Dawn Infinity

Chapter 413

Hades trembled in horror, the Deity that ignited Divine Fire, the fast-moving way that can be used in places where Divinity is set up, such as the gods of the gods, such as the thunder of Zeus. In this way, this can be said to be the fastest way to move all Deity routines. Basically, no one can catch and attack this state of Deity.

But even so, Hades is full of horror, he looks from time to time, as if there is something terrible behind him, which makes his expression look blunt, but on the other hand, his expression It was also with joy, especially when he looked at the big and small comatose men caught by his men. This is even more gratifying.

Yes, he is very happy, because he has advanced to the gods, no longer need to be bound by Plane, no longer need to be bound by mortal beliefs!

It wasn’t what Chu Hao said to him at the time. Indeed, he believed Chu Hao’s words, but he was not an idiot. How could he directly believe that Chu Hao said this? He naturally wants to find a way to prove it, and what better can it prove better than to a god, or to the presence of God in God?

When he asked the existence of a similar question, the existence was caught in a kind of madness that he could not understand. When he woke up, he was mad, but later, the existence was still sober and gave him an order. Or a transaction, that is, no longer asking him to seize Zeus, unblocking it, but just asking him to bring in the outsider who entered the Plane, the number is at least one, the greater the number, the better. If you only bring one person, then tell him the way and method of promotion to God. If you bring two people, you will promote its power to the high end of God, that is, the level of Zeus. If it is three or more, then his Strength will be near God God!

Hades knew what the existence was. Zeus always lied to mortals that the world was created by him, and that Human was created by him. This is actually a lie. The real creation of this world is this existence, even Their three brothers can be regarded as the son of this existence, so he naturally knows how powerful this existence is, saying that this existence is God God and he believes.

Compared with what Chu Hao said, he naturally believes that this existence. After all, Chu Hao’s those who only believe in it, but this existence is true to know its strength, so under the guidance of this existence, the Kraken appears At that time, he carefully lurked and waited for the captives to capture the two entrants. He originally intended to capture three people, but what he saw simply scared him.

He actually saw the Kraken being beaten and then killed easily, and the other party was just a person that’s all, yes, it was not Deity, there was no belief in the other person, and it was not bound by anything, so It is absolutely impossible to be Deity. Naturally, it is impossible to be God. God, the real God of God, although he has never been there, has occasionally learned something when he communicates with this existence, such as when God appears. Congratulations to the heavens and the earth, there is a voice, so this person is absolutely just human that’s all.


He has never seen such a horrible, so powerful, so-called Human, he just saw the Human, and he felt the great danger, just like an ordinary person standing in front of a fierce beast, the breath of death. He was all shuddering. The most terrifying thing was that when he saw the Human man beating the Kraken, he punched it with a punch and a fist. He had a weak sense of space and tear, and a weaker amount of wind and fire. Emerging, now, he can’t think too much about anything, just fleeing in the depths of the underworld hell.

It’s a joke, it’s a raging fire! Although the civilization of the gods Plane is very low, Hades is Deity, and it is a long-lived Deity. There are also many understandings of the truths of the universe. Although it is only instinctive understanding, it does not involve related theories and Systematic understanding, but this is also amazing.

Hades knows that there are four basic Attributes in this universe, which are the basis of all things. This is the four elements of time, space, energy, and matter, and these four elements are carried in one punch and one foot. what does this mean? This means that the power of this Human has been able to restore everything to the basic four elements, which is too terrifying! It’s easy to break a thing, but to break a thing into atoms, the power needed is too terrifying, but what if it goes further? To break it down into four basic elements… This is simply not what ordinary power can achieve!

Hades was really scared of urine. He didn’t even dare to take a look at the man. He directly captured the two and turned and left. Then he went straight back to the depths of the underworld and came to the seal. Where. In the deepest part of Hell’s Valley of Fire, Hades fell to an altar, followed by the black Divinity of his body, and said: “Adult, I have already brought it, then I should What to do and how do you reward me?”

