Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 151 Time Change

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Thank you, Arthas, the night elves will be your forever friend."

Tyrande got off his mount very formally, and approached Arthas with the solemn courtesy of the ancient elves, while Arthas used the royal courtesy of Lordaeron in return.

"Prince Arthas, please take your men and horses to evacuate. Magic and artillery are no longer needed. The old accounts of the night elves and the Burning Legion need to be paid by the devil with their blood."

Before leaving, Tyrande said to Arthas that the Alliance had provided enough help for the night elves. At least in the past few days, the night elves realized that they were not fighting alone. Someone fights for the same goal as them.

"I will let the large forces withdraw, but I beg to leave a small army just in case, priestess, please don't forget that you are no longer fighting alone."

This was the final request made by Arthas, and Tyrande also readily accepted Alsace’s kindness-facing the Burning Legion, no amount of preparation was too much, and Arthas' request made Tyrande and Yi The night elves didn't feel wrong, but thought that Arthas was thoughtful.

After returning to the Alliance position, Arthas explained the situation to Jaina, hoping that she could take the Alliance troops to evacuate, because their mission was over.

"What about you, Arthas? Don't you go with us?"

Jaina noticed that he was not included among the evacuees that Arthas said.

"I want to bring a small group of troops to a safe place. After all, no one is sure whether the night elves can really solve all the problems."

Hearing Alsace's reply, Jaina said almost without thinking, "Then I will stay with you."

"There are high-level mages in Dalaran's mages who can direct their actions. I don't have to evacuate with them. Moreover, with Prince Kael'thas, I don't need to worry about the affairs of the mages."

Kael'thas was stunned for a moment, and then gave a wry smile. Why did the matter of these two guys set fire to him?However, although Jaina was right, he did not intend to lead Dalaran's mage to withdraw in a desperate manner this time.

"Ms. Proudmoore is right, but I want to ask if I can join the emergency force stationed? The mages in Dalaran can withdraw by themselves."

Sylvanas raised her eyebrows, and she whispered in Kael'thas ear, "Your Highness, do you really want to stay?"

Kael'thas replied quietly, "Alsace has stayed, what am I afraid of? Do you think he will make fun of his life? Staying at this time is not only as a friend's support, but also shows that Quill Salas’ attitude."

The words of the High Elf Prince silenced Sylvanas. Kael'thas was right. Although Kael'thas was the only prince of Quel'Thalas, Arthas was also the only prince of Lordaeron. Ah, but it's too dangerous for the two of them to stay like this.Book Bag Network www.shudaitxt.com

Thinking of this, Sylvanas could only sigh, "I will stay with you, Your Highness."

The people with the right to speak on the high elves are Kael'thas and Sylvanas, so there is no other dispute, but the members of Lordaeron are different.

"Alsace, if you want to stay, we won't be able to evacuate first." Uther rarely disagreed with the opinions of his students. "At least Lordaeron's soldiers will not let their prince stay behind. If If there is a force like this, I, Mograine, or any member of the Silver Hand can stay as their commander."

Arthas only shook his head when he heard the words, "Teacher, although many people are capable of this responsibility in terms of strength and command ability, among all the people present, I should know the Burning Legion and the night elves best. people."

As soon as this statement came out, Uther and others wanted to refute, but they couldn't find anything to say.Alsace's understanding of these things that had never been related to human civilization far exceeded their imagination. If Alsace hadn't let them come to Kalimdor, they would even think that this continent was a legend.

Not to mention the existence of the Burning Legion. Without Ner'zhul, the Burning Legion had little influence on the Eastern Kingdom. Only Mal'Ganis caused the kingdom to suffer losses, and most of the citizens did not even know about it.

Uther could only sigh at this. Alsace's vision and strength have exceeded his knowledge of young Paladins. A few years ago, he thought that Arthas was the leader of the younger generation. At that time , He also felt that he had seen Alsace clearly.

But the facts told Uther that he had not been able to see through his own student at all, and even the entire Lordaeron, or even the entire Eastern Kingdom continent, no one knew how much Alsace still knew, and how many things were still planning.

The Lightbringer’s gaze towards Arthas was a bit complicated. He had hoped that Arthas could become the new leader of the Silver Hand and the new king of Lordaeron, but now it seems that Arthas is not just satisfied. That's it.

However, in any case, Arthas was still the prince of Lordaeron and his student.Uther knew that although he was under the protection of the Holy Light and able to maintain peak combat effectiveness, he was already old.

After the death of Archbishop Faor, Uther has been polishing and perfecting the "Silver Hand" as much as possible. He hopes that one day after he returns to the embrace of the Holy Light, he can bring the spirit and belief of the Silver Hand Pass on forever.

At first, Uther’s best candidate was Alsace, but slowly, he felt that the Silver Hand was not a perfect home for Alsace. His instinct told himself that Alsace There should be more important responsibilities.

That is not only the responsibility of being the king of Lordaeron, but the responsibility of being detached from a certain individual or a certain kingdom. The farther you go on the path of the Holy Light, the more certain and clear Uther's thoughts become. .

Thinking of this, Uther also stopped opposing Alsace's proposal, "Well, Alsace, just do what you said."

However, before leaving, Uther found Jaina, and he begged this young female mage who admired Arthas, "Jaina, please watch Alsace this guy. He has since left the Silver After the hand training session, it seemed like a person had changed, doing things that shocked us old guys.

But maybe we are really old, hehe, Jaina, this kid Arthas will leave it to you."

The face of the light messenger, who had always been serious, showed the kind smiles that elders often had. In fact, there are younger generations like Arthas and Jaina, and they don't need to worry about the old people of the last era.

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