Dawn Infinity

Chapter 69

Chu Hao Even if he didn’t enter God-Mode, he has already found a lot of wrong things, such as Li Ganglei’s reaction to the female ghost, such as the voice and content of the female ghost, etc., all of which are doubtful.

When he entered God-Mode, all the clues seemed to be clear in an instant, each clue had one or several key points connected to each other, and these clues even derived an answer that made him feel creepy…

“I understand…because I entered God-Mode for more than twelve hours before, so some of my memories disappeared, and the part of the memory that disappeared happened to be the female ghost in front of us…or she still lives. of……”

“Before this female ghost called my name, and called my elder brother, such a discourse is only in the organization, and it is the same person who is born with us. It is inevitable that she should have the same life fate as us during her lifetime. There will be more talent than ordinary people, at least it should be Level 4 organization Member, even o5 is right, and people of this status can only die from the battle with c organization, or the Contained-Object effect, and Meme In the crisis…”

“From the point of this female ghost, and it is Specter Phantom Curse Meme, things have been very clear… At some point, somewhere, the base or Team broke out of the Meme crisis, probably the curse of Specter Phantom. Meme crisis, and in this crisis, I am likely to be involved, and it is very likely that because of my decision, I gave up a small number of people who could not be saved. She… could not be saved in this part. Among the people I gave up…”

While Chu Hao spoke, there were many naked Lune images around him, one by one, composed of Spell-Matrix, surrounded by layers of three people, and Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng all looked silly at the same time. It seems that it is not like being in the human world. Is this really a real material world?

“It’s not just that… Ares really made me creepy. He should be able to see the so-called Death Qi from the beginning of Necromancer, but he didn’t say it to me at first, nor did he have any abnormal expressions. It is normal to prove that I at that time, that is, he just became Necromancer, even if… We experienced such a crisis, forced me to use God-Mode, but still did not see my Death Qi… ”

“The first time he saw my Death Qi, should I forget this memory after I finished using God-Mode? Then things are really creepy… Li Ganglei, you remember the Meme effect. Is the starting condition?”

Li Ganglei stunned: “Meme has different effects and its starting conditions are different. For example, the earliest Meme ip must be registered on it, so that ‘I am newbie’ Meme infection… ”

“It’s enough.” Chu Hao interrupted Li Ganglei’s words: “As long as Meme starts up, it’s enough. I don’t mean to find out the exact conditions for Meme to start, just to confirm that all Meme must have it started. The congenital condition is only… then the answer has actually come out, because I have forgotten this memory, which led to her appearance, and at this time she has been transformed into Specter Phantom, in this case, Li Ganglei, do you think very familiar?”

Li Ganglei is also one of the three major Sages of the Rebel Organization. Although he didn’t enter God-Mode at the moment, Chu Hao has said so clearly. He suddenly turned pale and said: “You mean, you… you already……”

“Yes, this is what I meant…”

“I have become a Contained-Object. I have a Meme effect. The starting condition is that I have forgotten a certain memory. If someone in a certain memory is dead, then she will become Specter Phantom. Appeared, came to attack me and everything around him!”

When the voice fell, Chu Hao suddenly swayed a bit, but still stood still. At the same time, the Spell-Matrix around the void had wrapped the three people in it, not stacked. Know how much.

Zhang Heng was listening all the time. He looked at the glasses that Chu Hao was wearing. He said after a long time: “It turned out to be like this… you will become very good when you wear this glasses, but it will be When using this state, forget about the previous memories? No wonder you were at the time… directly returning, even strong… nothing.”

Zhang Heng’s speech is unclear, but Chu Hao understands it. This is to circumvent the limitations of Lord-God Space. He doesn’t say much. He directly said to Zhang Heng: “There is definitely something to pay, get How much will be lost, the road is my own choice, then no matter what the consequences, I will bear it…Zhang Heng, you said that you are under the protection of Ares to protect me, this time Quest is very dangerous, you confirm that Do you want to continue? If it is dead… don’t blame me.”

Zhang Heng sai嘴一said with a smile : “I am a man in the killer world, who claims to be unchanging Zhang Heng. It doesn’t matter if you look at me like this? Don’t worry, since this time I took the Quest of Ares, then I must I will finish it. In any case, I will keep you from dying!” After that, I still had a cool rush and Chu Hao gave a thumbs up.

“… Is your title not a Funny Killer?” Li Ganglei whispered aside.

“…I killed you, right now!”

