Dawn Infinity

Chapter 425

Because of the urgency of time, Chu Hao only said the most important words. The words around him are not elaborated, but the main Quest is to understand that the Reincarnation Army should protect as many human civilizations as possible. Other than that, everything is detailed.

Then, Chu Hao and Zhang Heng went to the sea in Agos, accompanied by a team of noble soldiers. Two of them had a record of Vulcan in the family. It is said that Vulcan angered Deity Zeus, so he was desecrated. For the mortal, and then exiled to an island, the two nobles can be used as a guide for the record and location of the island.

On the other hand, Zheng Zha came to the former Styx of the world. Here is the place where the Plane’s Styx projection breaks. It is also the best place to find the trajectory. The river here is already in the air, far away. I can only see the endless white fog. In fact, it is the vision in the eyes of ordinary people. If they step into this white fog, they will never be able to return to the world, and they will only be lost in the infinite space.

In the eyes of Zheng Zha, here is a distorted space and time, resulting in disordered chaos, and after the disordered chaos, even Zheng Zha can not see through, non-space, non-time, Non-material, non-energy, that is the gap between Plane and Plane, is a restricted area that no creature can go to.

In fact, the sensory system in Zheng Zha normally is the same as ordinary people, but the higher the level of power he uses, the stronger the strength, the more the world he sees is different from ordinary people. No, it is different from ordinary creatures. .

For example, the smell that dogs can distinguish, such as the world seen in insect eyes, such as the sound and hearing of dolphins, etc., many animals have much stronger senses than Human, which is what different living things see. The world is different, and when the strength of Zheng Zha is strong enough to reach a realm, the world he can see has begun to transcend the world that the living body can see. The simplest, he can see the multidimensional space in three dimensions. The overlap state and the squeeze state.

And as his strength improves, the hidden world he can see is more and more rich. For example, he once tried the moment when his peak of power broke out, that is, he is about to be the point of the next a Saint. At that time, he even saw the wave function collapse effect of the most basic particles, that is, at that moment, he saw the moment before and after the observer appeared. For the change of quantum state, he saw countless possibilities appear before the collapse. Confirmed at the moment of collapse, and then formed the fact that it is already beyond the existence of life vision, so he confirmed that his strength at that moment has reached the critical point of Saint, advancing one micron, he It is the so-called sacredness that transcends the boundaries of life.

It’s just that this state is very dangerous. Zheng Zha For some reason, he now has to suppress his impulse to be a a, because because a Saint is dead, he does not dare to enter such a peak except for a few special circumstances. In the state of power outburst, the closer the distance is to one of Come a Saint, the less time he can delay. In fact, after the Zerg Mother’s mother, there is only one time that he is not allowed to enter such a state. In other cases, he can solve it with one punch and one foot.

At this moment, Zheng Zha stood at the edge of this Plane, his strength began to rise wildly. Gradually, the wind and thunder loomed around him. With the appearance of the wind and thunder, his body gradually began to change, becoming taller and bigger. It turned into a half-dragon human body, this is his Heart-Light, and the dragon

As his body changed, the wind thunder gradually faded from reality to reality, not only in this way, but also purple thunder and lightning, surrounded by his body, turning this square into a Thunder Judgment Day, the ground cracked, the sky thunder And sometimes there are distorted spatial fluctuations, and this is obviously not the end.

“Not enough… not enough…”

Now Zheng Zha’s strength has improved, only to the extent that the second generation was forced to return to the real world. Perhaps it is a little stronger than that at that time, but it is not much different, and this is barely counted in the realm of biology. And in the backwardness, the strength has already surpassed the biological category and began to enter the so-called ‘holy, world.

The so-called holy does not only refer to strength, it is the sublimation of life level…

In the eyes of Zheng Zha at this moment, the disillusion of the most basic particles can be seen. In the world of infinite possibilities presented before and after the collapse of the wave function, he can see the multidimensional space that has been superimposed and superimposed in the real three-dimensional world. Seeing countless lines-like things distributed throughout the universe, he can even see the most primitive arc that makes up the entire universe. At this moment, he is no longer seeing it as a creature. He is a more super-detached. It can be considered as an observer. It can be considered as a god. It can be considered supreme. This is the holy world…

The most basic one of Saint is the infinite energy, which Zheng Zha once heard in Luo, and until now he can understand the meaning of this, the basic elements of the universe are time, space, energy, material In the holy world, these four elements are clearly visible. According to Luo’s statement, the more clearly they can understand the relationship between the four elements and the ability to combine them, then the more they exist. Plus detachment, this is the so-called common Saint and Advanced-Level Saint, even if there is a stronger inner universe or something…

Zheng Zha naturally does not know what kind of existence is there. After all, he is only a sacred now, and there is still a distance from the real Saint, but he does not know whether it is his illusion, even if he is only a sacred, but In the world he saw in his eyes, it seems that only two elements are right.

