Dawn Infinity

Chapter 439

At the beginning of the Reincarnation Army, the Rebel Organization, or Chu Hao, had communicated with the real world countries on various matters of the Reincarnation Army. After all, the construction and maintenance of the Reincarnation Army, and even its existence, must be included in the five major hooligans. At least, more than half of the world’s powerful powers support it. Otherwise, even if such an army is built, it will only be an organization of the Rebel Organization, besieged by all countries in the world to destroy that’s all .

In this negotiation, Chu Hao and the countries almost returned all the problems, from economic, political, military, scientific, and short-term interests, such as the distribution of life-long pharmaceuticals, the distribution of future high-tech weapons, and Meme issues. The solution, to long-term interests, such as the possibility of future Plane colonization, such as the existence of Semi-Plane, and the sudden outbreak of Meme, the arrival of Judgment Day, the number of people in various countries in the world to settle in Semi-Plane, etc. It can be said that all the problems that can be thought of are exchanged. Although it is impossible to have all the answers, it is impossible for all countries to be satisfied, but at least the Reincarnation Army has been successfully built, and the follow-up of the Reincarnation Army has also been made by various countries. Have expectations.

Among the myriad of questions, Chu Hao also raised the issue of casualties, battles, and supplies related to the Reincarnation Army.

For the war, Chu Hao has a mature understanding. Of course, he clearly knows that for an army, the so-called training, the so-called elite, the so-called weapons, the so-called personnel composition is not the main problem, because there is There are casualties in the war, more training, and so-called elite, strong high-tech weapons, and then the right people, once you die, there is nothing, you must have a dare to fight, and no war The most important and most important thing is the replenishment problem. The supply of weapons, the replenishment of personnel after training, the replenishment of high-tech weapons, etc., are the most important.

If an army is replenished from the beginning, the number of replenishment and the replenishment cycle are clearly defined, and then the brave commanders and soldiers will carefully consider the battles and carefully choose them. If the situation is reversed, Opened the supply, do not limit any cycle, only use the results of the battle to assess the priority and number of replenishment, then the weak army and commander will become stronger and stronger in the battle once and finally Into the so-called tiger wolf division, the battle is happy, no war is sad, after all, the reason why such an iron army can be formed, that is what it is that’s all.

Reincarnation Army Sixth-Division, Barreton, as the teacher led by the division, of course, also enjoyed such unlimited supply benefits, so as early as entering this Plane, Barreton would rather take more waste and take more The sleepy idea, how many bullets he can get with how many guns can be replenished, except for the Gauss semi-automatic rifle that Chu Hao gave him, the other weapons are the best to pick, and the number is not a thousand. What the military should have, this is clearly a real division-level army to play a long-term great war.

After the establishment of the Reincarnation Army Sixth-Division, Barreton has always emphasized the policy of taking the elite, but it is very useful for the future construction of Sixth-Division, so although the current number is only about 1,000 people, the internal work has begun to take shape. Scout troops, to the main combat infantry units, to the mechanized vehicle units, to the long-range artillery units, to the air-to-air units, to the Chu Hao, the robotic driving forces that may exist in the future, etc., all the branches of the troops in Sixth -Division has already had a prototype in the group. Of course, the number is too small, so in addition to the main combat infantry, mechanized vehicle and artillery units, the other branches are just really prototypes that’s all.

Among them, the largest number of people are naturally mechanized, while the main combat force infantry units are single-armed, followed by mechanized vehicle units, while the number of artillery long-range units is the least, but … at least does not mean the weakest As the name of the god of modern warfare, it is worthy of the name on the battlefield where the number of enemies is enormous. What’s more, this is not just a gun. After the advancement of modern science and technology, the long-range troops are more instructive.

“Two o’clock direction, coordinate XXXX set fire attack, the second type of ground-to-ground missile two launches”

“At four o’clock, the coordinates XXXX artillery carpet bombing…”

When a large number of small Demons were observed hitting the outskirts of the valley, the first time the attack was launched was Sixth-Division’s current artillery long-range force, although there are currently only a thousand troops, relatively speaking, artillery remote, and missiles. There are certainly not many, but this is, after all, a long-range force that exists as a combat unit in the future. It has a small number of people and many weapons. Under the limit of manpower control, it is almost full of equipment equipped with these artillery and missile systems. With the advancement of modern technology and the improvement of intelligent systems, the firepower coverage of this small artillery long-range force can be at least half a division.

