Dawn Infinity

Chapter 97


Alien Queen Mother yelled, the voice was louder and louder than ever, and Chu Hao, who was not far from it, heard the hearing of her deafness. The surrounding Aliens were excited and all attacked with madness. The crowd and the three Predators, a lot of Alien surrounded Queen Queen.

“End, finished…”

Everyone, Chu Hao, Ares, j, Zhang Heng, the four people’s hearts flashed despair at the same time, this situation is really desperate to the end, Alien Queen Mother almost broke, and finally found the weakness, but it has come out The bondage, the figure, strength, speed, is not comparable to Human, and there are so many Aliens around, now… It’s only possible to die, there is no other possibility…

At this moment, Queen Mother, who had been struggling from the ground, suddenly fell to the ground again. One of its legs has been moved. Where the thigh is connected to the body, there is a big bowl. The blood hole was squirting Acid, but it was the only place that Chu Hao had pierced before, but he didn’t want to just cut off the nerves of Queen Mother’s thigh, so that it couldn’t stand up.

Chu Hao clearly saw the performance of Queen Mother and the scar on his thigh through Spiritual-Force Scan. He gripped Alien’s tail with the remaining hand and once again got up from the ground column. At this moment, he was already injured. It can be said that if a normal person is injured like him, he may have been lying down on the ground. But he can’t lie down, because he has to live, there are too many things that have not been completed, and his hatred has not been reported. His relatives are still alive, he is still dead!

“Pā! ”

Just when Chu Hao stood up and was about to continue to rush toward Queen Mother, suddenly a fierce blast came from the side. He could only lift the Alien tail and stand beside him, and then a huge force rushed. It was a huge black giant that was more than three times thicker than the ordinary Alien tail. Even if there was no straight thorn, it was just like a whip. It was also shot ten meters away. It was as powerful as if it were to be He interrupted the waist and did not land. The blood in his mouth could not be squirted out.

(The ribs have broken at least four, and the lungs and internal organs are estimated to be seriously injured. How long does the body last? Five minutes? Three minutes? Then it will be shocked, then die?

Chu Hao shuddered and once again got up from the ground column. At this moment, there was another blast next to it, but Chu Hao still has a speed and power method compared with Queen Mother’s tail whip. Acute-Nerve Magic blessing, still open Gene Lock, even if the injury is so serious, he still turned sharply back, before the Alien was about to spit out his tongue, the Alien tail in his hand had slammed into the Alien In the mouth, he gave his head through.

On the other hand, Ares slammed into the smashed gap of his Predator Skeleton, and rushed to the side of an Alien corpse, although his back was pulled by another Alien’s tail and squirted. The mouth came blood, but after a few Alien encircled, Summoning came out with an Alien Skeleton, barely blocking the end of the corpse.

Then j, he took advantage of the gap between the Predator and the internal force, and the Internal Force shocked the two Alien. Once again, the hands and feet were vacated. Although the body was hurt, one of the arms seemed to be broken, but he continued. In the battle.

Compared to them, Zhang Heng’s situation is much more dangerous, because all his bows and arrows have been shot, leaving only a longbow in his hand, so that he… is fierce!

Seeing Zhang Heng licking his face, moving between the three Alien at that incredible speed, then rubbing one of Alien’s bodies and putting the longbow bowstring on his head, the whole person Going behind him, he jumped up and stepped on the back of Alien, and when the whole bowstring was stretched very tight, he saw his hand tremble violently, slamming, and the whole Alien’s head was attached. The upper body was cut by the bowstring, and he was pulling back the giant force with the bowstrings, and he slammed the bow on the Alien head behind him, almost smashing half of his head. All of this happens only between the electric and the flint.

“…you guys Alien, whoever stipulates that the bow and arrow can only be used for shooting, the essence of the old real battle is this…”

“Bow fight, Hahahaha…ah…”

It can be said that the music is very sad, Zhang Heng is arrogantly laughed heartily, but does not want to pull straight from the side of the tail, he only had time to block the body with a bow, the whole person was pumped a few meters away, but also because So, just let him escape

The light from the distant Predator, his previous position suddenly fell into the explosion, and Alien, who was attacking him, was also blown into pieces.

