Dawn Infinity

Chapter 446

Zheng Zha has already had mature experience and understanding of his own battle. At the same time, this experience and understanding is not old and fixed. For example, after he created the vacuum creation, his battle will improve, although Still his system.

For Zheng Zha, there is a very important world view that always exists, that is, you have thousands of cultivation techniques, what rules do you have, and when you fight against each other at the end, you always have to stab the sword, always the collision of forces, Since he entered Reincarnation World, he has been involved in the final battle. Since he won the strongest name of Reincarnation World, the only thing he is good at is the only strength, the real power, and the way users and users use it. Since other people can rely on various Spell cultivation techniques and various rules are powerful and powerful, why can’t he rely on the power he is best at?

The reason why it can’t be defeated is that the power is not strong enough that’s all, what Spell cultivation technique, what rule projection, in a word, but the power of the Attribute changes, he can be broken

“A good trick is Deity Thunder Boxing.” Luo took his chest and his body began to recover. It was only at the level of the most basic particles, and the disturbance of the wind and water caused his body to recover much slower than Zheng Zha.

Zheng Zha was a bit inexplicable at this time, and some of them were quite awkward. In his eyes, he looked at his fist with a fascinating look. After hearing the words, he said to Luo with his fist: “What is Deity Thunder? I am just punching that’s All.”

I don’t know why, Luo suddenly appeared on the forehead with a few obvious blue veins. He sneered and said: “Do you want to punch two cakes?”

Zheng Zha said strangely: “How do you know? It is a punch that is made into two small cakes…”


Luo’s three arms on one shoulder slammed, and suddenly, Zheng Zha was shot out in the distance, and Luo was almost gnashing teeth: “Don’t always think about eating you.” Why is it so powerful, so a powerful blow, do you have to call a punch and two cakes? Can two cakes really satisfy you? Why don’t you think about the people we accompany you fighting? Times, dozens of times, hundreds of times, each time being ridiculed by the other party’s pseudo-sacred you fucking is wanting to go to your mother’s punch and two cakes to repeat a sentence for Deity Thunder, come see my mouth , both Deity Thunder Boxing”

While speaking, Luo has been waving his arms in the air, and Zheng Zha can’t even see what he is attacking, so he has been repeatedly penetrated into the depths of the void, and he does not know how many punches he hit. Until Zheng Zha’s body faintly sang around the body, Luo Cai seemed to stop his arms in the same breath, but his eyes were still not good, as if Zheng Zha said another punch and two words, he will continue Teach him to be the same.

“Remember that the name of your move is called Deity. Thunderbolt represents the beginning of chaos. When Hong Meng is not born, the strongest lightning in the end and the beginning, that is the shock on the multi-cosmic string, is the most The power of strength, remember that you are ancient, you are fighting from the weakest step by step, step by step, step by step, and finally go to the strongest man, you are my comrade, you are not lost to anyone You don’t need to bow to anyone. You will always stand at the top of the mountain and remember this title. Both are Deity.

After Zheng Zha was not attacked, he tried to stand up straight and then breathe deeply several times. Although this piece of void has no air, he actually tried to suppress himself and finally suppressed the song. Going back, he just gasped and said: “Do you want me to say dozens of times? My name is Zheng Zha, you are a grandfather.”

Luo mouth corner pumped, but did not attack again, but said to Zheng Zha: “I don’t talk to you, now you give me a clear answer, don’t stop my way, understand? I also tell you the truth. I can’t wait here for a long time. Now it’s just the simulated body I got from burning this silk god, so I don’t have much time to entangle with you. You just need to give me a sentence, let… or just let it go.”

This is a serious statement, not only the words, but also the aura of his body when he spoke. All this makes Zheng Zha know that Luo is serious at the moment. If he does not give way, then let Luo be inexplicable to him. How good is there, at the moment, both of them have only one battle…

But… will he be afraid? Or……

“The retreat at this moment will make me always lose my persistence and hard work… So, come to war and use your true strength to defeat me and kill me, but I don’t think I will take a step back…”

“In order for me to be the strongest and sacrificed Partner, they are watching me.”

Luo Wenyan suddenly closed his eyes. When he opened again, there was only iron and blood intent in his eyes. He did not speak. He only stood long sword and long arm on his chest, and the other four arms stood on his shoulders. Behind him, such a gesture came out, inexplicable, Zheng Zha had a little shudder.

