Dawn Infinity

Chapter 554

Readx(); Chu Hao is very trusting to Ling Xin. He also believes that elder sister is the brother Chen Haotao and his comrade Zhang Heng. Ling Xin is his elder brother and is an irreplaceable elder brother.

But Chu Hao doesn’t trust Team Deity. In general, the two sides are not neutral, they are a little hostile to each other, or they are likely to become enemies in the future, so he does not trust Team Deity. The rest.

But as Ling Xin said, perhaps Ling Xin is obligated to do something for the world. Team Deity has no obligation to the world. They are not people in this world. If they are willing to help, then this It is their good deeds, their conscience. If they are not willing to help, then this is their power. For now, the situation of the monsters is still slightly mild, not so serious, even the ordinary army can The monster tide of confrontation is not too simple for Team Deity, which stands at the top level of the Reincarnation Team, but as time progresses, more and more monsters appear, more and more monsters appear, and even Team The ordinary Team Member in Deity is dangerous. For example, this time the world snake, the last feather snake god, if it is encountered by Team Deity, the ordinary Team Member, it is likely that there will be casualties.

So Ling Xin is right. He has to think about it for Team Members. Chu Hao doesn’t think there is anything wrong with this, so when Ling Xin asks him to play cards, he should also consider the possibility of saying it…

“…then, just say it.”

Chu Hao looked at Zhang Heng. He thought for a long time and said: “One is to let Ling Xin know our cards, how long we can hold, and how far we can fight the monsters. He knows our cards. There will be a bottom in my heart. I trust Ling Xin’s choice, just as I trust you… There is another reason. It can also indirectly deter the rest of Team Deity, so that they don’t dare to move their minds, such as …to incorporate this Semi-Plane into what they control.”

Zhang Heng said indifferently: “You are the boss, you decide it.”

Chu Hao nodded, but he looked at Zhang Heng’s current state, and suddenly there seemed to be blue veins on his head. Just watching Zhang Heng half-sounding, he couldn’t help but say: “Although what you do is your freedom… …but, can you tell me what you are doing now??”

Zhang Heng is struggling on the ground at the moment, and he is tied with thin metal wires. As he struggles, the more these wires are wrapped around him, so in the end, he can only look like a fur. The insect moves like that, and Chu Hao recognizes it. This metal wire is a kind of memory metal with very strong strength. If ordinary people are so entangled, then basically they will be divided into corpses, and only Zhang Heng’s level of expert can be as unscathed as he is now, but basically there is no possibility of breaking it out.

Zhang Heng tried to move his finger. The source of the wire was wrapped around his finger. He moved and said: “The guy named Wang Wu, you don’t know? He can control the invisible thread to control and Attacking the enemy, any enemy, as long as you move your finger, you can treat it as a doll. I have a grass! His battle is simply handsome! I have to give a hundred percent to this pretend! So I Just think, my physical fitness is definitely not lower than him, and I still have a small universe, isn’t it? As long as I can control the main thread like him, maybe I will have a hole card later, so I am going to start training now. Alright, or he will fall behind him too much…”

Chu Hao stood next to Zhang Heng, kneel down, and then yelled at Zhang Heng’s ear: “He is fruity! He uses fruitability! You are good Saint Seiya not training, actually running The ability to train fruitability! Are you a pig!? Are you funny?? Answer me, Zhang Heng, are you funny??”

The daily life of Chu Hao and Zhang Heng is not mentioned…

Ling Xin took his Team Member back to the main island and was taken by Chu Hao to a conference room in the underground base. The rest of Team Deity was a casual look, along with the fact that Ling Xin was on the way. In addition to Ling Xin, the rest of the people have no interest in Chu Hao’s cards. For a Reincarnation Team with only two people surviving, having a Semi-Plane is the biggest surprise for them. They are not Think of this Reincarnation Team what else can surprise them.

“My card…Team China.”

After Chu Hao waited until everyone sat in the chair, he didn’t have any euphemism or concealment, and he spoke directly to the rest.

Everyone just sat down, and some of them didn’t return to God at the same time. So when Chu Hao finished this sentence, everyone except Zhang Heng looked at him with a stunned look. For a moment, he didn’t know what he was saying. what.

