Dawn Infinity

Chapter 404

Compared with Zeus’s judgment on Chu Hao, the people present were not at all different, because they knew that Chu Hao was a sage, and they had already predicted this result.

Don’t think that the ordinary people are idiots. The sages have been reduced from generation to generation. Until now, they have basically disappeared. They have not intervened in the gods and are not unfavorable to the sages. This is something that no one believes. Moreover, Agos is sentenced by God. Destroyed, and Ai-Russ was cursed by God for a long time. The deserts were exiled by God. There are no believers here, so Zeus’s words are for them, and it’s no different from putting a fart.

Everyone returned to the camp. Although everyone did not regard Zeus’s words as the purpose of the god, but everyone seems to be affected, it is almost certain. After all, the person who cuts down Chu Hao is Zeus, the rule that the world has ruled for countless years. Lord God, the supreme, his words are enough to make all the creatures of this world pay attention.

In contrast, Chu Hao seems very indifferent, this is what he planned, in fact, let Zeus plan, this does not hinder his layout plan, this is a conspiracy, if Zeus wants to stabilize The position of the king of the gods, then he must kill Chu Hao, and Chu Hao can also logically unite with Hades Hades, knowing that the plot is the most negative thing, this is actually the biggest card of the Reincarnation Team, and Chu Hao is Use this hole card in the way that he thinks is the most appropriate.

It’s just… he forgot, every time his layout and plan will always be impossible because of such things…

On the second day, Team reorganized, this time did not let some people quit as the original story, including the hunter two brothers, everyone involved in this journey to hell, this may be brought by the sage Change, the presence of the sage gives them confidence, not as the original plot, under the leadership of Perseus, only let them feel that it is going to die, not under the leadership of Chu Hao, Let them think that this is to achieve glory.

Under the leadership of Ai, all the people are going all the way to the Styx. This is also the characteristic of the world, that is, whether it is the gods (Olympus) or the underworld, the real main material boundary with the mortal parents. Connected, is the real material connection, that is, you can see, you can touch, you can go, not the one that exists in another Plane.

This is the world described by many civilizations in the early days, and this world is actually the period of mythological civilization, perhaps the late stage of mythology and civilization, the so-called mixed period of gods and people. At this moment, everyone is walking directly to the Styx. In the real world is absolutely a fantasy story, or mad gibberish.

In this way, everyone is on the journey again…

On the other hand, in the valley near Agos, where Chu Hao and others are located, this is the residence of the Sixth Reincarnation Army. In a short time, it has been built into a simple but absolutely modern military base. .

Deep in the base, in a room that was built, Barreton and his school sergeants were discussing some things. The most important thing was the nearby topographic map and the position of the line, especially during the war, the Reincarnation Army. Roadmaps such as marching, adhering to, retreating, etc., now need their good research considerations.

“…there are too few people.”

When one of the school officials discussed the defensive positions with several non-commissioned officers, he couldn’t help but drop the pen in his hand, and then complained halfway: “The number is too small. It is true if you face a local war. If it is true. When we need to defend against a city, attack, or retreat, we are really too few people, a thousand people are not… This is no longer a war, but at best it is a battle.”

Another schoolmate next to him smiled with a smile: “I will be content, we are the first army to step on the battlefield of Plane. This treatment makes the two Team people red-eyed, if not the highest level has been The decision is estimated to be troublesome, and I personally estimate that the scale of the war is not large. It is estimated that it is a rehearsal. This is the qualification. This is the experience. In the future, I really encountered the Plane-level great war. I have to watch us. Sixth-Division is the main force.”

The school official heard the words, and a non-commissioned officer next to him said: “Although it may not be large, but this Plane war is still very dangerous. You also saw the seventh team in the woods in the valley yesterday. The monster that hits it? The wilderness here is more dangerous than we think. The creatures of this world are stronger than we think. The basic second year is not big, but if we are going to face the enemy There is a level of strength similar to that of the monster yesterday, and the sentence is not good. Under the same number, the possibility of our collapse and even being shackled is very great.”

Everyone is silent here, and there is no words at all.

The group of people who had previously watched the mission, their mission was not only to observe the war, but also to evaluate the possibility of the possibility of Plane, as well as to observe and evaluate the aspects of Plane colonization, Plane danger, etc. Observers from the strongest countries in the real world, they have been entrusted with too many missions.

No, these observers are running around the valley. Although they have not done anything against the military regulations, it is obvious that they have done too many other things, such as constantly testing. Surrounding environmental data, atmosphere, earth, fresh water, sea water, plants, animals, and even people… Of course, ask the Reincarnation Army soldiers how they feel, monitor their body’s data changes, and anything that is different from the Earth. , detection, collection, this group of people is much more busy than Reincarnation Army soldiers.

