Dawn Infinity

Chapter 82

“I still don’t understand, Chu Hao, why do you have the momentum of the Spiritual-Force Scan after you have pressed the Moore code on me? Will the Team be assembled and the final battle will be made? Predator and Alien Will Moore code? Or what layout do you use to drive the Moore code?”

j walks in front of the passage, on the one hand to protect Chu Hao, on the other hand, his exoskeleton armor has dim vision, is suitable for this passage, but he is walking to ask Chu Hao Road .

Chu Hao closed his eyes and felt it for a moment. Then he said with relief: “You don’t need Predator and Alien to understand the Moore code. I have already said it before. It is a planless situation, that is, there is no plan to use, let you have It’s useless in this case. It’s useless in this case. The only thing we can do is to move forward and forward along the channel, so I didn’t actually do anything, just to erase the only one. Vulnerabilities only.”

“The only loophole?” j still did not understand, he still asked strangely.

Chu Hao exhaled, he continued: “Well, I will give you a clear understanding. We will explain the Spiritual-Force Scan ability according to the three forces. First, the purpose of the Predator is to kill Alien, to complete the adult. Etiquette, in other words, whether we are here, outside, or on the ground camp, whether Predator has detected us with Spiritual-Force Scan, no matter how many people we have, what weapons we are, what we plan to be, they will enter this Relics, then fight with Alien, and we stepped on us as bugs, that’s all, so they have Spiritual-Force Scan. If you don’t understand Moore, it’s irrelevant. They can only enter the relics and complete the plot. everything of.”

“It’s Alien again. Let’s take a look at Alien Queen Mother’s Spiritual-Force Scan. I can scan it and contact Alien, but what does it matter? We and Alien are the enemy of you, we are The two sides can only meet, and Alien Queen Mother is in this ruin. It is impossible to go outside. At least it is impossible to go outside now. Does it have anything to do with Spiritual-Force Scan? It doesn’t understand Moore’s code. I don’t know if I have a super bomb at the main entrance. It doesn’t matter. It just intends to kill us and turn us into food and hotbed that’s all.”

J wrinkled his brow, questioned: “But if Alien has Spiritual-Force Scan, then shouldn’t it be broken for us? Why do we want to get together? Isn’t this a big loophole?”

Chu Hao shook his head and said: “When a small number of people are, they will basically be killed on the spot. After all, Alien is also a kind of creature. Naturally, food is needed to maintain its life. Our body is their best food, but when When a lot of people are, it’s unlikely that they will kill each other, because you have to know a little… The dead person can’t be parasitic as a hotbed. If a super powerful individual like Predator says it, Alien wants to protect it. The nest and Queen Mother are in danger, and it is estimated that they will be broken, but for us, Human… they drive us to their nests and then let us be parasitized. Isn’t this a better choice?”

j immediately turned back and said: “You mean to say, we are going to Alien’s lair?!”

Chu Hao smiled and said nothing. “Yes, my destination is originally the Alien lair, because whether it is Alien or Predator, the purpose should be there. Alien will drive most of the humans into the nest. There is parasitic on us, and Predator will go to the nest to annihilate Alien. If you don’t know the map of the ruins, is there any better place for our Team than this? This is led directly by Alien. what.”

“But, that’s the Alien lair! There is a lot of Alien there!” j whispered.

“Otherwise?” Chu Hao shook his head and still smiled and said: “Otherwise, it’s called a planless situation. Because it’s helpless, it’s called a planless situation. We can only rely on strength to kill in this three-way battle. Come out with a bloody road!”

j was silent. He went back and said after a long time: “So if Spiritual-Force Scan is owned by Tom three people? Is your Moore code for them?”

Chu Hao smiled and nodded. “No matter who the three of them are, the most fear is not that they intend to flee to the ground. I am worried that they may frame us, if the environment is planless situation. The only bit of a loophole is the Spiritual-Force Scan. You can see the position of all the enemies. You can know the terrain of the entire relic, so you have room for advancement and retreat, and there is room for frameage…”

“The Moore code is actually prepared for the three of them, if it is their Exchange Enhancement Spiritual Force skills.”

j was silent again. He and Chu Hao both walked forward and walked. When he walked, he suddenly said: “Is there any way to break the situation in front of this situation? Can you use your strategy? Is there this way?”

