Dawn Infinity

Chapter 461

“…No accidents have been found yet. Mushroom Meme is still dormant. This is a few samples I have collected from the mushroom field. I can check it. If there is no accident, I can cancel the first alert status of the mushroom Meme temporarily, but In order to ensure safety, it is better to prepare for the final plan.

Chu Hao’s return and his words made all the country’s top executives relieved. Chu Hao’s words are not over yet, and the surprise is still behind.

“…Because of this mushroom event, I feel that the public can discuss an urgent agreement. When the mushroom Meme, or similar to Meme, the continuation of Human, the facts have proved that whether it is underground, ocean or outside, On space satellites, unless it is the back of the moon, Meme can ignore any obstacles to infection, and because Meme’s explosive breadth and intensity, leading prevention, prior control, and hindrance are uncontrollable factors, so It is imperative to discuss a new big retreat… I will open the first Plane channel for the gods in three months, when I will provide 10,000 to 50,000, and I will go to the Rebel Organization headquarters. Submit an application requesting the expansion of Semi-Plane and enabling it to form a preliminary viable environment.”

Suddenly, the top leaders of all countries are engrossed. Two things Chu Hao said, whether it is the opening of the gods Plane or the expansion and normalization of Semi-Plane, is super good news for them. Knowing more and more fear, the world is just like a time bomb. It may be completely destroyed when Meme is rampant. To be honest, some insiders commit suicide because they can’t stand the pressure. So far, there is no one. Thousands, there are also eight hundred, and Chu Hao’s two proposals are simply the only hope in despair.

“Mr. Chu Hao, please ask specifically…”

“Mr. Chu Hao, about this 10,000 to 50,000 places…”

“Mr. Chu Hao…”

Many high-level leaders involuntarily asked, and Chu Hao said directly: “Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, because of the problems of the gods Plane and Semi-Plane, they must immediately communicate to the headquarters, so please allow me to leave now. For details, please contact the foreign affairs department of Rebel Organization. For the notification of 10,000 to 50,000 people and the expansion of Semi-Plane, the details will be negotiated with the foreign affairs department. I will retire first.” I ignored the inquiries from the heads of these countries and turned away from the secret room. Later, I walked straight out of the base, went to the airport of the Rebel Organization, and Zhang Heng boarded his plane.

As soon as I got on the plane, Zhang Heng seemed to want to ask, but was immediately stopped by Chu Hao’s eyes, and then there was nothing to say. After a long time, when the plane landed at the headquarters of Rebel Organization, both Chu Hao and Zhang Heng were Without a word, Chu Hao took Zhang Heng to the innermost part of the Rebel Organization, only one floor away from the location of Ultimate Creed, and until then, Chu Hao opened his Semi-Plane and then Inside, a female is released.

This woman seems to be about twenty-two or three years old. It seems to be a little younger than Chu Hao. When she comes out, she looks around until she sees where she is standing. This is relaxed, and she laughs at Chu Hao: “It looks like here. It has been refurbished. It seems that you are doing well. Not only has it not been destroyed by C-Organization, but it has not been annihilated by countries. It seems to be getting bigger…”

“Chen less nonsense” Chu Hao said, “I’m the first question, who are you?” The second question, why do you appear in the mushroom field? The third question, mushroom Meme… Is it still asleep? ??”

The woman smiled and looked at Chu Hao’s iron-blue face and the slightly trembling body. She sighed again: “My name is Wei Shi poetry. As for why it appears in mushroom fields… It was not mushroom Meme at the time. Did it break out? Then I was trapped at the core, I thought I was dead, but I didn’t expect you to appear next to me, then hugged me, then I seemed to fall asleep, and it seemed to be awake. When I came back to God, I found myself lying in a mushroom. I hadn’t returned to God at that time. After careful investigation, I found that this place full of mushrooms was the place where the mushroom Meme broke out, just the mushroom Meme. It seems to be dormant, then I tried to leave the mushroom field, but found that the mushroom was out of the grass, and there were many soldiers guarding it. After thinking about it, I left some traces of action and then returned to the mushroom field. That’s about it.”

