Dawn Infinity

Chapter 557

Readx(); Chu Hao, Ling Xin, Li Ganglei…etc. brothers and sisters, they are all products of c-organization experiments. They are not children born by their parents. Of course, they are not biochemical people, but seriously In fact, it should belong to the adjustment person, although it is Human, but it is not a natural Human. 雅__文>>8_w-w`w=. ·y-a`w-e`n`8-. ·com

The grievances in this are very complicated. In short, the experimental body such as Chu Hao escaped, and then the Rebel Organization against the c organization was established. After that, it gradually became known that the so-called c organization is actually a small group under the x organization. The division is equivalent to a tiered empire across the world, in a small island, or a branch of a small village.

The real x organization is a behemoth that doesn’t know how many Planes. It has the technology and combat power of the Plane level. It is not the existence of the regional organization or the Rebel Organization.

Chu Hao, even if he became a Reincarnation Team Member, he could not see any hope of confronting the x organization. Especially after Pulse’s Invader Team Battle, he had a new experience in the horror of the x organization. It’s a more imaginary group, and the Rebel Organization is probably the same as the ants.

Until I met Team China, or met Team China again, Chu Hao felt that it really seemed to be able to fight against the x organization, because the strength of the individual was so strong that to that extent, there was no such thing as quantity, technology, and What’s wrong with Plane, and Lord-God Space actually means a possibility, that is, the possibility of being strong and the more restrictive.

But before Chu Hao thinks he can be strong enough to fight against the x organization, he doesn’t even think about confronting the x organization. Even in order not to attract the attention of the x organization, the Rebel Organization’s actions against the c organization are much reduced. He wants to accumulate. He wants time, he wants to grow up until he can fight against the x organization and bury the x organization. _> >吧_ w`w·w=. =

But until the moment of Li Ganglei’s return, Chu Hao knew that he really wanted more. He needed time, needed to accumulate, and needed to grow. This is only what he took for granted, and the x organization didn’t give him so much time. To accumulate and grow, just like the ants at Human’s feet, Human can’t care if he stepped on an ant that can become a queen in the future. Human just has to go his own way, it is so cruel, it is so simple.

The news brought back by Li Ganglei is very important. Chu Hao immediately called back to Team Deity Member such as Ling Xin, and also called Wei Haotao, who is running around the world, because it was just the first time. The wave of monster waves and the second wave of monsters crossed the blank period, so there was no harm caused by it. When everyone returned, Chu Hao immediately told them the details, and suddenly, except for the unknown Team Deity Member. The rest are silent.

“There is no other way. The x organization will come in five days. I am very clear about their mode of action. No, it is impossible to directly dispatch a cross-Plane army invasion. Instead, it will send personnel in the form of Team to enter, and then disintegrate us. The world’s Civilization’s Truth, and when Civilization’s Truth completely collapses, it will dispatch a cross-Plane army. During this time, it is estimated that it will take at least three days or so. This is still the case if we are not resistant. It is estimated that they will take at least five days to destroy Civilization’s Truth. In other words, we still have a safe time of eight days to ten days. Once Civilization’s Truth is destroyed, I hope that you will not have any luck. Zhang Heng and I have witnessed the x organization across the Plane army. It is the power that can directly inundate the earth. It is not something that any of us can resist. You can’t do it either. It is impossible for all Team Deity to die…”

Chu Hao looked at other people. He said seriously: “So, I decided to Summoning Team China after six days, instead of theoretically safe time for eight days. This is still to prevent accidents. I don’t want to gamble and gamble. x organizes the ability to dispatch Team, and it is still for the sake of prevention. In case the X organization dispatches Team’s strength far beyond our imagination, such as entering the moment, it kills me, or a similar situation, which makes me unable to use Authority. So I will use Authority directly to Lord God after a while, and ask for the time to determine Summoning Team China, that is, after six days, even if I was dispatched by X to send the team directly after five days. Authority is still in use, and Team China will definitely come after six days, and it is still for the sake of prevention. In addition to me, Zhang Heng, you have to be prepared, if it is the most dangerous moment after five days, I I hope that you can use your Authority to take up Simuming to Team China. In this way, there will be double insurance, and the x organization can no longer be me. Our enemies. W’w·w·.`”

Wei Shishi and Chen Haotao Although some did not understand, but the general meaning is still understood, and Chu Hao also briefly explained that he has a strong friend in other Plane, it is estimated that Summoning is the strong friend.

