Dawn Infinity

Chapter 417

Holy gun langinus

This is a weapon that spreads its reputation in the entire multiverse.

Legend has it that the Son of Jesus came to the world, but was captured because of the political reasons of the authorities, and because of the betrayal of the traitor Judas, he was finally arrested by the authorities, tied to a cross-shaped torture device, and then used to The gun pierced the heart, and the gun was contaminated with holy blood, which became a holy gun, claiming that the person holding the gun would remain invincible.

In fact, in the entire multi-universe poor Plane, there is a near-poor so-called holy gun, and in the Plane that Varo experienced in the Lord-God Space, he also got one, but confirmed it by the sly identification. This thing is nothing more than a projection of that’s all, and the true holy gun, Longinus, is estimated to be in the Kingdom of the Lord.

According to the identification, this holy gun Longinus is the most Peak-Level Cultivation creation. In the old saying, it is the so-called peak acquired. It uses the most peak level of Cultivation technology and uses real The least visible, most useful, and rarest of the riches in the multiverse, and then after years of ‘fine’ refining, and the cooperation of several people, coupled with the geography of the earth, this can be a creation.

In the words of 裴羲, this kind of creation is, on a certain level, the power of Innate Spirit Treasure, even because it is the creation that best meets the expectations of the manufacturer, in some respects, its combatability, or a certain aspect. Ability surpasses Innate Spirit Treasure, arguably the most top creation in this multiverse.

But creation is, after all, a creation, formed by the cosmology itself, with a multi-dimensional universe, or a different kind of ruled Innate Spirit Treasure. This creation does not have Innate Spirit Treasure for its makers. Many functions, such as the integration of Heart-Light, such as helping the Master easily become Advanced-Level Saint, such as helping the Master to easily become the innate Saint, such as becoming the most critical Heart-Light inborn of Saint, such as…

In short, this kind of creation is still not comparable to Innate Spirit Treasure, and it is far from being comparable, so it can only be called the acquired Spiritual Treasure. Even if it is the peak, it is still acquired, not innate.

But the avenue is fifty, and Tianyan is forty-nine. There is always a line of exceptions in everything. Nothing is absolutely absolute. In the hundreds of millions of years of exploration and progress, people of insight have discovered the reversal of innate from acquired. It may be ‘sexual’, there are very few equipment creations, although it is made, it has the mystery of Innate Spirit Treasure, it can also be integrated into Heart-Light, it can also defend against attacks, and it can help Master to become Advanced-Level easily. Innate Saint, and even some places are stronger than Innate Spirit Treasure, completely inferior to ‘color’, even stronger than Innate Spirit Treasure, and such things that are reversed by the acquired artificial creation, the powers call it the acquired merit. Spiritual Treasure, such as the treasure of the legendary world of the legendary world, was originally the strongest Spiritual Treasure, the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Lingbao pagoda, it is said that this tower is incredible, even its intensity even exceeds the Innate Supreme Treasure, its mysterious and even close The extent of the Daqian device has only been lost in the torrent of time, and the world does not know whether its existence is true or false.

The so-called merit, knowing your own ‘sex’ is merit, and according to this ‘sex’, the understanding that action is the virtue, the so-called merit, Varo listens to the explanation, summed up a simple sentence is the knowledge and action First, that is the amount of merit.

Of course, for the cultivation, for Saints, the meaning of merit can be to understand the origin of the universe, and the cultivation is to be true, that is, the so-called realism, to understand the truth of the universe, and then to practice, this is the Saints The merits, and the so-called acquired merit, the Spiritual Treasure, actually means that although it is an artificial creation, it recognizes the origin of the universe, recognizes the reality of the universe, and does not know enough about light. Go to finish, go to reach, this is the meritual Spiritual Treasure.

It’s simple to say, it’s hard to do. For example, people know that the speed is closer to the speed of light. Compared with the world beyond this speed, the time flow rate will be slower, but know who you know, can do it, and who can implement it? So the real difficulty is to know, but also to know how to achieve unity.

According to 裴羲, this creation has actually reached the limit of acquired, that is, knowing that this aspect has been put in place, what is needed now is to do it. Once it is done, it will change dramatically and instantly become a Spiritual Treasure, but this One step is difficult, it is harder than going to heaven, otherwise, since the multi-cosm opened up, experienced the ‘mixed’ chaotic calendar, Hong ‘Mongolian calendar, Great Desolate calendar, and now the Human calendar, five until now, only There is only the acquired Spiritual Treasure that has been counted by one hand, which is the reason.

