Dawn Infinity

Chapter 93

“Since you have to fight, you will have a bigger problem!”

Chu Hao said that everyone is doing this…

Gunshots, explosions, bowing sounds, and occasionally a slight rip tear, the entire ruins have turned into a fiery battlefield. The people who found the map this time, after leaving the small hall, there is no convergence. Any Alien and Predator that are encountered along the way, whether they can’t beat it or not, first hit a few shots. And if you get together, then it’s just a high-explosive grenade. Although it’s not necessarily killing Predator and Alien, at least they can be seriously injured, and they can’t catch up with Alien and Predator. Hanging behind.

When everyone was running, gradually, they were not as heavy as they were before. At this moment, j suddenly asked: “I feel that Predator and Alien are not very powerful. If you really meet Human’s big army, It’s also very easy to annihilate them? Then why does the movie say that Alien can destroy Human as long as he enters the Earth?”

Chu Hao used two Desert-Eagle pistols at the moment, one hand and one side, and ran back and shot backwards. After hearing the words, he paused and said: “It is indeed possible to destroy Human, if it is Human’s current level of technology… … I think you have doubts too. Alien may be really powerful, tearing the lion, speed, and good at sneak attack. It is really powerful in combination, but it is not strong enough to be unmatchable. Human’s hot weapon, even if It’s a heavy machine gun that can seriously hurt or even kill Alien. Don’t mention what a nuclear weapon is. The overwhelming bombing, even if it’s a hunting thousand, a million Alien is dead, but you’re not sure, Alien terrifying Not this, but its fertility.”

At this time, Ares also curiously asked: “Reproductive power? But even if Alien Queen Mother’s fertility is stronger, the basic number is too small, and it is impossible to breed millions of Alien a day, as long as Alien is known by Human. After that, it will be vigorously encircled by the whole world. In the face of the overwhelming bombing of Human, Alien’s fertility is also dead. Even if Alien is parasitized by tens of millions of Humans, it is also drizzling for the entire Human world. And already.”

“Who said that we must parasit Human?”

Chu Hao chuckled, and he continued: “This is the key. Alien can parasitize too many creatures, land, sea, or even … flying, and once Alien parasitizes, Alien will The genes of these creatures are adjusted. To put it simply, what about the elephant Alien? Or what about the terrifying blue whale Alien? Then the overwhelming bird Alien? This is the key to terrifying… First Alien Queen Mother can Survival in a harsh vacuum environment, can Alien Queen Mother survive on a few hundred meters or even a kilometer of seabed? It only needs to be temporarily hidden, and there are too many foods and parasites in the sea, so the Alien community will It will increase by geometric multiples. When the second Queen Mother splits, the speed will increase, then four, eight… When the ocean is occupied by Alien, the overwhelming Alien landed from all the world’s coasts and started to Human attack, may I ask, how should the Human army destroy Alien? Use nuclear weapons to evaporate the sea? Don’t be kidding. Unless Alien is immediately destroyed when it appears, once it is hidden, it has declared the end of Human civilization!”

Everyone listened to Chu Hao’s words, everyone’s heart was trembling and cold, especially when they thought of Alien, a dense fish on the coast, and all the goose bumps appeared. If this is the case, then Human is still dead, there is no room for survival, and not just Human, the whole earth ecology is also finished, you must know Alien… not only eat Human!

After everyone ran for a while, Ares said with a little depression: “So, the world is likely to have been destroyed? Our goal is simply to kill Queen Mother, whether we can succeed or not, we will fail.” But if we succeed, kill Queen Mother, and Alien here will start to sneak around all around? Unless Predator kills all Alien, once they let them escape into the sea, the world It will be…”

“Yeah, this world… is probably already finished.”

Chu Hao said calmly: “Predator great war Alien … but there is a second one, and the ending is full of suspense, maybe five years, maybe ten years… the world will be destroyed sooner or later…”

These words are already very heavy, although the world does not have much to do with them, but when it comes to the death of billions of humans, this feeling is really difficult to describe in words, it is low, saying It’s uncomfortable, everyone’s heart is heavy.

This kind of emotion didn’t last long. As the Predator chased them more and more, the dangers of everyone were getting bigger and bigger, because these Predators seem to understand their destination. In order to stop them, they have started using long-range weapons. Started the attack, but fortunately here is the underground ruins

The various passages are indefinite, which makes everyone not hurt, but as the pursuit of the pursuit continues, the number of Predators increases, and they are becoming more and more dangerous.