The monster mentioned by the sergeant just now is the trouble that this group of people has caused, because they already know that the world is modeled on ancient Greek mythology, plus a parallel world formed by the interference of the movie gods. So they really want to know if the world has other monster monsters in Greek mythology besides God. With such an idea, they have entered the depths of the valley three times and five times, even leaving the valley, and entered several times in succession. In the depths of the jungle, I don’t know whether it’s lucky or unfortunate. In this investigation, they really met the mythical creature… a Hydra, more precisely, a juvenile Hydra. Even four of its fully mature snake heads, the remaining five snake heads are just a large sarcoma.

But this is a fully-fed Hydra, which is at least 20 meters long and has a height of five meters. It is a snake, but it is a huge lizard with four snake heads. , powerless.

When the behemoth was discovered at that time, it was not an encounter between the Turks. After all, the traces of such a huge beast must be quite obvious. The traces in this jungle are more obvious. The fallen trees are deeply trapped in the footprints of the earth. Naturally, these traces could not be seen, so the group of observers and the accompanying Reincarnation Army soldiers were lurking in the discovery of this monster.

Because the Reincarnation Army entered the world before, Chu Hao gave them targeted training. Although Chu Hao Summoning’s fierce giant bear is not as big as this young Hydra, it is also a giant creature far more than any bear species. Therefore, the Reincarnation Army soldiers had experience. After recording the position of the behemoth, they collected more than 200 Reincarnation Army soldiers, plus rear artillery, mines ahead, and sniper rifles. , heavy firearms support, etc., after introducing it to the ambush site, it will be eliminated without one casualty.

It was all simple. At that time, two school officials, several non-commissioned officers, and Barreton Fittas were on the scene. They watched the battle process of destroying this young Hydra. Afterwards, everyone thought that some people were cold and sweaty. feel.

The skin of the Hydra is hard to imagine. The ordinary bullets hit the body, and there was a spark. In addition to leaving some marks, it was impossible to hurt even the wounds. Even the big caliber heavy rifle. It’s just a half-point. There’s no blood flowing out. Only the anti-equipment sniper rifle can penetrate the skin, but it’s just a hole and a little blood. For such a huge body, it can be It was like a mosquito.

Thanks to Chu Hao’s offer of the Gaussian semi-automatic rifle, Barreton Fittas was discreet. After learning to find the behemoth, he brought five semi-automatics when he arranged the encirclement. Gauss rifle, know that Chu Hao has only provided the entire Reincarnation Sixth-Division only ten, and the power of this weapon is simply too big to make people arrogant, when this monster ignores ordinary bullets, heavy weapons, and sniper rifles, At the same time, the ground mines were continuously blasted, and only when the speed of the land was slowed down, the five most elite soldiers assigned were finally used after the gamification, and only five gauss-weapons were together. Sweeping, the bullets that were shot were hard to see by the naked eye, and easily penetrated the outer skin of the behemoth, and even penetrated it all the way. The bullet did not stop, and the trees behind it were beaten and beaten a lot. After that, The behemoth crashed to the ground, and now the position of the foremost soldier is only 50 meters.

After the test results, many informed soldiers were cold and sweaty. The giant beast has a developed venom gland in the mouth. According to its muscularity and body size, it can spray the venom out of 50 meters, and the venom is extreme. Strong acid, even stronger than the degree of aqua regia, plus poisonous, as long as it is dipped, it is basically dead, look at its big, four heads spew together, it is estimated that soldiers in front of the position will feel a while Wang Shuyu, then… there is no more…

This is the horror of the mythical creatures, and all this has made the Reincarnation Army, which was still full of confidence, up and down, but there are some frustrations, but they are elite in the elite, although the morale has dropped, but it has not been slack. The training is still training. The combat preparation is still war preparation. Only everyone has more or less psychological shadows.

Fortunately, there are also people who are very familiar with Greek mythology. They claim that the Hydra is also the most powerful monster in Greek mythology. The number of monsters in this category is certainly not too much, and they are not Killed one?

In any case, this encounter with the Hydra finally revealed the danger of the Plane war for the first time, and the war plan that was made before, the officers had to think twice and repeatedly, and at the same time, let the observation The group’s staff began to believe in one thing… If it were the monsters of this world, and the gods collectively invaded the real world, perhaps, the real world would really become Judgment Day…

Of course, they also have a new understanding of the strength of the Rebel Organization, able to cross the Plane, be able to war with these creatures, be able to create such a gauss-weapon, future weapons, it seems that this Rebel Organization really It is very powerful.

Perhaps… their country, the attitude of the change to the Rebel Organization…

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