Dawn Infinity

Chapter 497

The whole world is still moving slowly, the passage of time cannot be stopped, and everyone is experiencing their latest every day. WwW.XshuOTXt.CoM

Ah’Xing is still calculating what kind of gains and losses, Xiao is still playing games every day, as if nothing is going on, and Roger is having wine and meat. Although he can’t fight, his temper seems to increase every day. The rest of the people seem to have no feeling of the cruelty of the so-called Reincarnation World, and even the people in a good mood to go shopping in the so-called New Tokyo, what a daily shopping is not a pleasure.

On the other hand, Yan Zhenzhen became more and more cheerful. This is not only seen by people around him, but even he himself has already discovered it, but this is a good thing. He never thought that one day he would become the present character. In fact, he never thought about the future before, and he had to live through it. It was his portrayal of escaping, and it became like this. When he wanted to come… it was not bad.

At the same time, his relationship with Asuka has also become, oh… subtle?

Even if he was innocent, after that night, maybe he didn’t feel anything at the time, but afterwards he wanted to come to him to be blushing. Similarly, when he and Asuka were looking at each other, Asuka also looked as if his face was reddish, though Immediately afterwards, he was jealous and fierce, but even his slow nerves could feel a strange sense of subtlety, so he felt that this should not be his illusion.

In short, he clearly feels the change himself. This change may be… Hope, he didn’t have the hope in the past, just as Asuka told him that night, because he didn’t want to be hurt, he took the first step to hurt. Because I don’t want to be disappointed, I don’t have any hope, because there is no place to go, so I don’t want to go anywhere. He and Asuka, no, the former and the former Asuka are actually a kind of people, just tomorrow. He has courage and a better personality.

Now everything has changed. He feels hope. For the hope of the future, he begins to imagine how he should learn after peace, how to graduate, how to go to work, how to live, and then get married…

Thinking of this, the real face is a little red, but he continues to think about it. In the future, there are actually too many things to do in the future. It is a feeling of hope… It’s so good.

However, he still has a person who can’t worry about it… Ling Bo Li.

Today, Ling Bo Li did not come to school. The reason for the leave is still sick leave. This makes him very worried. There are not many friends who are sincere, Roger, Asuka, Miri, and some friends, and some classmates. Li… He has a special feeling, can’t tell, is unclear, feels very close, both likes it, and feels closer than he likes, so he always pays attention to Ling Bo Li.

There is… He feels the inner blank of Ling Bo Li, not an adjective, but a real one. Ling Bo Li’s heart is like a blank, only a few exposed feelings, which makes him more pity, so he hopes Ling Bo Li was also happy and felt the hope of the future. He suddenly understood Roger’s dream. This is to let the people around him, from the people around him to more people, and finally to everyone they meet, Help them, give them, such a dream, he … also hopes to make Ling Bo Li happy.

So he decided to go to Lingbo Li’s accommodation today. He would like to ask about Ling Bo Li’s condition… Is it the meaning of Ling Bo Li?

This is the first time, not because of Quest, or what to send, or what is important, just because he wants to go to Ling Bo Li’s residence, so he is actually very upset, there is a feeling of doing something bad. Even so, he went to Ling Bo Li’s residence after school, and even refused Roger’s invitation to appear directly at his side. Today’s barbecue seems to have no part of him, although he does not know the so-called What is the ghost of the food in the world of food…

In this way, he came to Ling Bo Li’s residence, then he stood in the door and took a deep breath, then knocked on the door, the door was quiet, there was no sound, it was like no one inside, and hey Shinji seems to confirm that there is someone inside, just standing at the door of the room patiently waiting, not so sure, after a short time, the door was opened from the inside, Ling Bo Li that three no cold but beautiful face appeared in the door.

“碇君?” Ling Bo Li seems a little surprised, she whispered a question.

I am really embarrassed, he said quickly: “Yes, it is me, because you have been sick for the past few days, so I want to visit you, I don’t know if you have been some, or busy, what is in the base too More, it is not good to ask you in detail, so I…”

碇 嗣 嗣 嗣 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬Confused, it is estimated that Ling Bo Li will think of him…

At this time, Ling Bo Li looked at the truth without hesitation, and when the truth was getting more and more embarrassing, he really let the door open: “Would you like to come in?”

I really stunned, immediately nodded, and then walked into the room from Ling Bo Li, and the room was really the same as before, simple… No, it’s simple It’s a home, it’s like a simple room that’s completely unfurnished, except for a bed, a stool, and a cabinet for clothes. Nothing else is decorated, right, there are some injection equipment and medicines. of……

“Sick… isn’t it okay?” He really looked at the needle that had just been injected, and he said with pity.

Ling Bo Li used her eyes to look at the truth, then looked at the needle and said: “It is not a disease, just need to inject these medicines…”

Zhen Zhen suddenly didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, he thought of the kind of wine Roger had given him. He suddenly said excitedly: “Right, I will take you to Roger uncle, where he is. That kind of wine is super effective for the body, definitely ok, this can cure your body!”

“Roger?” Ling Bo Li Li paused, seemingly recalling something, and then said: “The apostle? Is Jun Jun going to take me to see the apostle?”

He really nodded hard and said, “Well! Roger uncle is a good person! He will definitely give you the wine!”

“But the commander is not allowed to see him.” Ling Bo Li still spoke in a plain, non-fluctuating tone, as if the commander’s words were taken for granted.

“Father won’t understand!” 碇 嗣 嗣 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫He won’t hurt anyone, hehe… Any innocent person, he will never hurt! Father won’t care about it, he won’t care if your body is good, and I don’t care who I know. He won’t care about it at all! Go! I will take you to see Roger uncle!”


Ling Bo Li’s voice has not yet fallen, and Zhen Zhen has already pulled her hand, and regardless of what she is, she pulls her and walks outside the door, while Ling Bo Li seems to be scared, or as usual. Suddenly, when she was pulled to the door by Ling Bo Li, she whispered: “I am cooking, first to shut down the fire.”

碇 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他Shoes, this is what I look at with my eyes.

He really scratched his head. He walked in front of him, and Ling Boli followed him behind him. He walked out of the room one after the other. The two people went to the place where the bicycles were placed and they were whispering. Said: “I, I am carrying you, okay?”

Ling Bo Li looked at the bicycle, and she nodded silently, sitting in the back seat, and she was really drinking Roger’s wine because of these days. The physical quality has become very good. In fact, he did not notice it. Now he is completely inferior to an adult robot man, even slightly more than this, this physical quality as long as a little learning some fighting skills, down to three or four adult men is not a problem, so even if it is carrying Ling Bo Li on the road,碇真嗣 still drives the bike very fast, and feels a little hard.

Open and open, 碇 嗣 嗣 suddenly said: “Your hands … are all scars on the fingers, what happened?”

Ling Boli looked at some of the scars on her hands, and some of them had already been bandaged. She put her hand behind her and said, “It is a secret.”

“Secret… can’t you tell me?” 碇 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 嗣 。 。 。 。 。

Ling Bo Li blinked and seemed a little surprised. She thought about it or said: “I can’t do it for a while, but… I can tell you soon.”

“Well…” 碇 嗣 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载 载The breeze hits the face of the young girl, and the sky is getting closer to the evening, a kind of warmth permeates the hearts of the two.

This moment… It’s good.

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