Finally, when they passed through a passage, they suddenly opened up. Here is a hall, but here is no longer the quaint look of the rock. The entire hall is full of the thick substance secreted by Alien. The hall was covered, and Alien was on the four sides of the hall. They all circled the crowd entering the hall, and everyone saw it. There were still many unopened on the ground floor of the hall. The Alien egg is present.

“Well, don’t resist, put the weapon down, let it be covered by Embracing-Face Insect, don’t resist, or Alien will probably kill us first…”

When Chu Hao said this, his heartbeat was also a sharp ratio. Although this is his proposal, it is the only way to think of it, but it is the road to courting death. He is allowed to be parasitized by Alien. This makes people nervous and horrible.

Not only him, but the rest of the people are in this state. Everyone is sweating and sweating. The guns on his hands can’t help but take it to his chest, just around the circumference of the dozens of Alien. No one dares to make any moves.

Just after everyone broke into the hall, the Alien eggs seemed to have sensed something, and they started to play one after another, and everyone was already holding their breath at this moment, just staring at the Alien eggs with their eyes. Only Chu Hao looked around and tried to see the layout and environment in the entire hall. Suddenly, his eyes shook sharply, but they saw the team who became a team, but Chen Haijiang ……Do not! Not just them, he actually saw Aikeer!

Yes, Aikeer’s face is still covered with Embracing-Face Insect. The whole person has been covered by those thick objects, but the head shape and the exposed clothes can still be recognized. Yes, this person is indeed Aikeer, then say… … are the two sisters already dead?

Just when Chu Hao was a little worried, when his thoughts kept on his mind, a black shadow flashed in front of him. He only felt that his face was tight, and he lost consciousness in the next second. He didn’t know anything…

I don’t know how long it took. When Chu Hao was slowly awake, he discovered that he was being covered in a large piece of thick material, as if the glue was the same, and he could not be glued, even if he tried his best. I can’t get rid of it, but I don’t know how tough this thing is.

“j! Wake up to me! Ares!Zhang Heng! Are you still there? Wake up now!”

When Chu Hao struggled, he shouted loudly. At the same time, he tried to reverse his head and looked at the hall. There was no more Alien in the entire hall, but there was a blast in the vague. With the blood smell of Predator, it seems that the Predator army has already handed over to Alien, so calculate the time…there is not much time left.

At the same time, when Chu Hao began to scream, there were sounds in a few piles of thick objects, followed by the exclamations and struggles of Ares and Zhang Heng, but they had not had time to struggle for a long time. Not far away, there was a tearing sound, and I saw that J’s body stood up from the thick body. After his Internal Force was poured, his strength was ten times greater than when he did not use Internal Force. It is easy to tear this thick material.

Then everyone saw that there was a black exoskeleton armor. Once the dress was completed, he immediately ran to a few people and began to tear the thick, just a few times, and then the other people were torn out.

Once he got rid of his freedom, Chu Hao looked at the watch fiercely. After recording the time, he hurriedly said: “From now on, countdown to ten minutes, ten minutes is a dangerous period, we may break the chest and die at any time. Before… Kill Queen Mother! Go!” After he finished, he took the lead and ran to a passage in the hall.

Behind him, Zhang Heng clenched the bow and followed it, and Ares Summoning out the Predator Skeleton, followed by J, and when they just ran out of the hall, they were seven or eight Alien. There, there is also an Alien that is more than two meters high and nearly three meters high. It is half the size of ordinary Alien. When everyone ran out of the hall, the seven or eight Alien had swooped up.

“No, don’t attack!”

Chu Hao slammed Zhang Heng, who was going to rush, and Zhang Heng, who had the arrows, let the Alien come to them, and for a moment, Alien’s mouth screams and the stench of the breath, all of them let Everyone can smell it, everyone’s heart mentions the blink of an eye, and the kind of death is really coming on the face.

But in the next few seconds, these Alien didn’t attack them. Instead, they paused on the chest with a strange action similar to smell. These Alien were scattered away, leaving only the people here to sweat. .


Chu Hao relaxed, then hurriedly said: “Time is urgent, go!”

“Kill Queen Mother!”

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