Dawn Infinity

Chapter 387

Chu Hao’s goal was reached. He rescued the protagonist from the cell. The protagonist of Reincarnation World, Perseus, Zeus and a Half-God half born by a Queen of Queens, was also a battle of the gods. The most important person with Erli!

But now Perseus is unremarkable, and there is no extraordinary power. It is just a fisherman’s child. In contrast, the soldiers selected by Chu Hao are better than him. Yes, Even more than the three modern elites he brought… because he chose to understand the soldiers of Battle Qi.

This world of gods and battles is obviously a world of Medium Magic and even near High Magic. There are not only gods, but also monsters with special power. Similarly, there are also sages in Human who understand the magic Mana. The amount of Human, of course, the number of sages is too small and too little, and has been persecuted by the gods. In contrast, the only thing that Human can compete with those monsters is another extraordinary, but still The power of God’s tolerance, Battle Qi.

This is the power that can be realized from Low Magic, Human, or the wisdom of the living body. It is not comprehensible. In fact, this is a biological instinct, that is, natural absorption of Spiritual Qi, then Enhancement of its own body, generally, Low Magic Plane people are generally better than No Magic Plane, and Medium Magic Plane is better. It is from the Low Magic Plane that some people will have extraordinary power because of this accumulation. That is Battle Qi. Basically, this power exists in the beginning of the vast majority of Low Magic’s Plane.

Chu Hao chose such a soldier, but it is clear that there are very few soldiers with Battle Qi, and they are basically at the middle and upper levels. Even many of them are already nobles. These nobles are naturally reluctant to join the expeditionary army. In the nine dead brothers, even the king could not force them to participate, so in the end, Chu Hao only selected nine soldiers with Battle Qi. In fact, until now, he and Zhang Heng also understood why the original movie In the plot, there are only a few people who accompany the protagonist to the expedition. According to the truth, this is related to the entire city, as well as the expedition of their daughter. The king will be an idiot or a beggar, and will definitely organize an army instead of Such a team, but if you replace the soldiers with the owners of Battle Qi, then things can be said…

However, at this time, Chu Hao encountered another problem, that is, the protagonist, that is, Perseus is not willing to participate in the expeditionary army, and is not willing to leave the prison. He is now in a situation of dying, the whole person Sitting in prison in a dull way, letting you do anything, even if you let him use his sentence, he is such a state.

So when Chu Hao received the report from the soldiers in the cell, he personally went to the prison. After a moment, the red-eyed Perseus was drilled out of the prison, and then he began to be fully armed. The feeling of sorrow before, but the way of going to kill.

“What did you do to him?”

More than one person curiously asked Chu Hao, but Chu Hao put on the mysterious expression of the sage, only to Zhang Heng and three soldiers: “It is very simple, a person is sad, but it is Because there is no target, if you give it a goal, you will naturally survive. How about the goal of revenge for him? I told him that if he followed a line, he could kill the gods completely, you and him. Will you still want to die now?”

Zhang Heng and others all suddenly turned their heads. In fact, they knew the story, and they really thought about Chu Hao.

On the other hand, the composition and departure of the expeditionary army, the people of the entire city are all aware, but the current situation is much better than the story, because the expeditionary army’s departure is an impossible Quest, in this True God In the world, God’s ruling is the inevitable trajectory of everything. If the city of God does not sacrifice the princess, it will inevitably be destroyed. Then the city will certainly be destroyed, if it is not sacrificed to the princess… whether it is mythology or epic There is basically no ruling that may escape the gods, except for the sage…

The image of the sage in the biography is created to complete those incredible Quests. All the mythical epics about the sage are the sages who have completed such an incredible Quest and have appeared and existed, even with the help of the sages. The gods settled some rumors of the Titan chaos, so they were considered by the people to be a farce expedition. After the participation and participation of the sages, they gave the people a hope, although this hope is not big, but The complete despair in the original plot is much better.

Because of this, when the expeditionary force began to depart, the people did not stop, but also took out some of their treasured food and wine, but also gradually realized that the people of Battle Qi joined the team, except for the original plot. In addition to the two hunters, this time there was an extra blacksmith, a retired veteran, and a stout, as if they were Dwarf-like stonemasons. They all had Battle Qi, which was the people who joined the expeditionary force.

On the other hand, Chu Hao, who led the team, found the king again before leaving, and told the king that he had a group of followers who waited in the dark according to his orders, when there was a crisis in the city. And when he has not returned, this army will temporarily protect the city. Of course, this army is trained by him and uses the weapons he made for the army, so it looks like the army of this city. There are some differences. When you want the king to bind the people and the soldiers, there is no conflict between the two parties.

The king and the nobles are naturally nodding in surprise. In their imagination, this group of people may not be many, but it is estimated that all of them are elite, all have Battle Qi, and the key moments are enough to protect these nobles, but they don’t want to Their imagination is very different from what Chu Hao wants to express. Chu Hao does not care about the lives of these kings and nobles. He only cares about the city, because according to his guess, he wants to complete Lord God’s real Quest… Human in this world, and a lot of Human in this world…

In any case, the expeditionary force set off, with the hope of the entire city, and Chu Hao’s full calculations, and the first stop was to head towards the desert, where his plan could begin.

“Sage adults, don’t know where our destination is?”

Half a day after Team’s departure, near dusk, Team was preparing to build a camp on the edge of the jungle. The soldier’s head, a strong, sultry middle-aged man, asked Chu Hao.

Chu Hao sat on a dead tree with his eyes closed. He smiled and said: “We must first find the Witches of the Styx. They know many secrets. Among them are the secrets of killing the Kraken. They can also see the future of people. But they often lie to people, our first stop is to go to the whereabouts of the Witchcraft.”

The Captain and the two soldiers behind him were all surprised. Captain immediately said, “But the sage is an adult, and no one can go to the place where the Witches of the Styx…”

“Yes, no one.” Chu Hao still smiled, pointing at himself, then pointing to Perseus who caught fish in a stream in the distance, and then there was no other words.

Captain is a bit stunned, but the expression seems to be a bit disdainful to Perseus, but he doesn’t have much, but leads the soldiers to continue building the camp. At the same time, Chu Hao has been the most thin Mage ever spread since his eyes closed. In the field of Hand, he felt that a young woman was sitting quietly in the distant hidden spot. Look at that, it should be the other half of the film story Half-God Ai.

However, Ai is not his goal. As long as she does not pose any threat to the expedition, he will not be in charge. His real goal is only one…the gods!

If even the faces of the gods cannot be seen, how can he unite the gods to balance Team China?

Moreover, he also wants to know many things about the gods of this world. After all, the road he chose is the Shinto. Everything that Light knows from Godhead is too fragmented. It is better to get the truth of Deity. Of course, this is only incidental. If you can’t get through the coming of Team China, then everything is off…

“Hope… don’t let me down, gods… against Team China…”

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