Under such circumstances, the little Demon whose physical quality is worse than that of Human is just like playing dead. Who is better than who died first, who is worse than who died, and who is more able to take the next step. These little Demons are like bugs on the entire front, the longest missiles, the medium-range artillery, and the short-range crossfire line. This modern defensive position is fundamental to the monsters still in the cold weapon period. It is the death line without solution.

The massacre continued, intense fire, flesh and blood almost covered the plains outside the valley, the smell of smoke and even the inside of the valley can be smelled, this fierceness is far beyond the fierce battle of cold weapons, only after the popularity of modern hot weapon It is only possible that this has crossed the gap of history. It has appeared in such an ancient Greek era, and the characters of this era are simply crazy, and they can’t believe that such an earth-shattering scene is actually caused by Human. However, I think that this army is a vassal vassal. These weapons may be artifacts and artifacts created by the sages. This is better in my heart.

It’s just that no one has seen it. As more and more small Demons are slaughtered, there are countless red and black scent from their broken bodies. This red and black breath is in the ground and sneaked into the earth. I couldn’t see anything again. I couldn’t see anything at first, but as more and more red and black atmosphere invaded the earth, the rules of the earth gradually began to change, from the real world with vitality to the similarities of the underworld. That is the land that has died of death.

When such a land was formed, the little Demon had already slaughtered only enough less than the thousand, which was still in the late bombing, when Barreton and other officers negotiated, I don’t know how long the duration of the battle is, although the ammunition base is sufficient. However, it is also necessary to save some. Since the number of monsters has been greatly reduced, it is no longer necessary to rely on long-range artillery bombardment. Therefore, the small Demon that cannot be used by the frozen thousand has been attacked by the valley entrance. Otherwise, they may have been slaughtered. net.

But the remaining little Demons also began to evolve Mutation, which produced an inexplicable breath from the polluted land, and they directly swallowed the flesh and blood of the same kind, and the remaining little Demon became taller and stronger. There are traces of muscle tangling in the body, and at least a hundred of them are directly transformed into a magnified version of Demon with at least two meters in shape. In addition to their body becoming taller and larger, their strength, speed, and defense are all inflated. For example, one of the big Demons has reached the fire-crossing point at the entrance of the valley. When it was fired by at least three heavy machine guns and dozens of semi-automatic rifles, it was only seriously injured, and the bullet holes retreated into the small Demon group. It was then restored by swallowing the little Demon. This scene was truly terrifying and was faithfully recorded by the Reincarnation Army. It will further deepen the understanding of Plane’s operational dangers.

Although these larger Demons are terrifying, they also throw a basketball-sized orange-red Fireball. The explosion power is like Grenade, but the number of these big Demons is too small, and the valley defense of Human is too strong. Therefore, they are just cockroaches that are so strong that they are not damaged in the overall situation.

What is really terrifying is… When the small Demon troops are mostly destroyed and the rest is not important, the observers have sent new news, and on the plains, a new round of monsters has appeared, and this time again It’s not a monster cluster like a small Demon, but a large number of countless monsters gathered together, humanoid, non-human, animal, plus flying monsters, a total of at least a million Above, you can’t see the border. If the previous little Demon is still an appetizer, then these monsters are the real main dishes, and they are hot dishes that are hot and hot…

Previously Demon’s Mutation, and even evolved into a big Demon, all of which were faithfully recorded by the Reincarnation Army’s battlefield record. The Staff Committee has conducted an urgent discussion on this situation. The result is that after the monster dies, it will accumulate. Some unknown energy causes the surviving monster to become stronger, and even evolve to a higher level. Unless it is extinct carpet attack with weapons of mass destruction in a very short time, the battlefield situation is likely to become more and more Oops, if the monster group has tens of thousands of big Demon, then the defensive position of the valley entrance is likely to exceed its defensive load, and finally lead to being broken…

Under such circumstances, the personnel of the Mission first conducted internal deliberation, and then the representatives of the five major rogue countries went to Barreton, who was in the command center for combat command, and informed him of a message. This is the representative of the five major rogue states. Knowing the information, this is actually one of the most important secret Quests of the Mission.

That is, if Chu Hao’s behavior is found to be inconsistent with his promise, leading the outside Plane to invade the real world, then the Mission will launch the secret weapon they carry in secret, destroy Chu Hao first, block the outer Plane invasion portal, and protect the real world. Safety, of course, if the situation does not reach this point, then this weapon is basically impossible to use, which requires the observation officials of the five major countries to start at the same time…

The miniaturized nuclear fusion warhead is hidden in the equipment and vehicles carried by the observation group. Once the combination is completed, it will be…

Simply put, it is called…

Strategic hydrogen bomb

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