These two elements are interdependent, but the Attribute is opposite. He can’t clearly distinguish and interpret these two elements. But in the entangled state of these two elements, first of all, there is a qualitative time, because of the birth of time. The generation of space and matter, and then the movement of matter in unit time in space produces energy.

Indeed, Zheng Zha can clearly distinguish the four elements in the sacred state, but he also vaguely saw the beginning of the four elements, that is, the other two elements that Luo did not mention. Because of the discovery of these two initial elements, when he was in a state of sacredness, he could extract a source of energy like Saint infinite energy in a short period of time…

Vacuum zero point energy

As mentioned before, when Zheng Zha looked at Saint, the world he saw, in addition to the four basic elements, there are two other elements that he can only vaguely feel, and rely on the experience of these two original elements. He saw the formation of energy. In the space, the energy produced by the unit time movement is the energy. This is the beginning of the evolution energy of the two original elements, even in the so-called vacuum space. The energy produced by the movement of basic materials, the entire multiverse is actually an endless sea of ​​energy. This is because the two initial elements are the initial elements that constitute the four basic elements. The two original elements are the cornerstone of the entire multiverse. Every moment, the four basic elements will be born from the two original elements, energy… is not exhaustive

Zheng Zha, who can feel the two original elements, even if he only feels it slightly, but can’t clearly find it, clearly see it, but he also gets unimaginable benefits from it, and in the state of sacredness, Use it, match Saint… No, win the ordinary Saint, a super state created on the basis of Great Desolate…

Vacuum creation

This is a kind of detachment that directly crosses the four basic elements and crosses the level at which he is now in a certain period of time…

This is… a power that can really open up the world and even replace the universe.

Zheng Zha has a chaotic image in his eyes. Suddenly a thunder bursts from it, and then divides into a clear and turbid, the Qing Dynasty rises, the turbidity descends, and turns into four basic elements, all of which flash in his eyes, and now he Around the body, within a radius of nearly 100 kilometers, everything is smashing and reorganizing. The world seen in his eyes is a sea of ​​energy fluctuations, and this ocean seems to be owned by him at this moment…

“Great Desolate is open to the earth”

“Vacuum Creation”

Zheng Zha made a straight punch, and the inexhaustible energy fluctuations raged, tearing the space, distorting the time, smashing the material, assimilated the energy, and in the disappearance of the meditation, the layers of Plane gaps were him. After the hole was worn, then in his eyes, the endless wave of the fundamental particle wave collapsed and began to sway. The phantom projection that had been detached seemed to be super-fast lens playback. From the distant distance of the infinite Plane, the world began to play back. And he, has slowly found the trajectory of the piece of the Styx from the ……

Just as Zheng Zha made this punch, in addition to the Plane far away from the Plane, in the mezzanine of a Plane gap, a youth brows slightly wrinkle wearing a casual suit, making him a black and white two small balls of light The fierce annihilation was turned into a preliminary Plane in his palm.

Youth waved his hand and waved the ultra-small Plane, and the costume girl next to him suddenly asked: “What’s wrong, elder brother, you are not going to explain to me what is the realm of the two instruments?”

Youth smiled a bit: “It’s easy to talk about it. I’m just starting to have a clue. It’s not so much to explain it to you. It’s better to say that I’m going to deduct it again, but… it’s not fair…”

The costume beauty suddenly asked curiously: “What is unfair? The elder brother is saying that you have understood and explained it to me. Is this unfair? But… I am stupid, the elder brother is much better than me, so it can only be unfair. Oops.”

Youth shook his head and didn’t continue to talk about it. It was just his gaze. If you had a few more eyes in a certain direction, and that direction…

It is Chu Hao’s current war of the gods Plane.

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