After Hades talked, the whole valley was quiet, and Hades did not panic. He stood still in the same place, and did not know how long it had passed. A thick voice sounded up: “I will pass it to you. An array, you portray it in the valley, then put the two people in the array, then you will guard me for three days. After three days, your Quest will be completed. As for your reward…”

While speaking, flashing from the valley, a little red light flashed directly onto Hades’s body, momentarily, the Divinity of Hades was soaring, and Hades looked at his hands and body in vain. After a long time, I was laughed heartily.

“The remaining rewards, after you have completed your Quest, I will naturally give you, now… go! Sketch the array, sacrifice the two Reincarnation Team Members, let me absorb the Lord God Plane protection rules on them. So I got out of the hell barrier, then… I will break out of the world! Go!”

Just as Hades ecstatically depicted the complex Magic-Array in the Hell Valley, a man with a terrible killing intent and aura went straight to Mount Olympus, and another man sat in a snowy white Flying and playing handsome…

When I saw this man, I didn’t have a serious expression on the fashion, and I put on a look of a knight who was focused on riding forward. After playing for a while, I sighed: “No one is next, so handsome. There is nothing to feel like riding a horse. It’s awful… No, it’s not a time to be handsome. It’s important to get a mask.”

This man is riding Zhang from Hell back to the world. He really has nothing to do through the barriers of hell to the human world, and this flying horse is flying at a very fast speed, than the real world plane. It’s going to be a lot faster, and it’s been worn back in a few moments, and it’s going to hide the remains of the mask at a very fast speed.

It’s just that Zhang Heng’s heart is still anxious. The previous tricks of his play are just to calm his inner fears and rush that’s all. He doesn’t even dare to think about what happened to Chu Hao at the moment. Whether it is dead, sealed or tortured, he really didn’t dare to think about these things. All he can do now is to get to the ruins as soon as possible and get the mask as soon as possible, so that he can rescue Chu Hao…

In this way, as time passed slowly, the remains were already in sight, and the silent call was once again passed from the depths of the remains to his mind…

At the same time, on the other side, a group of people entering the temple naturally started with the Varo team that easily slammed Deity, and he still seemed to pinch the Hermes along the way, and everyone around them walked around. Dare to say that the Reincarnation Army soldiers are naturally silent, and the rest of the Plane, they are timid, although they have been clamoring to overthrow the rule and cruelty of the gods, no longer believe in the gods, but for many years How can the gods of the gods be easily forgotten? They still think that the gods are the apex of power, the apex of life, and now they think that the supreme, as if a chicken is being held, this shock makes them unable to speak, even dare not look at it. Varo glances.

Varo did not pay attention to them. While walking inside the temple, looking for the entrance to the maze of the temple, he carefully observed his body and summarized the remaining power.

(There is a return to 70%, but it is just the heart of Zhang Heng. Now my strength is restored to 30%. The Taiji map projection is not dare to think about it, nor can it be Summoning. Nuss can only be Summoning for less than thirty seconds. As for the other… Hey, 18,000 years, it’s really been too long. When I watched the partners being smashed, I couldn’t do anything about it. Returning to Lord-God Space, there is also a glimmer of hope. At the same time, I also met Chu Hao Zhang Heng, a new partner worthy of deep friendship. Anyway… I have to save them, oh…)

Just when Varo was so thoughtful, suddenly he suddenly saw a big platform, but there was a large platform in front of him. It was just that the temple was completely broken, and many places collapsed. Under the temple, it was a sea of ​​fire. It was actually built on a crater.

As soon as Varo entered here, he immediately looked at the altar on the core of the platform. There was a fiery red light. Varo clearly felt that the more the light was shining, the seal inside his body. The weaker, this is the reason why he can recover his body!

Just as Varo hurriedly walked a few steps and wanted to go immediately to the red glow, an arrow shot straight to his neck, and Varo just reached out and connected the arrow to his hand, just his fingers. As soon as I touched this arrow, the front end of the finger immediately turned into grayish black, and it turned into a stone, and Varo frowned slightly, and a clear and clear breath appeared from his finger. After a few seconds, The finger is restored to its original state, and at the point where the arrow is shot, a serpentine shadow has flashed into the nearby wall and no traces are seen.

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