“This is the mythology, the form of my battle, and the true san, its sacred path must conform to the rules of the multiverse, or, I represent the rules, I am the battle sacred, in many Plane, My form is enough to cause war. If I manipulate energy in my form, it is enough to destroy the world extermination world. This is just the natural phenomenon of my holy path, that’s all, and you… ready for all this. ?? Luo’s voice is low and majestic, like the reverberation on the battlefield.

Zheng Zha took a deep breath, clenched his fists and erected, whispering in a low voice: “Come on…”

Bless me, Partners, I won’t fail… I can’t fail

When the voice fell, the long sword on Luo’s arm slammed down, and Zheng Zha’s pupil slammed in the eyes. He might have seen something, but he didn’t see anything, but he could only rely on instinct. Move, think about how fast he is at this moment, this retreat is the distance of tens of thousands of meters, and time is not even a glimpse, but even so, when he stops, there is a gap in his chest. Although healed healing in an instant, it also proved that he did not retreat.

“This is just greeting, remember, the next time, is to really erase the attack.”

“…attack on the string?”

Zheng Zha took a deep breath and did not retreat because of Luo’s threat or toughness. Instead, he asked this sentence.

“Yes, maybe in your eyes, the truth of the world has begun to show up, but I want to say… you are like a baby who opened his eyes to see the world for the first time, that is plausible, or you have not thought about what I just did.” If you say it, I think so I am. For the real saint, the so-called dimension is just instinct. No matter how far you stand, as long as you are still in a Plane, then you are like standing in front of me, I don’t even have to Go find you, because I punched you, you are there, and this technique may be their favorite skill for the pseudo-saints, but this is actually the first step for the real saint. That’s all , seeing the different dimensions of the universe, and then you will find that the so-called space is just an illusion.”

“Space is an illusion?” Zheng Zha tried to empty his only fist twice, then he seemed to find a little sly, and suddenly curiously asked: “What time?”

In the majestic eyes of Rona, there was a little bit of nostalgia, as if it were a reflection of a long time past, he said: “As for time… it is the second step of the Holy Spirit, for example… Didn’t you find it?”

“What did you find?” Zheng Zha waved his fist again and replied.

“You…have only one arm.”

Zheng Zha slammed his waving arm and silenced for half a moment. This said: “It turns out that… This is the real battle at your level. The so-called time and space are just the means for you to achieve the purpose of the attack. So… why are you still in good condition? I don’t believe that you will always be a woundless battle, or you will always be an overwhelming victory?”

“This is not irreversible. Unless it is completely erased and destroyed in a battle, you can go back and say, some are like the retrospective path in the underworld debris, but this is not the retrospective. In the past, but your truth… Or, you have forgotten the sentence that I will repeat, I think, so I am…” Luo chuckled, and in the end, it was a shot, this time Zheng Zha did not dodge Instead, he watched him suffer this attack as if he were feeling his attack. After that, Zheng Zha stood with his only leg and looked straight at Luo.

“I can’t learn your attack.” Zheng Zha said calmly: “But I know how to attack you. After all, I still don’t have enough strength to break a continent or something. For you, you only need If you twist a little space, it will be unharmed at all. Similarly, if you really hit you, you only need to trace this attack back to the past, then you have nothing to do. After all, it is still my strength is not enough…”

Luo seems to have heard the sound of the long time ago. He doesn’t know whether the Human in front of him will make the same decision as the ancient one, and also the decision made by the same for the Partner…

“So what are your plans? Strength is a very realistic thing. If you say enough, it will not be enough. It will not be transferred because of your will. This is the difference between you and the present, no matter if you can use it. The power to break this, the key question is…” Luo continued.

“The key question is” Zheng Zha repeated, saying: “The power is not enough, isn’t it? Indeed, breaking the mainland and even breaking the power of a planet like the moon can’t hurt you, but… if you break the power of Plane? Break all the things in this Plane from time, space, material, energy, let alone you have space, time, or something else, I can beat you, even if I can’t break those big ones. Plane, those with the universe of Plane, but… only need to concentrate on one point, just break the rule balance of this, then you can hurt you?”

Luo Xiao smiled and nodded and said: “Interesting, indeed, if it is pure power, then it is not possible to get to such a level to have a look, it can really be said to force the way, then you have?”

“I don’t have it now, but if so?”

In the meantime, Zheng Zha has no repression, singing…

Surging from him, resounding through this piece of nothingness

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