On the other hand, Chu Hao ignored the embarrassment between the two men. He looked at the huge female ghosts who were getting closer and closer to the female ghosts. “I don’t know how long I can hold on. I may even talk for a while.” I can’t say it, so to make a long story short, our current derivation is that all Phantom Specter curses are made up of Rune, similar to Spell-Matrix. From this point of view, Spell-Matrix must have a transit core, which is a transformation. The most Core Ruin structure with Spell effect, as long as this is broken, Spell-Matrix will collapse!”

“Now, I will use the surrounding Magic to resist the Phantom group, until the huge female ghost attacks, I will focus all the Magic to a point to bombard this huge female ghost, and let this huge female ghost catch me. … I have Arcanist ability that can parse all the Spell-Matrix I’m exposed to. When I get it, I’ll start parsing Spell-Matrix. Of course, this is dangerous, so it’s me. First parsing its core, or it killed me first, but we have to fight this now…”

“Next, when I parse out its Core Ruin position, I will use my body to mark it out and use all the Mage Hand to fix it. Maybe the moment is only a moment, then everything will see you. Zhang Heng, I am alive, I am dead… everything is entrusted to you!”

Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng both heard their faces pale, because when they heard this, they knew how dangerous this was. It was almost a life of nine deaths, but the two had not yet had time to export their opposition. The ghosts around them had already fluttered. When I got to the front, I suddenly touched the spoiled Spell-Matrix that surrounded the three people. I saw that the Spell-Matrix was shining brightly, and it actually blocked the invisible Specter Phantom. This is the first time. Something can stop Specter Phantom!

But it was just that moment, Chu Hao’s body was a little trembling, and almost visible to the naked eye, a little hair on his head became pale from black and black…

One after another female ghosts rushed up, all blocked by the shiny Spell-Matrix, but every time they hit, Chu Hao will be heavier. In a short time, he seems to have It was more than 30, nearly 40 years old, and at this moment, the huge female ghost had already rushed to the front, only to see his hands open, like a hug, the three were shrouded, hands clasped from the left and the right Three people.

“elder brother…Chu Hao elder brother… Let’s go together… don’t leave me… don’t forget me…”

“…I’m sorry, I don’t want to forget, so…” Chu Hao waved his hands, all the Spell-Matrix flashed violently, and he rushed to the huge female ghost.

“Let me remember everything about you!”

Just as Chu Hao’s body was in contact with the giant female ghost, an indescribably cold, as if Soul had to freeze it, and he had a sense of falling, a kind of feeling like going from hell to hell. feel……

That was a few years ago…

He rescued her from being experimented in the base. She had no eyes on her eyes. The whole person was covered with various experimental lines, so she was soaked in the experimental tank, and it was about to be dissected by some researchers…

He saved her, began to treat her, taught her how to eat with chopsticks, taught her words, and shivered her in the dark night, protecting her in many Quest dangers…

It is a spacious chest, it is a gentle family, it is a safe hometown…

She vowed to live only for him…

But at that time, when she was dragged out of the elevator by Phantom, he just glanced at her, then started the elevator and led the remaining living people away…

The darkness is so cold and cold, there is nothing there, only the cold and lonely like the emptiness of hell…

But he is still alive, he still remembers her, maybe… this is already very good…

Until… he has forgotten her…

“elder brother, why should you forget me? Why have you forgotten me in this cold hell, why…”

“Shelley is not afraid of death, Shelley will be very embarrassed, Shelley is willing to live for the elder brother, Shelley is willing to stay in hell for the elder brother, because of the gentleness of the elder brother, the warmth of the elder brother, the warmth of the elder brother has been protecting Me, but…”

“Why should the elder brother forget me!”

Chu Hao has a stunned face and a blank face, but the tears flow silently. He feels that his body temperature is extremely declining. His vitality is disappearing in a state of exaggeration. He has solved all the Spells of the female ghosts. Matrix, he also saw Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng behind him. They are behind the scenes of female ghosts, and they are going to reach out and grab them from behind, everything…

“I still have to choose… for the survival of the majority, I have to abandon a few people…”

“Shelley… Waiting for me, in this warm hell, I will wait until I die, I will hug you again, and give you warmth…”

“wait for me……”

After Chu Hao’s last tear in his eyes, his hand slammed out and pointed to somewhere on the chest of the huge female ghost. He also instilled the Arcane-Energy transformed with vitality, where the core of the female ghost lit up. ……

The next moment, an arrow with the speed of the wind, with the power of the spiral, with the spiritual power to pierce Rune…

Instantly passed! (To be continued)

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