Dawn Infinity

Chapter 469

“Hello, I met for the first time. I am Gecheng Miri. Please take care of it in the future.” After seeing Roger in Gecheng Miri, the first sentence is the first sentence of politeness in Japanese.

After saying this, Miri was silent for a while, and did not say anything, and the truth behind her was very embarrassing. When I was about to say something, Ah’Xing pulled out Angel directly with Heart-Chains. The order, the Spiritual-Force Controller, was also a table of food before, and it was very gentle to laugh. In addition to Roger, it was another person who talked with him.

I saw Angela walked to the side of Yu Zhenzhen and said a few words to him. He took him away from the room. At the same time, except for Ah’Xing and Roger, the rest of the room left the room. There are three people left in Miri, Roger and Ah’Xing.

Although Miri had already had a surprise in her heart, she still sighed a little when she saw this. At the same time, a pocket-sized at-field scanner in her sleeve also clearly told her that there is only one at-force field. In front of this humanoid creature named Roger, the remaining seven people do not have an at-force field.

“Open the door and say, we have been waiting for you for a long time, Miss Gecheng Miri.” Ah’Xing micro said with a smile.

Gecheng Miri was silent, and suddenly he asked: “You seven people… are just Human?”

Ah’Xing still smiled and said: “Well, yes, the seven of us are really pure Humans.”

(In other words, only Roger is not Human? No, the apostle is actually Human in some ways…)

Sure enough, when Gecheng Miri thought this way, Roger had already started talking: “Sorry, I am also Human.”

Of course, this is heard in Gecheng Miri and Ah’Xing, but there are two answers.

Gecheng Miri was silent again. This said: “So, can you please, you… No, Roger’s purpose is the deepest part of the base…”

“Ultimate Creed.” Ah’Xing nodded affirmatively: “We want Roger to enter Ultimate Creed, no, or we have to go into Ultimate Creed. That’s the truth, we don’t use scams to fool You.” Of course, misleading is a must.

Gecheng Miri’s expression remained the same, and she touched her own headset. After she entered the room, she never heard any sound from the base, and Ah’Xing said, “Sorry, Miss Miri, for some reason, we don’t want to contact with the r organization, so after you enter here, all the communication with your base has been cut off, unless you use pa directly to neutralize the …at force field here, otherwise Your communication cannot be passed, please understand.”

Gecheng Miri suddenly smiled, she took out the headset directly from her ear, and then said with a smile: “How to say it, in fact, I knew Roger was the eighth apostle at first. I was very surprised. I could even describe it with shock. I think you should understand what I mean? As a huge biological image, and there is no ** or means to communicate with Human, the only thing to do is killing, destroying, war, and entering Ultimate Creed. The ruined apostle… There will be such a peaceful image of Human. It can be said that my worldview has some subversive feelings.”

Ah’Xing showed some bitterness with a smile: “I understand that my worldview also had some subversion. But then, Ms. Miri is not coming to chat with us? We also learned some ways to treat the apostles. I think, outside, it will not be full of weapons, and two pas are on standby?”

Gecheng Meili shook his head and said seriously: “I will not make fun of my life. Maybe at some point I will sacrifice myself, but definitely not die on the worthless death, so you can rest assured, at least At this time there is no threat around, I came because… I want to talk to Roger, or the apostle, or Angel, no matter what the name is, I want to talk to him, after all, he is my place. The first one to know, and probably the only one of the Human form apostles, can see that his actions can be exchanged. I want to talk to him.”

(Sure enough… Ah’Xing, you still are so gods.)

Roger’s voice was in Ah’Xing’s mind. Ah’Xing’s face was slightly twitched. He didn’t have time to correct Roger’s so-called god stick. He said directly: “What are you asking, ask? I can actually do it. He has some problems in his head. Hey, to put it simply, it is innocent. After all, it looks like Human, but he is not alone.”

Next to Roger, after listening to it, he just smirked, but he was not angry. But Gechengmeili saw this, but there was some belief in her heart. She immediately asked: “Say, what are all of you?” Should it be pure Human? Then why… know him? And still with him? Or… you want to enter Ultimate Creed?”

