and shook his head. He apologized first and then said in a very firm tone: “I never gambled on luck, so I hid in the car and gambled if anyone would doubt the car. Such action I will never participate. Of course, I will not force you to participate in my plan. If you think this action is safer, then your implementation is that I will not interfere with your freedom.”

Aikeer and Mary suddenly showed a surprised expression. Two beautiful girls looked at each other. Mary immediately said with conviction: “But there is only one way! If you don’t want to bet your luck, then go and The Vampire army is fighting, the one is not gambling, going directly to death, we will not stop you…”

Aikeer immediately tapped Mary, and hurriedly said: “Respect, respect! Mary, you are so angry, I have already said that not only the talents of our college are geniuses, the world is amazing. There are more people, why are you always like this?”

Mary suddenly pouted and said: “But I am right. In addition to this method, everything else is a dead word, elder sister… Is it right for me?”

Aikeer sighed and then looked at Chu Hao seriously: “Mr. Chu Hao, although I also agree that you don’t squant luck, after all, once you are lucky, everything must be left to the unknown to decide, our manpower and wisdom. It’s the most stupid thing to do, but… my younger sister is right, what can we do besides gambling luck? The Quest’s limitations are simply impossible Quest under normal circumstances! ”

“Then create possibilities in the impossible!”

Chu Hao smiled lightly, but it was chop nails and sever Iron: “I have a way to bet on luck. Although it is dangerous, as long as we cooperate, be careful, be cautious, not only can we spend, You can also get an extra Reward Points as the Enhancement Startup Gold after your first Horror-Movie…”

“This method is actually not complicated, but you have not jumped out of the plot… You have seen the original film, remember that when the film opened, what did the lens depict on the underground railway?”

Everyone was strangely looking at each other, and blonde Youth suddenly said: “They are buying blood! Those Vampires are going to drink blood… Do we want us to pretend to sell blood?”

“Of course not…”

Chu Hao smiled, he gently rubbed his eyebrows, and then continued: “At the subway, there is a more underground level, that is the location of the sewer, there are many stray Subsider, the original movie There is a story in the story…”

“My plan is very simple. Calculate the vertical distance, as long as it does not exceed the protagonist’s range of one kilometer. In this range, we can completely enter the sewer through the underground passage. This Daybreakers has an underground passage like a spider web. Let’s go under the underground passage and dance there with the Subsiders!”

“This is……”

“I can’t figure out what’s possible!”


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