Dawn Infinity

Chapter 451

Chu Hao was in a daze, he felt like a stupid creature like a pig… No, it’s more stupid than a pig, why did he do that?

He could have saved the Partners. He has already understood the way of running back this way. That is, every time you pull back a Partner Soul, you have to go back to your most important choice in the past and go back. The choice, but… obviously, as long as you finally squat in the end, and through that heartache, then everything will be fine, and the future will be better…

How did he violate the past?

Partner… How do I face you…

Elder sister… a warm embrace…

Two very different ideas converge in his mind, making him feel like he is going to collapse…

“All right.”

Zhang Heng suddenly shuddered and sat next to Chu Hao. He tried to sit on his own and then broke the roots. Before being beaten by Ares, he spilled the broken cigarette from the pocket and shook the cigarette holder. When I got to my mouth, I said to Chu Hao: “Hey, don’t worry, help me.”

Chu Hao was forced to return from the nostalgic mood, and looked at the cigarette butt on Zhang Heng’s mouth. Then he looked at the battlefield around the backtrack, and his heart was soft. Then I got the ignition star and gave Zhang Heng a cigarette. Then I leaned against the big rock behind me and said, “You also… hard work.”

“Well, it’s very hard, I tell you, the situation at the time was like this…”

Zhang Heng took a deep breath and opened his mouth haha ​​and smiled. Then he showed off the same time with the Ares great war for a few hundred rounds, which made Ares helpless to adapt and said, and Chu Hao is really I know, Zhang Heng… must have put on a life to fight, this is his Partner, just like the Partner he wants to resurrect…

After Zhang Heng had finished speaking, Chu Hao said with a low head: “Let you down, I… failed, no resurrection to anyone, it is my fault, I should not…”

“What are you talking about?”

Zhang Heng shot Chu Hao’s shoulder again, but immediately, his palm broke directly, and the blood was fluent. He wrinkled his brow and didn’t care. He said directly: “I saw the whole process of your resurrection. I saw every process, so…”

Chu Hao was silent for a while, and said: “So… let you down, I shouldn’t have done that, I should resurrect them…”

“You are doing right.”

Zhang Heng’s voice suddenly grew louder, and then he sucked a cigarette too hard. Then he spit out the smoke circle and said, “It’s not ironic that you are doing it fucking, forgive me for being so bohemian… well, seriously If you still left your elder sister, I will despise you, look down on you, and never forgive you.”

“…with you.” Chu Hao stunned for a long time and finally took out the two words.

“With your uncle” Zhang Heng took another cigarette and found that he had already sucked the cigarette butt. He reluctantly lost his cigarette butt. This said: “Partner is not only able to resurrect this time, is it, I just listened to you. Say, this retrospective path is resurrected once. If it is unsuccessful, the resurrected person will have to wait until one year before he can be resurrected again, but you think, we are at Reincarnation World, the time flow rate is different, maybe about three times. Reincarnation World, even if you don’t need it, you can be resurrected again, and next time, don’t think about resurrecting them all at once, because in the past… too damn heavy, no one can carry it all, from next time From now on, one resurrection, or one resurrection, can be two. As long as we are not dead, then they will have a day to live. What do you say?”

Chu Hao slowly raised his head and looked at Zhang Heng with some surprise. He said in his usual calm and calm tone: “When… I actually need you to comfort me.”

Speaking of this, Chu Hao stood up and looked up at the crack on the zenith: “Do not worry… I am not so easy to be beaten. This time, I will come back next time, as long as there is a comeback. The possibility, I will never despair… or, as you said, I am too greedy, the next time I start from the resurrection of one or two people.”

“As for now…just look at the Central Province team.”

In this piece of the Plane shards, the same waiting people are not only Chu Hao and Zhang Heng. On the other side, Hades Hades is anxious than anyone else. He is suspended in midair and looks at the zenith cleft. Even in his mouth, he continued to recite, and he did not know whether he was praying or swearing.

At the bottom, in the stone house of Varo, Perseus and others also hid in the house. Although there was nothing inside, and there was a shellless snail glaring at them, they did not care. I also looked at the crack in the zenith.

“You said, is he afraid?”

A newbie suddenly asked in the expeditionary army.

When everyone looked at him and looked at him a little embarrassed, another old soldier said: “It must be afraid. Didn’t he yell at Master before? It has already been trusted by a Master, but he has to rely on his life. A new Master, you said that if the new Master fails, can he still survive?

Newbie nodded again and again, but after a long time he only returned to God and said: “But this way, we will die too? Why do I have nothing to worry about now? And you don’t seem to worry.”

The veteran knocked on the head of this newbie and looked at the people around him: “I don’t know if everyone’s thoughts are like me, but at least I have my thoughts, I think… Hahahaha, can make Hades Hades a Deity It’s not bad to go to die with us, isn’t it?”

At this time, Ai Russia also said: “The more wealthy people, the more fear of death, the more rights holders, the more fear of death, the more the superior, the more fear of death, the death is equal, but before we die, we and Hardy Spie is unequal, he has lost much more than us, so he is worried more than us.

After this, everyone is speechless, although it is said, but the ants are still stealing, they also have their own expectations.

On the other hand, in the place where Luo was out of the seal, the scattered blood of the sea condensed here, and a large number of creatures were born from the sea of ​​blood, strong and weak, but they began to swallow each other after birth, unfortunately, Lin Juntian and Liu Yu, plus Zeus and Athena, who are weaker than mortals, are trapped in the middle of this bloody sea.

“Linda brother…the one before, is that in the forest house?” Liu Yu threw a card and suddenly there was a group of Elf swordsmen who were rushing to the four-person Troll After splitting the body, Liu Yu was worried about Lin Juntian.

Lin Juntian’s face was also worried, but he barely could hide it, and he said with relief: “Relieve, now Captain is much stronger than that time, not to mention that the figure that flew before was not big, than Lin Zhong The one in the hut is much weaker, and it is estimated that… Captain can win.”

Liu Yu nodded and nodded, then he glanced at Zeus and Athena: “That said… you ran over, we have no obligation to help you and protect you.”

Athena just smiles, but Zeus is closed, and the two gods also want to face, although… they have been broken and timid, but it is always how many faces can be saved. And from time to time, they are also peek at the crack in the zenith…

Is life, or death…

The only living beings in the underworld are watching the zenith rip. Suddenly, some people flashed from the crack at the top of the day. Everyone almost stopped breathing and used their own eyesight to look at the human form. ……

Not tall, only one head, two arms, and two wings, flying from the zenith to the ground, that is…

Zheng Zha return

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