Chu Hao did not hesitate, and said directly: “Yes, why not, the only way is very simple…that is, with a strong break, Alien is not driving us into its nest? Then we will not go to the nest, see you on the road When you go to Alien, you can kill it directly. Isn’t the terrain here a labyrinth? Then we will directly smash the rock walls and blast a road. Are the Predators not blocking the entrance of the ruins and the passage to the ground? Then we will see God kills God and sees Buddha killing Buddha, then things will be solved.”

j heard this statement, a foot slammed down and he immediately said: “There is such a strong force, then we will kill all the enemies directly, and what kind of strategy and wisdom.”

“This is what it is, or do you really think that it is just a word to break the power?”

Chu Hao waved his hand: “The so-called strategy, the so-called layout, the so-called ambush, is not because the power is not as good as people, the situation is not as good as people, the bureau is not as good as people, have to use these? If it is stronger than the other side, use The plan will let the other party find the flaws. It is really time for the so-called strategy to serve only one. It is to analyze all the other parties’ plans, analyze the layout and ambush of the other party, and analyze all the conspiracy and deception of the other party. Then forced the other party to resist with us, this is the so-called teacher who is in the air, the so-called Zhenghe, to win, this is the truth, the so-called wisdom, must be strong cooperation The one that can exert its maximum power!”

At the same time, in another dark passage a few hundred meters away from Chu Hao…

“We… lack power.”

Mary and Aikeer walked in the channel, relying on Spiritual-Force Scan, they chose a safe passage, and in order to prevent the invisible Predator, and to avoid the disc that might be at the door of the ruins, their The direction of travel is also deep in the ruins, and while walking, Mary is chanting.

Aikeer is still silent, and Mary doesn’t care about her elder sister. He walks and says: “The difference between us and Chu Hao is that there is not enough power to carry out the strategy… so this Horror-Movie, we only It is a bad thing to be able to escape to the ground. This is a good opportunity. It is clear that they can kill them all, but now they have to humble their acceptance of protection… I am very annoyed, elder sister.”

Aikeer silently said: “I can’t help it. Tom Exchange is Shadow-Walker. It’s okay to run away with us. There is no ability to fight in front. Unless Exchange is the strongest Shadow-Manipulator, it’s too hard. ……”

“Crap, I don’t expect that idiot…” Mary’s proud snorted, her eyes turned to the whisper: “So always return to pretend?”

“Yeah, continue to ‘install’ 乖…” Aikeer is in the shadows, her eyes are equally deep…

Still in the ruins, the location is at Ares and Zhang Heng.

“We count as power.”

Ares helped Zhang Heng and walked and said: “My Alien Skeleton, your bow and arrow skills, these are important forces against Alien and Predator, so we belong to force, but the key is that without Chu Hao, we don’t know What to do next, I can only take one step and one step, so the most important thing at the moment is to find Chu Hao and confirm how to proceed in the next step.”

Before the resumption of action by Ares, he and Zhang Heng 趁 men and women protagonist went to the altar, and returned to the altar, where Ali was given to Skeleton, becoming a strange giant Skeleton with a long head skeleton. Only Skeleton’s most peculiar thing is that there is no bone shield, but there is a tail that can be used as a spear, as well as sharp claws and teeth. The speed of action is also amazing. This is just an Alien. Now Ares controls his knees behind him. The distance of a hundred meters, so that will not let the male and female protagonist see.

“Then we will find them! Intelligence Intelligence, the two can work together!” Zhang Heng said coolly.

“The words are right…” Ares nodded, then pointed to Zhang Heng and snarled: “What are you doing with sunglasses! It’s already dark enough! Are you funny?”

Zhang Heng is still a cool look: “Don’t you think this is cool? Before my standard action killed Alien, I didn’t succeed. The following Alien must use this gesture. This time I can guarantee that there is no Alien can break through my bow, and it’s impossible to do it!”

Just when Zhang Heng spoke, the protagonist of men and women not far away exclaimed the sound to the two, and behind him…

Seven or eight Alien smashed out at the same time. For a moment, Zhang Heng’s face turned black…

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