“First, let’s assume that Reincarnation World is real. It is indeed Skyline. All the analysis I have to do is based on this premise. Then there are several pieces of information on the watch that need our attention.”

In a luxury five-star hotel, six people are sitting on the couch drinking cold drinks and eating light meals, while while drinking and eating, they are listening to Chu Hao slowly analyzing everything.

“First of all, if this is Skyline, then when will the aliens come? Today? Tomorrow? Or acquired? There is no prompt on this watch. I carefully recalled the story of Skyline. There is no obvious hint in the plot. Slightly speculated about the approximate time, that is, after the men and women protagonist participated in a friend’s party, an alien event occurred on a certain night.”

“This alien is very deadly. If we want to live, we must know this point in time, either to evade or react. No matter which one, we need to know this point. Yes, in fact, this information has been displayed on the watch.”

When Chu Hao said this, everyone looked at his watch. After a few seconds, Ares said with a little meditation: “Is it within three days? Because this Quest is for us to protect the male protagonist for three days, meaning Is there an alien in three days?”

“Yes, it’s not right.” Chu Hao shook his head with a smile, and he continued: “From here, I will talk about the trap problem I just raised. We will avoid this issue for the time being. Let’s talk about something else. … This Quest is actually two Quests, one is to protect Jarrod for three days, the other is to live for seven days, for the first Quest we don’t mention it for a while, just say the second Quest, live for seven days…”

“What threats do we have in this world?”

Chu Hao laughed when he said it. When he said this, the first reaction was that the c organization would come to capture him or kill him, but if it was really Skyline, then the c organization would not exist, then his The biggest threat disappeared directly, and there is no better feeling than this.

“A variety of natural disasters, all kinds of **, such as earthquakes, fires, even thunder and rain, can make us die, and other things are possible, such as gang fights, such as the Terrorist Organization suddenly made a bomb attack or something. So that we will die too.”

When Chu Hao talked about the Terrorist Organization, the bearded Osage, who had been silent for a while, was slightly wrong, but it was just a flash, but no one was clearly seen.

“But these odds are too small to be negligible. If Reincarnation World is real, then it is impossible to rely on these probabilistic events to create difficulty. Here Skyline is not a logical Horror-Movie, so from One thing that can be concluded in this message is that within seven days, aliens are bound to come.”

When Chu Hao analyzed it, everyone frowned, because they felt that Chu Hao was talking nonsense. Before, Ares had already said that he had protected the male protagonist for three days, and now he went to seven days. Can it be said that protection for three days is not counted? This is a bit nonsense.

“I know that everyone thinks that I am talking nonsense.” Chu Hao looked at the expressions of everyone, but he was not angry, just smiled and said: “This is the trap I said… Who stipulates, on the watch Jarrod…it must be Skyline’s male protagonist Jarrod!?”

“We know that Jarrod is a male protagonist because we have all seen Skyline. We know his experience and special. We saw the ending, so we know that he is a protagonist, but as an ordinary person in the movie. Why does he think he is a protagonist?”

Chu Hao raised his hand and looked at the watch. Hehe smiled and said: “The ingenious text trap, just a name, we immediately fixed the mind to the protagonist, knowing that in the United States, or in this city. There are at least tens of thousands of people with the name Jarrod! How do we know who Lord God wants us to protect? Protect the dentist Jarrod, or protect the primary school teacher Jarrod, or protect the tramp Jarrod? Who is sure that this Jarrod is us Know the protagonist Jarrod!?”

“Maybe… there is a little punk named Jarrod who was shot or stabbed because of sudden circumstances, so he died in the hospital, then we have to protect Jarrod for three days… this Quest is already Failed!”

Speaking of this, everyone is shocked, almost everyone can no longer eat anything, but repeatedly watch the watch, once, once, again…

At the same time, on a block far away from the crowd, seven people, including glasses men, had found the patrolman. After they asked the police for help, the patrolman immediately called the police station and asked them to send a police car. Inexplicably, the seven people who were kidnapped returned to the police station. After a while, when the police arrived, the policeman driving the car looked sullen.

After the patrolman explained the matter, he asked casually: “What’s wrong? Look at your face’s suffocating look.”

The police forced a smile and said: “There was a block of dead people before. It was a group of small gangsters who had a dispute. Then someone was battered. I was there at the time, but I didn’t stop the situation. I was supposed to be given the head. Miserable…”

The patrolman silently said: “Is that two gangsters? It is really trouble… Who is the dead?”

“I don’t know, the name seems to be called Jay…”

“Yeah? Forget it… Let’s solve the seven people first. They all said that they were kidnapped. They were kidnapped from Europe or kidnapped in the early winter. It’s really inexplicable. I will send them to the police station first.”

At this time, everyone’s eyes were once again concentrated on Chu Hao, and Chu Hao did not postpone it: “Because of this, I suspect that the first Quest is actually a trap, of course, it may be me. I think too much, literally, we want to protect the protagonist for three days, but the possibility is too low, up to 20%… This is my analysis. If you feel disagree, you can ignore my words. I don’t have anything to do anything you want to do.”

After the people were silent for a while, the bearded Osage suddenly asked: “What is the meaning of this trap? It makes sense to do anything. If it is just a meaningless trap, then the trap itself cannot be said to be a trap. ”

Chu Hao smiled again. He nodded. “Yes, this is the meaning of detection and analysis. The so-called traps are implicit in deceptive nature, trying to make people do what, or what purpose.” Here, I can think about it. If we have this trap, what will happen? We will be close to this and follow the protagonist Jarrod in these three days, so we lose the most crucial thing…prepare!”

“Skyline’s aliens are coming down, and almost all of Human’s existing weapons are ineffective, including nuclear weapons. In this case, if we want to confront, kill, or stop, it will be useless, we can only All that is done is to escape and avoid, and to follow the protagonist for three days, this will greatly limit the scope of our escape and dodge. Once the aliens come, all places are unsafe, then we can only follow Protagonist A road to black, this is the real purpose of the trap, let us follow the protagonist.”

When everyone heard this, they already understood it. They looked at the information on the watch again. Then, according to the analysis of Chu Hao, there was a feeling of sudden realization. Until then, Jenny also asked: “Chu Hao, If you look at your analysis, what should we do? This trap has been discovered. Does that mean that aliens will not come in these three days? These three days are the safe period we use to prepare the refuge. What?”

“No, just the opposite…”

Having said that, Chu Hao raised his hand and looked at the watch. The simple words above were displayed there. The meaning was very clear and simple… survived, seven days…

“The time for aliens to come is probably up to two days later, and we can not only stay away from the city, but also close to the protagonists…”

Chu Hao raised his head and looked at the crowd seriously: “We have to find a safe refuge before the aliens come during the remaining two days of security, then…”

“We kidnapped protagonist for men and women and kidnapped them into our refuge!”


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