Compared to Chu Hao’s cautiousness, Team Deity’s Team Member has produced some disdain, or unbelief, because they have experienced many Reincarnation Worlds, and they have seen Lord God’s all-encompassing Exchange Enhancement. I have seen the strong monsters or strong technology in Reincarnation World. I don’t really care about the x organization. I broke the sky. At most, it is a technology organization that can cross Plane. It is impossible to let the Reincarnation Team There is an infinite possibility of being fearful.

Of course, Chu Hao’s Authority, he can decide how to use himself, although Team Deity’s Team Member feels that he is too wasteful, but since Ling Xin supports him to do so, the rest have no power to interject, and Relatively speaking, Ling Xin was very cautious. He talked with Chu Hao privately after the meeting. The rest did not know what they were talking about. At the end, Ling Xin also stayed on the main island, only Team Deity. The rest of the Team Member began to clear the monsters everywhere.

Then the time passed, and finally, the second wave of monsters began to emerge. On the earth, in the desert, in the mountains, in the sky, in the ocean… everywhere, monsters, fishermen, sirens, Vampire, zombies began to emerge. , mummy, three-headed dog, thunder eagle, unicorn, even dragon…

The second wave of monsters are all monsters of various civilizations, countries, and national legends. Their physical strength is far greater than those of the first wave of monsters. For example, the running degree can reach more than 180 kilometers per hour. The horn beast can easily wear the main steel plate in front of the tank with the corner top, just like tearing a layer of paper. For example, you can release dozens of thunder and thunder, easily destroy a small village or town, or Singing in the ocean, the sphere of influence reaches a few nautical miles. Anyone who hears the song will jump into the sea to commit suicide, and then, for example, a fireball in the mouth, a burning three-headed dog, or can become a bat. Power is ten times bigger than ordinary people, and Vampire can hardly kill…

The appearance of these monsters destroyed the vast majority of cities in the world except the powers of the country, killing hundreds of millions of people in the first time, and this is still under the full support of Team Deity. On the second day of the second wave of monsters, Russia took the lead in using nuclear bombs, then the United States, Britain, Z, France…

At the same time, among the monsters that appeared in this batch, monsters with mythological numbers began to appear. For example, in the range of Western Europe and Italy, the first Angel appeared… This is a good and beautiful creature, but the moment is A monster with the image of Human Terminator, which is beautiful, non-male and non-female, holding a long sword burning with flames, wearing ancient European-style robes, with wings on its back, at least three meters in height, and waving between long swords. A mushroom cloud will rise on the ground, just like a tactical nuclear weapon that will walk and use it infinitely.

Team Deity Several members of the Meeting gathered this Angel. After the war, Wang Wu was seriously injured. The rest of the Team Deity Member was slightly injured. Wang Wu was sent to the main island to cultivate, but this is only the beginning…

In the territory of Z, there was a level of zombies. At the same time as the zombies appeared, the zombies were the center. The water in the circle began to dry up. The clouds in the sky disappeared inexplicably, the land was desertified, and not only the water source, plants. It also began to wither, followed by biological corpse…

In the Americas, there is a giant Skeleton head giant. The Skeleton head is completely crystallized. The giants have their power to raise their hands, and in the places where they pass, the soul of the dead begins to appear, be controlled, manipulated, and then reversed. Come and kill more Human and become more Specter…

in Africa……

In the sea…

Everywhere in the world is in a hurry. In this case, in addition to Chu Hao sitting on the main island, even Ling Xin has to leave the island again, while at the same time there is Zhang Heng on the island, and Chu Hao also allows Zhang Heng to use the modern sacred The mask, then Zhang Heng and Ling Xin separated in the open sea, each selected a sea presence, Ling Xin selected a giant with a trident and a human fishtail, and Zhang Heng chose a snake. The lizard legs, the eagle claws, the snake tails, the antlers, the scales, the horns, and the beaded creatures, of course, Zhang Heng immediately put on the modern mask after seeing this creature.

After that, the creature was like a sea, and the skin was cramped and died, but after that, Zhang Heng was sent back to the island by the accompanying Reincarnation Army soldiers…

Zhang Heng fell into a deep sleep, and fell into a deep sleep with a modern mask. The mask could not be uncovered, and people could not be woken up. In fact, even Zhang Heng could not be touched, as if he was being surrounded by something and the outside world. Isolated the same…

Zhang Heng’s consciousness, after wearing a mask and hitting a monster, he saw Ultimate Creed, no, it should be…

See the world!

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