Dawn Infinity

Chapter 52

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Tom stood tightly in the center of the breeding room, and he still had a pistol in his hand, but the body still couldn’t stop shaking, because there were hundreds or even more Vampire soldiers in the outside, they With a lot of green eyes in the room, the eyes made him afraid.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I have a lot of high-explosive grenade. I am afraid of a ball. You have the ability to rush in and bite me. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid…”

Tom muttered to himself, and suddenly there was a voice behind him: “A lot of Vampire soldiers are watching us outside?”

Tom turned his head, where the blood-sucking device was tied to the sisters Mary and Aikeer, who had been stripped of their brilliance and covered themselves, except for the blood-sucking devices on their necks that were running, their eyes were Covered, hands and feet are fixed on the instrument, except that the straps of the mouth have been removed by Tom, but there is nothing else in the place, especially the needles on the neck artery. Tom is even more afraid to move. I am afraid that the sisters will be harmed.

In fact, Tom started looking for the sisters after entering the breeding room, and then found them in a young breeding human in the center. I have to say that when Tom saw the sisters of the **, he almost licked his eyes. It came out… In fact, he is still a virgin. In fact, the two sisters are already very good, especially younger sister Mary… There should be a c or even a d.

All in all, in short, Tom himself doesn’t know what he thinks. He doesn’t even imagine what to do in a hurry. Instead, he tries his best to take the masks of the two and let the two talk to him. Then, like a male rookie, he began to show off everything he and Chu Hao had happened.

The two sisters were silent after hearing the words. Now their eyes are covered and their limbs are fixed. They simply can’t run and they can’t run, so the two sisters are silent. Until then, when Tom’s muttering to himself, younger Sister Mary suddenly asked such a sentence.

Tom trembled a little, and immediately replied after hearing the words: “Yes, a lot of Vampire troops… Mom, come in a batch, more, they are really not afraid of the high-explosive grenade in my hand? ?”

Mary sighed. “… There are many ways to check to see if there are any bombs, such as metal detectors. Now, in 2019, technology should be more advanced than the 2013 we came in, even There has been no improvement in technology over the years, and 2013 has enough technology to investigate this, so… they probably already know that you are not a high-grenade grenade…”

Tom turned his head slowly and he looked at Mary silly. “He, they, they know that I didn’t blast grenade… Then, what are they waiting for? Why don’t you rush in?” Live me?”

“Imagine… they are waiting for orders, or are doing the final investigation.” Mary continued to sigh and sigh.

Tom smiled a little and turned his head to look at the Vampire troops who looked at him with green eyes. He swallowed and said, “No, I am not afraid. Chu Hao said that he has a card. He said the trend. In his case, he dared to go to the core of the company to negotiate with a few people. Why didn’t I dare to stand here, I am not afraid, he must have a card…”

Mary couldn’t see her eyes, but she could obviously hear Tom’s scared voice. I could imagine Tom’s scared expression. She hesitated for a while and said: “You…you have confirmed that you have become Vampire first, then Become a Human?”

Tom replied affirmatively: “Yes, I am sure this. I did become Vampire at the time. The body became cold, I was afraid of the sun, and I was burning when I was in contact with the sun, but when I used the method in the movie, I Sure enough, I was not afraid of the sun, and the color of my eyes changed back to the color of Human…”

“If that’s the case… then you are what Chu Hao said.”

Mary has a sad voice saying: “Chu Hao is now without foreign aid. He is surrounded by his enemies. He has already fallen into the enemy’s palm. He has no synthetic blood formula. Everything shows that he is desperate. So, is there any way to reverse this situation… that is, you have changed Human from Vampire, in fact, from the movie story you told me, compared to ordinary Human, you are like this Human blood. It was fatal to Vampire, and the protagonist’s younger brother couldn’t help but bite the first old man who changed from Vampire to Human. The scene after the ending is enough to illustrate this. This temptation has even Beyond the wisdom, it is 10,000 times more than the temptation of drugs…”

Tom was really scared this time. He was trembled and asked: “Do you mean that I was sold by Chu Hao? He intends to make me an antidote of these Vampire soldiers, like As happened in the original movie, I will be eaten by the corpse, and then the person who eats me becomes the same Human as me, and then they are eaten by more Vampire. Is that true?”

Mary was silent and didn’t know what to say. After a long time, her elder sister Aikeer lamented: “I am afraid this is the case, Tom… escape, but maybe already…”

Tom slammed softly on the floor, and his crotch ran out of liquid, and his body was unknowingly twitching. He even muttered his eyes and said, “I know, no wonder he When I came to this outdoor, I took a tube of blood. It turned out that he was going to let me have a wound on my body. I can let those Vampires smell it. I understand, he has been cheating me. He betrayed me, he Sold out the Partner… the beast! I don’t want to die!”

“and many more!”

The sisters suddenly shouted at the same time, and then the elder sister did not speak, and the younger sister Mary was anxious to ask: “You said that Chu Hao took you a blood, what did he do? What did he do with this blood?”

Tom still said: “It seems that there is a mixture of sedatives and analgesics, as well as the serum he took out from the sewer. I injected it with all the humans here. I am dead, I am dead… …”

“It turned out to be the case, it turned out to be the case…” Mary repeated this sentence as if she was stupid. After half a day she was said while playfully pouting: “Tom, are you urinating? And it smells bad… you are courageous.” It’s so small, stand up, you might not die, what you just said? We are at the core of the breeding room, so there are many breeding humans on our outings?”

Tom still stood up, he just said a few more, and he heard Mary continue to talk.

“Do not worry, you can’t die… If you are very bad luck, you may die, but according to the current situation, you still can’t die. Chu Hao did use you and me, and used us three people, but he I didn’t intend to kill us, and I didn’t plan to sell you. He really… very good!”

In the voice of Mary, I saw the door of the breeding room open, from where I rushed into a Team Vampire soldier. They rushed to Tom as soon as they rushed into the breeding room, but they just rushed out a few steps and they were puzzled. Looking at the breeding of Human, there was blood residue on the neck of Human. These Vampire soldiers began to twitch their nose and sniff something. Then, the first Vampire soldier couldn’t help but pounce on one of the Humans, and then the first Two, the third…

When Tom came back, there were hundreds of Humans standing in front of him, and the rear of the breeding room, Human… had been torn into pieces by them, and the bloody smell spread from there. The Vampire soldiers are rushing into the outdoor, more, one hundred, two hundred…one thousand, or even more…

“What is the general trend…”

“It is all things that naturally evolve with the events, and the heavens and the earth will help you. This is the general trend…”

Chu Hao turned to look at the densely packed Human soldiers at the door of the conference room: “Welcome back to Human, now is your first battle… Don’t let them go, they are the top of the army, once they escape, you and We are all finished, we will become a breeding human, and you… can make Vampire crazy blood, and can let them change back to Human’s blood, you will be burned alive, such as missiles, such as nuclear bombs…”

“Kill them!”

As Chu Hao’s words came out, all the Human soldiers were silent, but they looked at each other’s eyes and looked at the yellow eyes of the Vampire officer Vampire. Finally, the first Human soldier was swayed. The trigger, followed by the second, third, and for a moment, all the Vampire officers were sparked, only the Advanced-Level Subsider wearing a cloak slammed the table in front of him, then the cloak tears When I opened it, a Gundam two-meter-high Human appeared in front of everyone. This is a man with no hair on his body. It seems that there is not much change between Human and Human. The only difference is that the pair behind him Huge bat wings, and the muscles that slammed on the body, bullets…

Actually only able to break the surface of his skin, actually can not penetrate his muscles!


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