Dawn Infinity

Chapter 410

The action of the Reincarnation Army, the changes in the city of Agos, all this Chu Hao did not know, he is now suffering the greatest danger after coming to the world, Deity attack!

Yes, he encountered three Deity attacks, and it was not a avatar!

Just when everyone came to Medusa’s lair, and was about to enter it, suddenly three gods descended from the sky, two men and one woman, one wearing silver-white armor, holding a two-handed epee in hand, tall and strong, handsome and handsome. The man, a man wearing a green armor, holding a spear in his hand, a pair of metal wings on his back, and a beautiful woman with a silver long bow and silver-white long hair.

The three Deity are all descended from the sky. After the fall, the silver-clad man headed by him directly laughed at him: “The sage Chu Hao! Because of your blasphemy, Zeusite intends to lower the gods, we will be here You kill and bury your bones and Soul in the depths of hell. This is a god punishment for you! And I, Ares will destroy you here!” After that, he has raised his hands in long sword .

Chu Hao felt the fascination of the long sword on the first time. This is to say that nothing can be exchanged in language. He directly said to the rest of the people: “Everyone enters the temple! By Zhang Heng Team! Go back immediately after killing Medusa!” In the voice, he has been concentrating on Ares, and all the Magic in his Godhead are also called.

The rest of the people were a bit stunned, but in the next second, they saw the dense Rune around Chu Hao’s body. Then these Rune began to form a void, and Zhang Heng was shocked and shouted: “All People come with me, first enter the temple! Chu Hao, then what do you do!”

“I have my own way! Believe me!”

Just at the moment when the three Deities appeared, Chu Hao had thought a lot of things. First he came to be betrayed by Hades, but he soon denied this, at least partly because Hadi What is issued is the Styx vow, this is Exchange at Lord God, it is a signed contract, Exchange is extremely valuable, so he confirmed that this multiverse is indeed a river, and this river It is really only effective for Deity, and it is super effective. With this swearing vow, Hades can’t completely violate his vows. At most, he can only make some small things that change that’s all, and like betraying him. Such a thing would make Hades directly fall.

Since it is not Hades who betrayed him, the other possibility is that when the eclipse begins, the world’s bondage to the gods is reduced, and the gods will be able to enter the real world at will, so Zeus, who has long waited for a long time, can’t wait to send Deity. To attack him, it is estimated that Zeus is afraid that his sage will discover the secret of hell, and then trigger the world to counterattack the gods. If he is really the sage of the world, this is really possible, so Zeus naturally wants to Destroy him for a while.

As for the rest of the people, as long as they are not sages, Zeus and the gods are not expected to shoot, because in fact, Zeus has planned to let his son Perseus kill Medusa from the beginning, then save the city and retreat. Diss, then promoted it to be one of the gods. In fact, there are several plots that can be seen in the original plot, so Chu Hao has a judgment at the moment when the three Deities appear. The opponent’s goal is only him, and the rest just enter. When it comes to Medusa’s lair, these three Deities are almost impossible to shoot.

Therefore, his judgment has three points. The first point is that the gods are bound to him. If he also enters the Medusa’s lair, then the rest will be in danger. The second point, he must Delaying time, one is to delay the end of the solar eclipse, and the second is to delay the arrival of Hades. No matter which one, he can escape a hard time. The third point is to kill the rest of Medusa, as long as they can get the beauty. Dusha’s head is estimated to survive.

Judging from the above three points, he made the decision at the moment and faced three Deity independently.

To be honest, he also has a lot of curiosity about the Deity of this world. He does not think that the gods of this world are the kind of Godhead. If this is the case, it is impossible for Zeus to easily follow Perseus in the original plot. Say it as God’s rhetoric, know that Godhead is not coming out of thin air. It is the summing and sublimation of Deity’s own road, its own life, its own Spirit, and its own Divinity on every road of God. Something that might be given to others, like the Godhead that Chu Hao now has, is just a use, not a fusion. The gap between them is actually very big. Not only is almost all Godhead ability available, but now Chu Hao Nor is True God.

This is just Godhead. Compared to Godhead, it is more important for Deity. The real thing that can be called the core and origin of God, Divine Fire (Heart-Light) is even more impossible. This is a The essence of biological sublimation is also the immortal nature of a creature. Chu Hao never believes that Zeus can even give Heart-Light. If he can give it, then Chu Hao can’t say anything, and surrender directly!

Based on these judgments, he believes that in addition to the three Lord Gods, namely Zeus, Poseidon, and the gods, the rest of the Olympus gods are estimated to be so-called gods or gods. These gods do not have Divine Fire. There is no Godhead, but Divinity with three Lord God gives that’s all, that is, three Lord God immortal, and they get the immortality that God Divinity has given in disguise, as for strength…he hehe, and now, he is coming It is time to confirm these strengths from God.

When the countless virtual Rune around his body formed, the headed Ares had already launched the attack, and the epee in his hand slammed hard. In fact, he was at least ten meters away from Chu Hao, but this sword, Huge power broke through the air, which made Chu Hao feel a little dangerous premonition.

