Dawn Infinity

Chapter 55


“No, you are not my partner…”

(Partner, there is no doubt…)

Chu Hao’s next words were not said, and the atmosphere of the whole scene was a little cold, and Ares suddenly drank a big sip of wine, which haha ​​said with a smile: “Also, I think more, we actually But it is mutual support. In this Reincarnation World, the power of a person is really too small, so I need support, but this is the shackle of the Partner word… It’s too heavy, I’m expecting it… sorry, Give you a cup, thank you for helping me once again to Horror-Movie World.” After that, Ares directly picked up the king’s wine jug and fell down, straightening the upper body and getting wet, people also drank Half drunk, this is laughed, not much to say, turned and went to his room.

On the other side, jfaintly sighed, he took a few cans of beer from the food pile and said, “You don’t have to blame him. He is not a person in our dark world. Although it is a big family, I don’t know that I only live. Everything, otherwise everything is illusory, Chu Hao, I understand you, I thought about it yesterday, this time, no matter what calculations you have, no matter how much you conceal us, at least you let us live, It is the greatest gratitude to be able to survive… Thank you.”

Chu Hao’s expression is still a kind of casual smile, but there is a hint of warmth in my heart. At the same time, Zhang Heng also hehe’s said with a smile: “Others I don’t know, but I know that you are a good person. This is enough. Moreover, this time it was absolutely desperate. I really thought that I was dead. It’s all up to you, so I don’t have to say anything. Next time Horror-Movie World, I will definitely follow you. Oh.”

Chu Hao muttered a word about good people. He also pulled out the beer from the food pile. After pulling the can, he took a sip: “I am not a good person, but I still need someone who believes in me. Responsible… If you still believe in me, although we are not a Partner, I will still be responsible for you… still…”

On the other hand, after Tom was rushed back to his own room by Mary, there was only Mary and Aikeer sisters in the room. Then Aikeer said, “Why should I treat Chu Hao like that, tell me, Mary, Tom may I feel angry because I don’t know clearly, but you and I may not understand it. This time Horror-Movie World relied on Chu Hao to survive. From this point of view, he really saved us all. Why are you targeting him?”

“There is no obligation for no reason, no obligation for no reason. He is Veteran. He has strength and reliability. According to the definition of Reincarnation World, to be honest, he did not directly abandon us or raise us. , squeezing our Reward Points and Side-Story, this is enough good faith, this truth I naturally know.”

Mary turned to the big lady in front of Tom and others. At this moment, she sat calmly on the sofa, and her expression could even be said to be cold.

“elder sister, this world is more cruel and cruel than you think. This time we can live with luck, then next time? Next time? Even if Chu Hao is a good person, he is also a Sage, and I am afraid Is Intelligence far more than my Sage, and it can make us live once, but how many times? When the environment requires several people to sacrifice, it is possible to survive a few people, you said that he chose to sacrifice himself, or choose us as He sacrificed? This answer is self-evident.”

Mary calmly and even ruthlessly continued: “Before speaking, Tom, a rookie is cold-headed, but it is a very good piece. It is up to him to challenge Chu Hao’s legitimacy in Team. Anyway, failure is just a death. He is not happy, but if he wins, then it will be better, and when he is still alive, he will do his best to protect us. We can also plan the direction for him, so we have an additional Enhancement. Guard, is there better than this?”

