Dawn Infinity

Chapter 87

Chu Hao opened his eyes and his Communication Spell has arrived. Although it is only a short 20 seconds, it is enough, which gives him great information.

First of all, he confirmed the safety of Zhang Heng and Ares, while the other two people are very strange, not Reincarnation Team Member. As such, the two people must be only the plot characters, that is, the original people of the movie world. !

In addition, the three Predators are catching up with the four, but Chu Hao is not worried about this situation, because the real world has Zhang Heng too many undead legends, those insiders know, almost certainly death Quest Zhang Heng dare to pick up, and they won’t die. There are even some completely malicious Quests. Some of them are released by Zhang Heng’s broken organization. They want to kill Zhang Heng’s trap Quest, but they all Let him survive, and the danger is even far beyond the Horror-Movie World, in which case he can survive, Chu Hao can not believe that he will die so easily.

The current situation is really a crisis… both dangerous and an opportunity!

“J, wait for me, I have found their position. Under our feet, there must be a road near here, so we must find it immediately. They are dangerous now and probably need our strength.”

While speaking, J saw Chu Hao take a bottle of compressed water from the parcel, but the size of the palm, two or three hundred grams of weight, but a bottle of compressed water to open the cap, after seeing the air, can be with the air The hydrogen atom combines with the oxygen atom to form a large amount of water. A bottle of compressed water is enough to form 50 kilograms of water, which is enough for normal people to drink for a long time, and this is a kind of Exchange belonging to food. The price is very cheap, in order to prevent it. Horror-Movie World is trapped, or can’t get supplies for a long time, everyone exchanges two or three bottles.

I saw that Chu Hao poured the compressed water on the ground. J looked at the beach water involuntarily. Then I saw that the water was slow, but it steadily flowed out in a certain direction. As the water fell more and more, the flow The speed is gradually increasing. At this point, J also understands. He immediately exclaimed excitedly: “Take the way in the direction of the water, you can definitely find the way down!”

The next two people did not say much, ran all the way in the direction of the water, and when they encountered the turn, they used the running water to test again, so that they ran all the way, and they ran for about seven or eight minutes without knowing it. Gradually, I also heard the surrounding bullets and explosions, but the labyrinth went round and round, and it was the channel terrain. The sound was everywhere, and the sound could not find the true direction. It took another two or three minutes. Chu Hao finally stopped.

“No, continue to run like this. Maybe we can’t catch up with them at all, because they are also in motion. God knows if they will leave this layer again? So I have to find another way…”

After Chu Hao stopped J, he thought about frowns. After more than ten seconds, he said categorically: “The only way is to rely on Communication Spell, but Communication Spell has time limit, 20 seconds, and this Spell The explanation is within a certain range. I don’t know how big this range is. That’s all… I can use about 20 levels of 0 Magic Spell for all Arcane-Energy. I just put it here, J, pay attention to protection. Ok, I am very vulnerable when using Spell.”

After that, Chu Hao did not care about J’s reaction, immediately closed his eyes and began to use this Level 0 Magic Spell. When the Spell was completely released, he entered the state of Communication Spell, especially when closing his eyes. The state is really exceptional, as if all the things around have disappeared, and the rest is an empty darkness.

The place where he can “see” seems to be within the radius of five meters from which he is centered, that is, with him as the center point, a spherical space with a diameter of one hundred meters. In this space, his communication Spell seems to be able to find and pass information.

(This range should be no small, it’s 50 meters from front to back, left and right… but it’s also a chance, but I want to come to Zhang Heng’s unfortunate luck. If you want to solve the current predicament, you must help me and J. OK, he will bring Team to hit me on the side, and can only wait for now…)

At the same time, on the other roads of the same level, Zhang Heng fell to the end of the team, but he saw that he had not used the bow and arrow, but took a submachine gun and fired there. Back, behind it is Ares running with the male and female protagonist.

Just as Zhang Heng repeatedly suppressed the fire, suddenly there was a loud bang in his ear, and Zhang Heng immediately slammed his feet and hurried backwards until he jumped out of the meter and suddenly stood still. The explosion came as if it had been bombarded by small artillery shells. Although Zhang Heng was hiding in time, it was also swollen by the broken stones. However, after the explosion, he just stood. Already covered with smoke, Zhang Heng did not dare to delay, and when he stood up, he chased away to the three people in front.