However, it is only a little dangerous premonition that’s all, Chu Hao thought, the protective wall condensed by dozens of layers of Mage Hand resisted this sniper, and in the place where Ares sniped, a deep rice A ditch about one meter wide appeared there.

“Interesting.” Ares showed an expression of interest on his face. He immediately said to the two Deitys around him: “Hermes, Artemis, you are not allowed to intervene, this is my battle!” He lifted the long sword and went to Chu Hao step by step.

The other two Deity looked at each other, and they showed a helpless expression in their eyes. The beautiful woman Artemis coldly snorted said nothing, but Hermes was laughed and walked toward the temple in the distance. go with.

Ares only had Chu Hao in his eyes, or Artemis couldn’t help but say: “Wait a minute, Hermes, Zeus’s command is only one of the sages, and the rest are not in the attack.”

Hermes Hehe smiled, his smile was a bit cold: “I certainly know, but the sage of the sage is not in the forgiveness, rest assured, I will not hurt our future brother, but this 亵The subordinates and followers of the sages must die!”

Listening to this statement, Artemis no longer said more, she just looked at Chu Hao coldly, and the bow and arrow in her hand were always ready to shoot. The orders of the three of them were absolutely unable to allow this sacred god. The escape, this is related to the fate of the gods of Olympus.

Next, Ares heard the conversations of two Deity. He laughed heartily and didn’t stop it. Instead, he said to Chu Hao: “You and I are fighting, don’t run away, I know that your sage has many ways to escape. If you dare to run away, I will immediately chase your subordinates and followers. Of course, if you can overcome me, you can naturally rescue them. Now, let me see your strength!”

As soon as the voice fell, he jumped fiercely, and a sword slammed on Chu Hao’s defensive wall. This power was a hundred times bigger than before. Just a sword, Chu Hao’s protective wall collapsed directly and the power was huge. In the attack, he subconsciously formed a protective wall around the body, but this power was too great, or pushed him back and rolled.

Just in the place where Ares was kneeling, a pit appeared there, and Ares stood up and haha ​​said with a smile: “Now? What counter are you going to use? Are you Magic? Or use your fist to I am playing? I am really curious, or is the strength of your sage so weak?”

Chu Hao did not care about him at all, but he was thinking about how to continue to delay the time. The character of this god of war, Ares, is almost the same as the myth. It is a brainless fighting madness. If he continues this way, then his delaying tactics are true. It may come true, the contrast of strength is not an overwhelming force. This is indeed far worse than the three Lord Gods. At least he is not likely to play against Hades.

However, his thoughts are not over yet. Suddenly his eyes screamed sharply, while the intense pain and paralysis felt directly on the body. A huge blue thunder descended from the sky. He almost swallowed him and all the protective covers were instantly broken. The whole person is also dying, and he will fall into a coma at any time.

This change has even surprised the three Deities such as Ares. They clearly saw the thunder and lightning. This is the power of Zeus. They are very familiar, but this situation actually reduces the power of God? Their three Deity can definitely win the sacred sage, and the cost of Zeus’s power is very high. This is the world’s limit on Deity, even in the current solar eclipse. Very big, Zeus… is it silly? “Take him back immediately! I want him to live! Argos has a big change! Take him to Mount Olympus immediately!”

The voice of Zeus, like a rolling Thunder, fell from the sky, three Deity and a shiver. At this time, I also refused to have any major changes in the mortal city of Agos. Ares took the lead and rushed to Chu Hao’s unconscious body. He put him on his shoulders, and on the other side, Hermes, who had already entered the temple, stepped back, but he just stepped out of the way, holding one hand directly from the back. His neck.

“I let you go?”

A blonde White-Skin’s European-looking Blood-Lineage man is very handsome, but he is now physically, so he stands behind Hermes and singles his neck. When Hermeston was furious, he immediately turned around and beat the mortal mortal, but the next moment he felt horror, big horror, a killing intent mixed with aura from the European and American men behind him. It’s like a mountain, no, it’s impossible to describe it. It’s like being pressed like the sky, the universe, and the Milky Way. It’s only a moment. He’s scared that the urine is coming out, and the cold sweat is dripping out like water. Aura, he didn’t even feel it in Zeus.

At this moment, Hermes stood on the edge of the temple, and the European and American handsome men did not care about him after holding his neck. He stood as if he was standing on the edge of the temple like a chicken. He hesitated. He reached out and went out of the temple, but what is strange is that when his hand stretched out of the temple, his hand disappeared and replaced with a group of green mud.

“…can’t you go beyond this temple?”

The European and American men’s eyes are full of loss, but he didn’t say much, so he looked coldly at the two Deities in the distance. Ares and Artemis are both surprised and surprised and angry watching him and his hands. On Hermes, it is clear that neither of them can feel his aura, and it seems that he is also isolated from this temple along with his aura.

Ares and Artemis looked at each other and they planned to rush over, but at this time, there was a thunder in the sky, and the two hesitated, regardless of Hermes, directly against Chu Hao, just in a while The Thunder disappeared and disappeared.

In the temple, the European and American handsome men hold the sound of the hand bones of Hermes. Obviously, the European and American handsome men are already extremely angry, and the poor Hermes…

Coming to being pinched…

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