Dawn Infinity

Chapter 383

On the third day of the advent, the materials in the Chu Hao Semi-Plane base were all carried out, and one of the two vehicles also served as the information processing center and command center, except for all the soldiers. They were all armed, and the remaining supplies, in addition to being carried around, there were dozens of soldiers with intensive engineering skills, began assembling the parts and basic framework of these materials, and they planned to assemble at least 20 small and medium-sized vehicles. There are also various related devices, such as power generation equipment.

In fact, unlike the original idea of ​​Chu Hao Zhang Heng, the world does not prohibit firearms. This is not accurate. The more accurate statement is that the world is not forbidden, Magic or technology creation. Well, firearms and ammunition are good, even small-scale ground-to-ground missiles. The world is really no taboo, nothing is prohibited.

Or maybe… is there no way to ban it?

No matter what, because nothing is banned, the whole army can use the weapons and tactics that they are good at the best, so that the strength of this army will never drop anything, which is expected by Chu Hao. The situation is many times better, so there are many things that he can safely hand over to the Reincarnation Army, which will make his plan better and the Reincarnation Army soldiers will be safer.

The only key issue now is that…

Team China…Yes, Team China, the one that has always been shrouded in legend, the strongest team of the entire Reincarnation Team…

Chu Hao has seen Team Great-Westland and has fought with that team. He absolutely dares 100% to be sure that the cx organization that invaded Plane is 100 times more powerful than the gods of this world, although because of Civilization’s Truth, I can’t play it, but Team Great-Westland is definitely not comparable to Team China, but in that case, their teams have won together, so it is conceivable that the Reincarnation Team is strong. If it is strong enough, it can even ignore the quantity, or the power of the secular real world, and Team China… must be!

Even Team Great-Westland can do this. Then Team China, known as the Reincarnation Team’s most expert, appears. The situation of Plane will immediately change subversively. It can be said that Team China is an independent company. And probably the strongest force!

Although power is not everything, but power can determine almost everything. For this, Chu Hao has the most sober understanding. He will never take it for granted that Team China is an unwise mortal. Even if Team China does not have Sage, rely on it. Power is enough to change everything, and it’s a trick, but it’s so.

Therefore, he will decide the next layout with the worst intentions, such as… uniting the gods, first killing or restricting Team China, at least to balance the forces of the next forces, or… let the gods With Team China in a situation where you have to destroy each other, etc., this will be the next thing he has to think about.

Of course, the first thing to do is to find a base for the thousand people of the Reincarnation Army. This is the most important thing.

What is the modern army playing? Playing is the economy! Playing is logistics! Don’t look at the Reincarnation Army with so many ammunition, but when the modern war is opened, at most one or two games, the logistics of the army will be cleaned, and the number of troops that have lost their modern weapons is absolutely few. Only the army is basically abolished. Don’t expect that there will be such a lonely hero in the movie. The difference in power can be filled in by fantasy.

So at the beginning of the Reincarnation Army project, the logistics problem was already a top priority. I also thought about storing a lot of materials in Chu Hao’s Semi-Plane, but after entering Reincarnation World, the situation is uncertain, no one is. Knowing what will happen, such as when Chu Hao is trapped, or when the Reincarnation Army needs to launch a war independently, how can this material problem be solved?

Later, when countries almost joined the Reincarnation Army program in disguise, their elites conceived a new concept…the concept of a mobile base.

It is somewhat similar to the concept of a base car in some strategic games, but it is not a car, but a kind of building that can be easily disassembled. It can be powered by solar energy or oil, or even firewood, and then it can be processed without a large amount. Iron ore and various metal mines, as well as some precision machine tools, although it is impossible to mass-produce weapons, but there are supplies and repairs for firearms and ammunition, even as long as talents and minerals are sufficient, even small and medium-sized vehicles can Made out, it is already a logistics base for small-scale military.

Of course, such a reincarnation base also has its own limitations. For example, security is the biggest limitation. If it can keep hiding, but Reincarnation World is not just about Human, it’s weird and weird. There are enemies, even Meme and Phantom, which is not something that can be resisted by the defense of the object. This is the biggest weakness. Of course, at this time, or in the early stage of this Reincarnation World, but in the future, It is something that must be solved.

Chu Hao also knows that all materials are absolutely impossible to store in Semi-Plane. The Reincarnation Army does need its own independent reincarnation base, but such a temporary base has too many defects, so his favorite Reincarnation Army base. It is mobile, and has strong great war power and defense, and has the existence of mobility capability… Space Battleship!

There is definitely a related Exchange at Lord God, but even the cheapest cosmic warships are available in dual aSide-Story, and the Reward Points are much higher than the average Exchange. At least for now, there is no way to Exchange. The…

Looking for a base, naturally, I don’t have to worry about Chu Hao. There are thousands of people in the Reincarnation Army, not just the soldiers who will fight and kill. Under the action of this group of people, plus the Matrix aircraft looking around the terrain. Finally, the entire army found a suitable place in a small valley.

“… There is a high-quality small-scale ore and associated mine. The vegetation resources here are also sufficient. Although there is no fuel for coal, such as coal, the fuel is not in short supply. Our troops have less vehicles and need to use them. There are also few oils, so there is no shortage of oil. The most important thing is that this base can be hidden in the valley, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is at the last moment, where it can build defenses and defend against a large number of enemy artillery.”

“There is another point. It is not far from Argos. If there is a need, we can get to the battlefield outbreak within half an hour to an hour, and the logistical pressure is very small. In fact, I suggest that the theater doctors Building here, you don’t have to find another shelter…”

Outside the valley, the military corps led by Barreton, as well as several leaders in the battlefield observation team, and Chu Hao Zhang Heng, they are gathering together to assess the orientation of the valley, of course, In fact, Zhang Heng can be left aside. He is looking at his Golden Saint-Clothes box with a look of sensuality. He looks at the lover in his dreams. He is disgusted with people around him. As for what others say. He must have heard the kind that he didn’t understand.

Chu Hao carefully recalled the plots about the Battle of the Gods, and looked at the size of the valley and the size of the surrounding mountains. He is not very sure, here is the battle of the gods 2 Where the Titan appeared, in fact, he is more interested in the plains. After all, the final battlefield must be on the plain, but relatively speaking, the conditions of this valley are indeed the best that has been found, and he is really The method refutes, and before it gets in touch with the city-states, it appears in the eyes of Human in this world, and there may be some accidents.

After thinking for a while, Chu Hao finally nodded and affirmed the judgment of the various military officers, but he also had another request, that is, to investigate as much as possible under the valley, if there is any change in the ground, such as earthquake fluctuations. Then all personnel must retreat immediately, anything can be abandoned, and personnel safety is above.

In the next few days, the construction of the base inside the valley has already started. After all, it is not a permanent large base. It is only a temporary base, so the construction speed is quite fast, and Chu Hao has discussed it with the officers. And decided to take the next step…

Enter Argos!

Make the most initial contact with Human in this world!

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