Chu Hao trembled and bit his teeth and didn’t talk, but Zhang Heng immediately exclaimed: “Oh, I remember, she is not the elder sister you recalled on the road back? And, You are finally on the road back…”

Chu Hao immediately interrupted Zhang Heng with a wave of his hand. He turned his head and stared at Wei Shishi: “Do you have any evidence that you are… Wei Shi poetry? Don’t say genes, BNA, or any other password. Coping, whether you are a Wei Shi poem, you and I know that these things are simply too simple for C-Organization, and I am not afraid to tell you, you don’t want to have any moves here, maybe Elsewhere, I can’t take C-Organization or X-Organization, but here is different, here’s what… I have a million ways to make you go away instantly.”

Wei Shishi was shocked. She looked around and said: “I don’t remember when we built this place, there is such a thing? Could you have any controllable Meme and then use it here? ”

“Answer me” Chu Hao is like a roaring roar.

“What a fierce murder.” Wei Shishi snorted, she did not dare to say more, because everyone familiar with Chu Hao knows that he is serious now, and at this moment he is not even afraid of his own life. “Crazy”, so don’t continue to provoke him to anger him.

“If you say it, this is not…” Wei Shishi pointed his forehead with his finger, said with a smile: “When you don’t have Meme, you will marry me, then our wedding will be held in Antarctica. And two of me, because I always like snow, you said that there is the most snow there… Can this prove?”

Chu Hao’s eyes suddenly became red. Because of this, this is only what he and Wei Shishi know. Even the other brothers and sisters don’t know, and there was no Rebel Organization at the time. Organizations are unlikely to monitor them all the time, so even if they cloned Weishi poetry, they don’t know these words.

“But” Chu Hao took a deep breath and continued: “This doesn’t fully prove what you said, then… in these three months, you have to stay in my sight, once you leave My line of sight, then I will kill you immediately, or chase you, at no cost… Do you agree?”

Wei Shi poetry has not spoken yet, Zhang Heng has already called out: “Hey Chu Hao, you are too much, you know the way back, what happened, you will regret it.”

Chu Hao immediately looked at Zhang Heng and said, “You don’t know about it at all… I said that if you give me a shut up, you can do it.”

“Yes, yes, you are Captain…”

“Yes, yes, you are the boss…”

Zhang Heng and Wei Shishi said at the same time, and then they looked at each other strangely, and suddenly they laughed. Only Chu Hao was still sullen and then said, “You shut me up.”

Suddenly, both Zhang Heng and Wei Shishi’s eyes slanted for forty-five degrees, and the corners of their mouths were slightly sloppy. There seemed to be a folk minor in their mouths. This way, Chu Hao’s forehead was straightforward, but he was also relieved, directly To Zhang Heng said: “Zhang Heng, I want all your Reward Points and Side-Story, I will pay you back later.”

Zhang Heng also knows the time to say something right. He said in a righteous way: “Yes, but you have to tell me what to bring. If it is used to arm the Reincarnation Army, I don’t think I can use it so much?”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “No… it is used to expand Semi-Plane and create a semi-Plane self-circulation system, that is, air, water, atmosphere, gravity, etc., and then have a simple plant system. And a lot, a lot of water sources… At the very least, Semi-Plane has to be expanded to carry 10 million people in a short period of time to survive.”

“Thousands of people have survived for a month?” Zhang Heng was shocked. He suddenly remembered what he said: “You mean… you want Exchange space fragmentation, and use the Semi-Plane adjustment directly at Lord God? Use Reward Points and Side-Story to adjust?”

“Well… At the same time, this time I have to test whether the gods Plane can enter the world with a lot of people. After all, we used to rely on the authority, and now…”

Chu Hao shook his head and continued: “At the same time, you and my Authority are ready. Maybe we will be in the Summoning Central Province team in the next year, or other Teams will enter the world. By the time… How much is saved, just, I don’t know what other Team strengths and conditions are, I hope… like the Central Province team, or Team Great-Westland…”

“All in all, everything is ready, Semi-Plane, the gods Plane immigration migration, and…Summoning other Team, Central Province team, Team Great-Westland, Team Deity, even Team Demon…we…will usher in a world Judgment Day ”

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