“Let’s say other people, Ares Emans, I am afraid that the Eres family’s Ares, such a big family direct heir, in reality, I am afraid that Demon is not worthy of trust, the cannibals will not vomit, but here is Reincarnation World, elder sister You are not as good as me, but you should have studied psychology too? People like them should actually be very eager to get friends who really want to be treated, brother, partner, husband and wife, loved ones, exactly because of reality. I can’t get anything in it, so I will be more and more eager in this Reincarnation World. After all, the environment is special and can be said to be isolated from the world. This can make it impossible to get it in reality. It is easier to get here. More and more eager to get it… So the elder sister looks at it, Ares estimates that Chu Hao will not split immediately, but we have buried the seeds with Tom for this matter, just wait for Horror-Movie World to come. At the time, I will split them by the circumstances. At that time, we have another powerful hitter, and it is likely to bring us Money true status of ‘friend’, hehe …… “

Mary said that it was already sneer, especially when she scorned her friends. After a long time, she continued: “Everything can be fake. Only the power is real. We have already spent the most in Reincarnation World. The first dangerous Horror-Movie, we have enough capacity and strength to fight for our position. Why should we listen to other people’s command? Wait, elder sister, and see my next Horror-Movie World to calculate Everything, and look at me…how to let Chu Hao rebel, let the remaining Zhang Heng and j either renegade him or die, I want them to know, the so-called good people, the so-called trust, the so-called Partner, the so-called Friends… all dogs are shit! This world is so cruel and cruel, I want to be…”

“The true dominator of this Reincarnation Team!”

(Good guy? Am I a good person?)

Chu Hao is drinking beer and eating food. There are all kinds of memories in his mind. They are all from the words of the former partners. Every friend’s face is rolling out. They either say With words, either look at him with a smile, or the past of each other, many, many, faintly, he seems to hear a female voice gently.

“Chu Hao, you are a good person, please don’t forget your heart, you don’t change it all… Although good people always suffer, good people are always not understood, but good people will have good news, good people should have Sugar, Chu Hao…elder brother, don’t…”


Chu Hao slammed from the ground, he knew that he had forgotten something, no, he didn’t know who he had forgotten, but whoever must be important to him, don’t, he should not lose these memories, he should not lose… It is something more important than his life, he should not lose it!

“Lord God, query the Exchange real-time rules.” Chu Hao stood under Lord God and said so loudly.

“Real-time Exchange rules… Open real world and consume d-level Side-Story one, each day real world time consumes Reward Points fifty points.”

Chu Hao took a little meditation and looked at his own Reward Points. He had 500Reward Points left. This time, Daybreakers showed 500Reward Points for the newbie explanation rules, and killed a few sporadic Subsiders in the sewer, and completed Side-Story. Get 3000Reward Points and a c, and finally the maximum credit, Advanced-Level Subsider’s 7000Reward Points and a b, it counts a total of 12800Reward Points and a b-c.

“So, Exchange real world is turned on, and Exchange real time…”

“Wait a bit.”

Suddenly Zhang Heng interrupted Chu Hao’s continued Exchange, he said: “Do you want to return to the real world? That’s right, I also plan to go back, I have seen the previous Exchange rules, not cheap, but also In the scope of payment, how about? Let’s go back to the real world? I have to go back and deal with some things, urgent.”

“If I say this, I have something to deal with.” j also stood up and said this, while speaking his eyes were gentle, but he did not know who to remember.

Chu Hao looked at the two, he didn’t say much, just according to the Lord God rule that returned altogether, the three big men awkwardly pulled each other’s hands, and they returned to the return time at Lord God, but they were all one month. 30 day time.

At the moment when Exchange was finished, the three people fell into a half-dream and awakened at the same time. I don’t know how long it took. When Chu Hao came back, he found himself standing in a dark underground room. It was when he entered the Lord-God Space.

Inside the base.

At this moment, people are going to the building.

And just as Chu Hao returned to the real world, in a primitive jungle somewhere in the Americas, a girl of about twelve or three years old, she was sitting at the top of a tree eating wild country, suddenly, The jade pendant on her clothes glowed. The girl first couldn’t believe her eyes. Then she cheered loudly. She seemed to forget that she was at the top of the tree at the moment, when she cheered. When she was not there, she fell into the tree at a glance, and she could only hear her exclamation and her own self-speaking voice.

“Found you, Lord-God Space! Found you, Senior Brother… I found your footprint!”


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