Chu Hao took a breath and said: “Come, thank you for everything you have done these days. I thank you all who have been saved by your support and survived, so in order to report your help, I also Will tell you a very important piece of information… Have you heard of Authority?”

Ling Xin’s eyes narrowed, and he turned to look at a beautiful woman in Team, the woman named God, who was also shocked and looked at Ling Xin, Ling Xin, who said to Chu Hao: “You It means…you know what is Authority? No, do you have Authority?”

Chu Hao nodded, and he went on to explain in detail what exactly the Authority is, what he knows about the Authority, how to get it, how to use the Authority, and so on, all of which are unknown to Team Deity. So, gradually, Team Deity’s vision has also changed. Looking at Chu Hao and Zhang Heng is not a careless, but a solemn, an identity.

“…The above is the information of Authority, or that is all the information I know about Authority. Maybe there are other functions and acquisitions of Authority, but I don’t know. At the same time, I also have Authority, the lowest. Authority, but can be used for Summoning Team China, although it is not clear how long they can be Summoning, but this is my card, the real card…Team China!”

Chu Hao speaks frankly to everyone at Team Deity.

At this time, a member of Team Deity suddenly said: “This is really a card, but I still want to ask… How strong is Team China? Listen to what you mean, you Team North-Iceland seems to have encountered Team China. Not only survived, but also seems to have reached an agreement with Team China, right? Otherwise, you can’t say that Summoning Team China is coming. If it’s an enemy, Summoning the enemy is meaningless, only allies or What agreement, will Summoning come, these are not what matters… I want to ask only one, how strong is Team China? This legend is called the strongest Team, the number, the intensity, the information you can Share with our Team Deity?”

Chu Hao nodded. “This is no problem. I will just say it. I am afraid to tell you all the information about Team China, weaknesses, personnel, and ability. All of this is fine, because I don’t think you can threaten at all.” To Team China Ding… Sorry, I seem to say something too much, but please don’t be angry, because I am not talking about any adjectives, but rather the facts, such as…Human will care about the ants know their information. ?”

The man suddenly laughed, and several people in Team Deity showed sneer, another muscular man said: “Team North-Iceland Captain, maybe you think what you said is true, but please don’t Arbitrary, can you see our ability and strength? Can you fight with us? Don’t say it is too full, if you don’t accept it… Let’s practice it?”

Chu Hao just cold-faced and didn’t talk, and Zhang Heng put his hand in his arms. When Zhang Heng touched the modern mask, the beautiful woman named God immediately said loudly: “Enough! Don’t Noisy! Team North-Iceland Captain, can you please tell us the number of Team China personnel, their respective capabilities, strength levels? This is also to help us, we will certainly return more help to you.”

Ling Xin saw his eyes go out and he jumped his eyes and focused his attention slightly on Zhang Heng. At this time, Chu Hao said directly: “Well, I will tell you… Team China has only three people. For some unknown reason, it seems that they have no newbie to join now, Lord God has not given them newbie, and these three people, the youngest person Liu Yu Exchange is the game king card Enhancement, the number of cards is unknown, But the strongest card is the giant god card. Unfortunately, I have not seen him to shoot with all his strength, but he has mentioned it slightly. He can now Summoning a giant god with a height of about 1,500 meters. The soldiers came to fight.”

When it comes to the game king card reinforcement, most people in Team Deity still have some disdain, but when it comes to the 1,500-meter giant soldier, most people’s eyes are solemn, but they are not They are shocked. After all, this is the strongest Reincarnation Team. They can have this level of strength not exceeding their expectations, or they can get the standard.

“The other person is a man named Lin Juntian. Exchange Enhancement is unknown, but he admits that the strength is not as good as Liu Yu. I personally estimate that the Enhancement Attribute estimate is related to the Spiritual Force aspect or the mind power, but it is uncertain.”

“Then is the third person… This is also why I said to tell you all the information. You still have the same reason for Team China as the ants. The existence of the strongest Reincarnation Team is the man, the most powerful man… …”

“Zheng Zha ……” mobile phone users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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