Dawn Infinity

Chapter 47

(ps: I am really sorry, wake up late, the time difference seems to move forward slowly, so from today, the update time will be changed to 3.10 in the afternoon, 7:1, and 10:1, until my time difference continues to change. When, the update time will continue to change… If there is a regular update, it will be depressing.)

“Do not worry, we are safe for the time being…”

In the abandoned laboratory on the third floor of the underground, Chu Hao said to the electron microscope, while talking to the restless people behind him.

“How could it be safe? Here is the big nest of the Subsider. We have been hiding for a while. Can we still escape here for twenty-four hours?” j asked first.

Followed by Chu Hao into the underground, there are three people, Ares, j, Zhang Heng, and compared to Ares’s aristocratic style, and Zhang Heng’s deliberately cool, j’s reaction is much more normal, as soon as he enters the laboratory The inside was restless, and the whole person walked back and forth, and finally couldn’t help but ask.

Chu Hao still said without saying back: “You don’t have to escape for twenty-four hours. We just need to escape this little night to the early hours of the morning.”

This is not only j, Ares and Zhang Heng also did not understand, they are no stranger to look at Chu Hao, in fact, this state of Chu Hao simply let them do not understand, if the previous gentle smile Chu Hao can still understand what he means. In front of him, Chu Hao, who wears flat glasses, seems to be all the same.

“…very simple.”

Chu Hao seems to have seen the doubts of the three people. He finally turned his head and looked at the three people. At the same time, he said: “The first goal of the Subsider in the sneak attack is that their first goal is definitely Vampire. In this case. Next, Vampire’s flesh and blood taste is absolutely full of the first, second and third floors of the sewer. Those Low-Level Subsiders will definitely compete for the flesh and blood of Vampire, and there is also the flesh and blood of Vampire. This means that there are also Subsiders here. Do you understand? The black truth under the lamp is not just for us…”

Ares first responded: “You mean, since there is also the fleshy taste of Vampire, it means that there is also a Subsider eating here, so in the case that there is enough food in front of this, other Subsider can’t do this for Vampire. The flesh and blood are running around, I understand… This really makes sense, so why do we only hide in the early hours?”

Chu Hao still said with a blank expression: “Because Subsider and Vampire are not fools, the dispute will only last until the early hours of the morning. After all, when the sun comes out, whether Vampire or Subsider has to evade the darkness, then It is estimated that they will also find that Vampire-Race is forced to rush out of the ground. At that time, the high-level leaders of both sides will start to contact, or both parties will convey the intention of contact, and the daytime is the armistice period of the two sides, and the event During the investigation period, our trap action may be exposed, and if we continue to stop in this sewer, we may be encircled.”

When the three thought carefully, there was a feeling of sudden realization. Zhang Heng also slammed a clapping: “That’s it, and I…and I think it’s exactly the same! Then we are here to avoid the early morning, then go back. When I got to the ground, it was completely safe at that time. I wanted to run if I wanted to run.”

After listening to this statement, Chu Hao gently squinted Zhang Heng, although still expressionless, but let Zhang Heng have a kind of IQ was despised feeling, he suddenly became angry and angry: “I have something wrong?” Anyway, we only need to live twenty-four hours.”

“I made a mistake too much…”

Chu Hao continued to bow his head and began to look at his electron microscope. He also said: “First of all, daytime safety is just an illusion. Even if we try our best to escape, don’t forget that this world is the legal world of Vampire, Vampire. The predecessor was Human, but now 2019 years, they not only inherit the science and technology that Human itself has, but may even be more advanced. Whether it is satellite positioning system or tracking guided missiles, it is not too simple to kill us. During the day, we are afraid to drive out of the city. After the night falls, it takes only one or two hours to solve us. We don’t even need night. Once we leave the city, Vampire can completely kill with mass weapons. After all, we have caused the scourge of this crisis. It is not excessive to kill us directly…”

These words heard the three people in the cold, and Ares smiled and said: “Then we evade in the sun during the day and continue to escape in the sewer at night?”

“…Is it true that Lord God wants us to survive for twenty-four hours?”