Three people running in front of Zhang Heng, men and women protagonist one left and one right support Ares, so three

People’s running speed is not as good as Zhang Heng, but between the corners, Zhang Heng has caught up with three people. Seeing that the three people are subconsciously going to the left channel, Zhang Heng is saying loudly: “This time We ran to the right, mother’s oh, ran four times on the left, still did not get rid of the three Predator, this is to engage in hair, Ares, you still have not recovered?”

Ares smiled bitterly: “If it’s Spirit, it’s really much better than before, but the body is sore and weak, don’t talk about fighting, even the speed of running can’t be lifted, it’s not good, simply…”

“Impossible.” Zhang Heng grinned, his sunglasses had long been ignorant of where he had gone, and his face was blue and gray, and he looked like a wolf, but this laugh was a sensation, he 嘿嘿Said with a smile : “I Zhang Heng has failed many times Quest, but also several times, but you have to ask, have I abandoned any of the same Quest personnel, have you run away with your comrades alone? ?haha, I am…”

“Funny Killer?” Ares is also strong with a smile.

“…I killed you, right now!”

Just when the two talked and the four men ran, suddenly, Chu Hao’s voice was in the minds of the two: “Zhang Heng! Ares! I immediately stopped when I heard my voice!”

At the moment, both Zhang Heng and Ares stopped. The male and female protagonists didn’t know. They were almost driven by the two and fell to the ground. Both of them looked at the two inexplicably. They felt a little surprised at the time. I know that it is better to continue to run forward or stay in place.

“Ares, can you both listen? I use Communication Spell to contact you. It’s a pity that you can only hear me. I can’t hear you. Now long story short, the three Predators should still chase after you. Kill you? Continue to run forward now, stop when you run to the first corner.”

After hearing these words, Zhang Heng and Ares looked at each other and the two began to run forward silently. The male and female protagonists also looked at each other. They must have many doubts in their hearts, but at this moment, Predator is always ready. They will catch up, they will not have time to ask, they have to follow the two to continue to run forward. In this way, the four people continue to run forward for nearly 100 meters, this has encountered two forks, when they came here, the two Stayed again.

At the same time, Chu Hao’s voice continued to rise up: “Well, just find a passage to hide behind. From now on, you are ready to fight. Once you hear the violent blasting sound behind you, you will immediately To counterattack, I and J will besiege them from behind Predator! There is only one chance. They must be completely killed before they attack. Otherwise, their weapons are too powerful, which may cause us a spike. Remember, violent blasting When the sound starts, it is when you fight back!”

Ares and Zhang Heng had no other moves. After the men and women protagonist retreated into an aisle, Ares took a submachine gun, and Zhang Heng took out his longbow. Both of them closed their eyes in silence. Waiting, and seeing this, the male and female protagonist is in a hurry, but at this juncture, they don’t know what to persuade, and they have to leave alone, but they don’t know the safety of the road ahead. The two of them are really confused.

On the other hand, on the aisle next to the wall, Chu Hao and J walked about a hundred meters to their previous position, and then Chu Hao told Ares to use Internal Force to pour the wrist of his exoskeleton. There were several potholes on the wall, and a high-explosive grenade was placed in each pothole.

“This kind of power is enough to explode the wall, but the only danger is that here is the channel terrain. The power of the high-explosive grenade may affect us, besides the wall, and start running after we pull the safety ring. The high-explosive grenade exploded, during which we can run about ten meters away. This distance is not safe, so we need to use this to protect it.”

While speaking, Chu Hao pulled out a Mage Hand Rune disc from his arms, and now he no longer said anything, but closed his eyes and used Communication Spell again to start to perceive the position of the Predator on the other end of the wall. After about ten seconds, he slammed his eyes and pulled down all the high-explosive grenade safety rings on the wall. He only ran for J and ran to the distance.

(3, 2, 1…)

Chu Hao calculated the time while running. When he was nearly three seconds away, he turned around and injected the Arcane-Energy into the disc. He also pointed the disc in the direction of the high-explosive grenade. At such an instant, the explosion suddenly rang, and the whole ground seemed to tremble violently. At the same time, the shock wave hit the two with the fire and gravel, but when it was about two or three meters away from the two, it was dozens. The invisible wall of the heavy Mage Hand is blocked.

At the same time, Zhang Heng and Ares pulled out the aisle at the same time. When the gunshot sounded, the arrow shot fiercely…

Counterattack begins!

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