Dawn Infinity

Chapter 434

Chu Hao produces memories, or when he first became conscious, what he saw was a distorted world.

In his vision, no, it should be a transparent liquid in his eyes. His whole person is soaking in this transparent liquid, but this liquid is not the mother’s amniotic fluid. His place is not the mother’s body. Of course, These are the knowledge that he only knows in the future. At that time, he only looked at the world with his nascent curiosity. Through the glass, through the transparent liquid, one of the sights seen was slightly distorted. The world, when he was born, saw a distorted world.

“This is the first survivor of the new model, Code Name is, the initial number…”

This is his first name, no, not so much a name, but rather a Code Name, the first sign…

The first number is very clever, just like his brothers and sisters. About 18 hours after conscious, he can understand the logical relationship of numbers. This does not need to be taught, nor is it knowledge, just like you handed it. A one-year-old child enlarges a small candy, or a different number of candy, even if it is subconscious, the child will pick a big one, take more of that, one, two, three, these numbers do not need to be taught. This is true, at least for the Human Son, as long as the age increases and the intelligence increases, the relationship that understands the most basic numbers is instinct.

The first number and his brother sisters began to produce such basic digital logic in almost twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and then discovered each other’s existence, and also knew the number of brothers and sisters here…

One thousand seven hundred six hundred forty one…

This is the exact number that Chu Hao knows in the future, but at the time, he only knew that he was not alone. He had many brother sisters, many, many…

But the number of brother sisters has been decreasing, and the reason for the initial reduction is the longevity…

Many brother sisters died of aging in a few days after conscious, as if everyone who was born here had different time and flow rates, and some people matured at an amazing, almost visible speed. Big, from one or two years old, after a few hours, it seems to be ten years old. After one day, it is already thirty or forty years old, then aging, dying… and some, even after the first few people, etc., escaped from here, too. Still a baby, I have to squat in the culture tank…

The earliest disappearance was the brothers and sisters who had a fast time flow. They were quickly cleaned up by the white-haired staff, but it is strange that they were allowed to age as long as they had not died. There must be no one to come to it. It seems that even if they understand that they are going to die, is it to cultivate one of their purposes?

In addition to the seemingly different time flow rates, even the body, or race, is different.

Within Chu Hao’s conscious year, they were all brothers born in the form of Human’s baby. Some of them began to make different changes, such as some organs on the body, pointed ears, and long heads. Some of the tentacles, two or even three heads, long wings, long fins, long scales, and even long disgusting, indescribable organs…

This time, the staff in the lab no longer waited for these brothers who had strange organs to die, but took them away directly… Chu Hao never saw them again…

Although they have been lifted for just a few months or a year or so, they are all very good brother sisters. Everyone laughs together. Everyone learns the knowledge taught by the staff. Everyone is working together to become a staff member and go to the metal. Going outside the wall, everyone…

Although they look different from everyone else, they have the same heart, cheerfulness, kindness, and smirk. They are not monsters, and no brothers think they are monsters. They are like them. Human

When they were found to be taken away by the staff, all the brothers and sisters were about to predict their fate. Every brother and sister was crying, they were reluctant, but they could not struggle, despair began to appear, when the last change The girl was taken away. She just had her ears like a bunny ears. It didn’t look scary at all, but it gave a lovely feeling, but even so, she was taken away, even if she cried, requesting Even if the brother sister protects her, but… the staff does not seem to care about their lives at all, just use a strange gun to shoot anyone who dares to block, as long as the shot is turned into a fly ash, then More than three hundred brother sisters died…

I mentioned it before, Chu Hao, no, it was the first time, he was very smart, not only him, his brothers and sisters were very smart, and the first number was the best among them. This group of geniuses gathered together. Together, after the grief of the first year, and the clear identity of the staff, then all the people appeared to be quiet, smooth, and made all the demands of the staff, even a little bit There are no signs of resistance, but in private, these geniuses have begun to connect.

In the next three to four years, they learned all the knowledge that the staff brought to them like a sponge, and gradually created a set of language systems that combined lip language, sign language, and expressions, although they expressed The meaning is not accurate. Although the language system is still very naive, this is the best way they can come up with. In such a tightly monitored and indescribable place, the only way to allow them to communicate safely.

However, despair is still…

When they were born in the fifth year, various experiments began to be used on them, physically, physically, on Spirit, and even more terrifying Soul.

Some companions have become completely monsters, not the changes in some kind of organs in the body, but the real monsters, even the consciousness has completely turned into a monster.

Some companions, Spirit, are completely dysfunctional, mad, hurting themselves, hurting their companions, never knowing anyone, or becoming an idiot, or becoming a murderer.

Some of the companions were even more miserable. Their Soul had Mutation, became Phantom, became an indescribable Soul, became a monster that swallowed life, and became a

All kinds of experiments were inhuman, and almost none survived. Even after the experiment, these dependent brothers and sisters killed each other. The most precious relatives killed themselves or killed their loved ones…

The first number also experienced many of these experiments, but he is one of the few lucky ones. These experiments have not played any role for him. Whether it is Spirit, the body, or Soul, he is still too few and too few. It’s fortunate and unfortunate, because they can only watch their relatives leave them, but they are not rebellious…

Relatively speaking, the first number is the most normal of all brother sisters. His time flow rate is the most normal. His body is 100% Human from gene to external. His Soul can’t withstand many experiments, and there is still no such thing. Afraid of a little bit of Mutation, although his psychological age is devastated by excessive sadness and pain, he still maintains the child’s psychological age. No matter how you look at it, he is the most normal one of these children, but it is because In this way, he has received the most experiments and the most painful acceptance. In such desperate days, his closest person is two men and one woman living in the same room with him, two elder brothers, one elder sister, that Three people are the pillars of his life.

Such desperate days seem to be endless, brothers and sisters are getting fewer and fewer, the atmosphere is more and more silent, desperation is getting more and more strong, the first number does not know when they will die, or when their loved ones will Death, such despair continues until the day comes…

Chu Hao has come back to God, just as he rushed into the road of retrospection, the whole person fell into a half-dream and half-awake, which is almost the same feeling as Lord God transmitted, but this half-awake is not completely ignorant. Unconsciously, on the contrary, in this half-dream and awakening, the memory buried deep in his heart began to wake up, those painful, those warm, original memories.

When he returned to God, when the half-awake feeling dissipated, he suddenly found himself standing in the laboratory, yes, the laboratory where his childhood was alive, everything was as usual, silver-white metal wall , huge passages, white staff, and those unknown instruments and various monsters that have been made into specimens…

Chu Hao looked at it with horror. He didn’t know if it was an illusion or something in front of him, or did the retrospective path directly make his memories come true?

Chu Hao looked around strangely. He found that several passing research workers saw him. Then those people shouted and ran away. He didn’t chase after it, because if it was an illusion, or if it was a memory. Then all the actions may be meaningless. His first reaction was to look at his watch. This is similar to the subconscious behavior after entering Reincarnation World. Then he saw the present time, 3:18 pm… …

Three o’clock

Three o’clock

Is it… is this the case?

The memory that has been around for a long time has begun to wake up. Once, in the lab, I was desperate. I couldn’t see a little hope there. On that day, around 3 pm, the lab changed dramatically, and he and his loved ones. We caught the opportunity…

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