All of this is printed under the Spiritual-Force Scan. The four people are clear about the battlefield. Although Queen’s method moves, it is close, terrifying is the beginning of the Alien and Predator in the surrounding channels. Both sides are in Crazy torn, each party has hundreds of them. By contrast, the four of them can really be said to be insignificant forces. In this battlefield, there is always the possibility of being overwhelmed, unless Kill Queen Mother, otherwise they are really dead…

“There is still about three minutes, and Alien in our body has already reached the ten-minute warning time. It is very likely that we have lived for three minutes.” Chu Hao thought bitterly.

“But don’t fight on a fight, just admit defeat, how can we be willing?”

Just in Chu Hao’s mind, Ares’s voice suddenly rang.

“Yeah, don’t fight for a fight, even if you are dead, you can’t be reconciled. Chu Hao, is there any way to think about it?” This is the voice of j, and it is also in Chu Hao’s mind.

“I can’t die anyway, although I don’t know why in this desperate situation, I still have the feeling that I can’t die. Anyway, it is like this, so if there is any danger, let me give it to me… Damn, don’t use the tail all the time. Hit me, you damn Alien!” This is the voice of Zhang Heng…


Chu Hao exhaled, what is going to say something, suddenly, he saw something from the Spiritual-Force Scan… No, I saw two people, male protagonist and female protagonist… They are still alive, and still mixed On the battlefield between Predator and Alien, in fact, the female protagonist holds a Predagon spear of Predator, is holding a male protagonist, while the male protagonist carries a large bag of things, looks very heavy, and runs very fast. Slow, that’s… explosives! A lot of explosives!

“How come you? Why don’t you go back to the ground?” Chu Hao immediately connected to the two through Spiritual Force.

The male and female protagonist were suddenly a glimpse, but they were also on the battlefield. It seemed to understand the role of Spiritual-Force Scan. The male protagonist immediately replied: “Before we fled to the entrance, we saw many murals along the way. Many of the murals say that the serpents are tenacious and can survive in the deep sea. They can parasitize many creatures, even large fish and cetaceans… here is the sea of ​​ice, if we blow up the ice, Alien may still survive, so…”

The female protagonist took over the topic: “So we are back, can’t let these Alien giant snakes survive, at least kill their only Queen Mother who can lay eggs, or our world will… I have a child I have parents, I have many relatives, I want them to be alive, I want them to be healthy, although the world has always been polluted and destroyed, but it is beautiful, I like it very much, so…we are back “”

An inexplicable emotion pervades Chu Hao’s heart. I don’t know why, Chu Hao thinks about his world, the world is very dangerous, all kinds of Contained-Object keep appearing, c organization and x organization seem to be two abyss The existence, but…the world has his partner, his loved ones, his family, this kind of emotion… Isn’t it the emotion of the protagonist of men and women?

For your own home, you can give up all the consciousness, even if it is life…

“You… will die!” Chu Hao hesitated for a few seconds, and this was so in his heart.

“You will also die, and, for the sake of home, it is not worth sorrow.” The protagonist of both men and women laughed, and the smile was truly aware of the death and will go.

“If this is the case…”

Chu Hao looked at Queen Mother violently: “Then fight again…”

“The siege of Queen Mother does not allow any Alien to get close to it until their explosives arrive, we…”

“Explore the ground! Let the dead kill Queen Queen!”

“Two of you downstairs, have you heard it? Now, you are fighting! Hold the Predator near Divinity!”

At the bottom of the page, Tom and Mary are silent, they are hidden in the shadow bones, but Spiritual-Force Scan has exposed their position, they are also connected by Heart-Chains, everything, Chu Hao they The struggle, the return of the male and female protagonist, their words, all heard clearly, and at this bottom, the elder Predator is approaching with some Predator, their goal…

It is Divinity!

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