The sacred gun of the multiverse universe, Longinus, is made by the Lord, and the owner is Jesus. Jesus is the only son of the Lord. He also knows this peer. He was a great man who made a great contribution to the beginning of the Human calendar. Heroes, also have a relationship with each other, but when they return from the negative multiverse, they are shocked to find that the old man has disappeared, not fallen, but disappeared because of unknown reasons. There is a legend that the Lord is because For some reason, the ‘sexuality’ changed greatly, so there was a big contradiction with his own son. After that, the Lord imprisoned Jesus in his kingdom of God, and since then, the projection of the holy gun, Langinus, has appeared. In the multiverse.

Judging from the speculation, perhaps it is Jesus, or the Jehovah’s method of refining. This holy gun has reached the peak of being able to ‘fine’, and the rest is the opportunity, and spreading its projection into the multiverse is to Quantity instead of quality, as long as the projection has a chance, then the subject can also learn from its opportunity, which has a line of possible achievements to achieve Spiritual Treasure, although the probability is close.

Relatively speaking, Varo’s holy gun, Langinus, is inferior to the real holy gun, Langinus, in terms of refining technology or refining materials, but one by one, but Varo’s The weapon of tomorrow, or the special weapon of his weapon, is a point that even Lian Hao appreciates. That is, for unknown reasons, this weapon has killed an Advanced-Level Saint, or killed it. It is the creature of Advanced-Level Saint. Although Lien Chan does not know why this civilized natural weapon possesses this special ‘sex’, the point of possession of this weapon is doubtful.

What is Saint? Saint is the existence of the multiverse universe. Saint itself can be regarded as a congenital creature. Advanced-Level Saint can think that it already has some of the origins and rules of the universe, although it is impossible to kill an Advanced-Level Saint. It is possible to create a Spiritual Treasure, but Varo’s civilized natural weapon is an exception. The so-called civilized natural weapon is not a substance that exists in essence, like a conceptualized collection, and when this is not powerful When the weapon is contaminated with the traces of Saint’s death, the strange changes are created…

When Varo gave his civilization a natural weapon, the moment the holy gun Longinus gave Summoning, a murderous atmosphere spread throughout the temple. With this rifle as the center, everyone saw a black ‘color’ line. From the rifle, ‘shooting’, surrounded the entire temple, and even penetrated the broken rock, together with Varo, everyone’s body was swept by the line, but everyone did not feel anything. As if this line is just an ordinary visual illusion that’s all.

But in contrast, Medusa, whose strength is getting stronger and stronger, is violently retreating. Even the Heart-Light that is about to break out is completely extinguished. The whole person madly retreats to the edge of the temple, trying to leave. Varo, or the exact saying, is farther away from this holy gun.

“See it? The trajectory of the world’s destruction… In the ordinary Plane world, this trajectory is not clear, it is often catastrophic, the massacre, or the great destruction will appear, but this world is different, is going to the world of destruction The trajectory of this destruction is so clear that ordinary people can see it with the ‘meat’ eye.”

Varo is not in a hurry to chase, but holding the rifle in his hands, as if holding a huge pressure, he silently stares at the rifle, but does not look at the escaped Medusa, then Shaking his head and saying: “It’s getting more and more powerful. It’s estimated that it will be a hundred years longer. I can’t even hold it, unless it is Saint… but it’s hard…”

“But now… people are blocking people, God is killing God, if Saint is coming…”

Varo looked up at Medusa, his face sneered, and the pistol in his hand had been stabbed along a black ‘color’ trajectory facing Medusa, and the rifle spurred out as if it were ordinary. The man took a metal pistol and pricked it out, followed by…

The pike started to collapse in front of it. All the rocks, all the metal, the ground, and even the air, everything began to collapse. What everyone saw in front of the eyes was that the place where the rifle was pierced was distorted. Look at the haha ​​mirror, when it is big and small, when it is broken, it is complete, and everything starts to deform…

Starting from the temple, a giant ditch with a depth of hundreds of meters and a depth of hundreds of meters appeared in hell, and this ditch still continues to grow, persistent and tenacious, although the speed is gradually slowing down. Rushing toward the front…



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