Chu Hao still said without raising his head: “Look at those Horror-Movie or something, have you found such a law, it is horrible, dangerous, and basically, it will not appear immediately at the beginning of the movie, and It is with the gradual appearance of the story, and the last moment of horror is to let everyone collapse and die… Lord God Quest survives for 24 hours. In the beginning, as long as we find a place to escape, we are all very safe. Even in the early hours of the morning, our dangers will gradually increase until dusk, when it is estimated that Vampire will send troops to encircle us, and Subsider … will appear Advanced-Level Subsider to attack us, so this is Lord God Quest True Meaning, live for twenty-four hours, or kill an Advanced-Level Subsider to prove…”

“Prove what?” The three men all asked in unison.

“Proving that we are able to cope with this crisis, whether it is living 24 hours or killing an Advanced-Level Subsider, means that we can live longer and kill more Advanced-Level Subsider, then Lord God will let us return!”

Ares, j, Zhang Heng The three people looked at each other and they had their own ideas, but according to Chu Hao’s analysis, no matter how they do, it seems that they can’t avoid fighting with the Vampire army or the Advanced-Level Subsider. It’s extremely difficult to escape completely for twenty-four hours. It’s almost impossible. This time… everyone feels desperate.

In this way, the whole lab was quiet, and I didn’t know how long it was. Suddenly a small voice came out, and all the talents looked at it in the past, but saw that the little Subsider was playing at the corner of the lab. She It is no longer purely a Subsider. After being fed by Chu Hao, she is now a half-Vampire semi-Subsider. It is faintly a little girl. She is looking at everyone, seemingly scared.

After looking at the three people, they didn’t continue to look at her. Ares suddenly took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms and distributed it to J and Zhang Heng. He ignited the fire and took a big sip. Then he asked Chu Hao. Road: “Chu, you tell me the truth, do we still have the chance to live?”

“Well, sure…”

Chu Hao looked up again: “I said before, all the layouts have been laid, I have 60% may win, so you will trust me completely, I will not lie to you…”

The three men were secretly sighed at the same time, and did not say anything anyway. No matter what, now things have developed to this point, and only believe in Chu Hao.

At the same time, in an underground warehouse near the ground, Tom was shaking in the corner, holding a Vampire head, whispering incessantly.

“Everyone and I started collecting the flesh and blood wreckage of Vampire. Remember, the hands and feet are the most useless, the internal organs are very good, the head is also good, it is better to be the body part, how much can be collected, now, collect for ten minutes. These Vampire flesh can effectively avoid the Subsider, because the food is sufficient, so the fleshy place represents the Subsider, which is called black under the lamp, so avoid as much as possible with the flesh and blood.

“It’s just being attacked by the Subsider. Everyone is faster. It’s very dangerous. We can be attacked by Subsider or even Vampire at any time, unless we hide in the dark with flesh and blood. Before that, we want as much as possible. Collect Vampire wreckage.”

“On the one hand, it is an experiment, on the other hand, it is to avoid danger.”

“Everyone, the only way we can survive is to be the Mutation Vampire that turns into a male protagonist in the movie. At that time, our flesh and blood will make Vampire and Subsider become Human or even die directly, so when collecting flesh and blood, holding a Vampire revealed that When the sun comes out, use Vampire teeth to tie yourself, let your blood come into contact with the blood of the blood-sucking saliva, and then soak in the sun while the sun, so that we become Mutation Vampire.”

“Now, I have to go back to the third floor of the sewer to conduct experiments to confirm whether my guess is true. It is related to whether we can eliminate the underground Vampire-Race, and whether we can kill the Advanced-Level Subsider, of course. This line is definitely dangerous. It can be said that it is a life of nine deaths. If you don’t want to take risks, you can leave by yourself, find a place to avoid, and then wait for the sun to come out and change yourself.”

“Tom, you can shun alone in this warehouse. The fewer people, the less likely they are to be exposed. Go.”

Tom muttered to himself: “Chu Hao is right, but why did they choose to go underground? Isn’t this closer to the sun? And why do I listen to Chu Hao’s words? Mother’s, this is a People act, if I find it by Subsider or Vampire, then it’s really all over!”

Having said that, Tom looked at his watch, and he listened carefully to the surrounding sounds, confirming that there were no creatures around, and then continued to mutter: “There are four hours to dawn, God bless, God bless, I will never leave the big army again in the future… Mother, why should I leave the big army? He said what I did, I am so stupid, of course, although he is right…”

“But, it’s weird…”

“It seems that everyone is just holding Vampire flesh and blood, Chu Hao is not saying to change to Mutation Vampire? Why don’t they take Vampire’s head?”

“It’s really weird…”


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