Ah’Xing sighed and said: “I think you should have studied some of the Bible? Is it reasonable for the so-called apostles, Angels, and pvar spoons to exist, study, or understand the Bible?”

Gecheng Miri nodded and admitted that he did understand the Bible and even studied some of them, and Ah’Xing went on to say: “If the apostle is Angel, then these seven people are even saints, and they have obtained Angel. Admitted that I have possessed the strengths and skills of ordinary people, but have not yet reached the level of the apostles, which is probably the current state of our seven people.”

Gecheng Miri suddenly changed her face, because this situation is what she smells, even other apostles have never been so, and this type is completely similar to the erosion apostle, if these seven Humans are eroded, then Become an apostle’s accomplice?

“I know what you understand.” Ah’Xing smiled. He suddenly picked up a cup from the side table, then poured a cup of tea to Gecheng Miri, then said: “Erosive apostles, eroding The goal will become awkward, or die directly. This is different from us. The saints actually explain in the Bible. To be exact, it is Human who conforms to the Lord’s Word. He has his own name. This is the saint. And as a saint of Roger, we actually agree with him and agree with his philosophy. Simply put, we are not his slave, but more of his partner, but one day he made it. If you violate this, then we will become his enemy, the one that does not die, so understand?”

Gecheng Miri seemed to nod and nodded, and looked at the next big man. After listening to Ah’Xing’s words, she actually looked at Roger. She asked: “So I can ask, your path is what?”

“Speaking of this, in fact, before I answer, I want to ask you a question.” Ah’Xing suddenly laughed and said: “What do you think is the apostle, why there is an apostle, why the apostle attacked Human, and… Why is this sea red? Why is this world about to be destroyed? Can you answer me? Miss Miri.”

Gecheng Miri looked at Ah’Xing strangely. She opened her mouth and said, “You should be more familiar with these things than you?” The giant creatures were first discovered in the Antarctic, and then scientists studied it. Because of the inadvertent research, one of the giants awakened, and then led to the second collision. The reason why the apostle attacked Human was to attack here because the Ultimate Creed had…” When it came to this, Gecheng Miri I stopped talking, but if Roger is really an apostle, then I want to know both Roger and Ah’Xing.

But Ah’Xing sighed and said, “Miss Miri, although you are talking about the current situation that the government told Human, or all the things you know at the top, but you really thought… When I was in Antarctica, was it really just a study?”

“What is it?” Gecheng Meili immediately concentrated all her attention. The purpose of her coming here was to find out the true inside story of the Antarctic. Her father died there, and the only possibility was to tell her. The insider only knows the apostles who know all this. It is not that only the apostles know all this, but that they know everything else, or they are already dead, or they are real high-level, that is not what she can pry into.

Ah’Xing suddenly laughed and said: “Open your imagination, Miss Miri, what you know, or what most people know, Human was driven out of the Garden of Eden by eating the fruit of wisdom, and did not eat it. The fruit of life, and the apostle is just the opposite… In a sense, the human and the apostle are the two halves of Deity that are forcibly separated… You think about it, if Human has an eternal life, it is powerful and incredible. Power, and after bna detection, is almost the group of people at the highest level of the Human regime after the life of the Human family. What would they want?”

“Eternal life is not old, life is not…become God ah” Ah’Xing continued to speak, and this discourse was as shocking as the thunder in Miri’s ear.

“No, it’s impossible, how could my father be…” Miri stood up fiercely, almost squinting.

Ah’Xing, regardless of her, just continued: “Of course, because of the difference in mass, or the difference in the same energy level, the pure wisdom of a Human cannot be complemented by the apostle as Deity, but if… …what is the wisdom of the entire Human ethnic group? I don’t know if Ms. Miri has heard of the Dead Sea instruments and the outside of the Dead Sea documents… However, I think Ms. Miri should have heard of the Human Completion Plan?”

Gecheng Miri bit his teeth, and said for a long time: “I… I heard a little, but I don’t know the details, and how to manipulate it, but I have some believe in you. Now I just want to ask you.” Come, you…”

“It’s Human who came to destroy and tried to marry the fruits of life. Are you… to destroy us?”

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