Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 193 Possibility

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Odin's explanation surprised Arthas, but he was not particularly surprised.

It’s not a matter of a day or two to hold Frostmourne, and there are many powerful enemies and opponents who have been drunk with blood and souls by the magic sword. Arthas has long been very profound about the situation of this sword. To understanding.

And Arthas, who had some knowledge of the shadow world, was once wondering why the dreadlord had such a profound knowledge of death and soul power.

Judging from the few guys who fought with him, although their knowledge of necromancy is not low, they may not be as good as the great lich Kel'Thuzad under Arthas.

That's right, if you insist, you can only say that Nazrethm has a lot of talent in necromantic spells, but it is definitely far from the point of perfection.

The Frostmourne weapon is just the opposite of the situation of the Dreadlords: the material of this weapon is not top-notch, otherwise it will not be smashed by the Ashbringer, but the knowledge of runes and death contained in it is far beyond. The skills of the Ashbringer.

If Frostmourne was created by Kil'jaeden, Eredar who has been studying the magic road for tens of thousands of years, then Arthas might still feel a bit reasonable.

Otherwise, just fear the necromantic knowledge of the three-legged cat of the devil, let alone being Frostmourne, the probability of being a fel version of Fire's Delight may be relatively high.

After all, they are demons. They are a race that lives in the twisting void and uses the evil energy. Even the evil energy has methods for the soul. Compared with the shadow world that represents death, they are people who can cook The difference between chefs.

Odin used a few runes to strengthen the sword of Frostmourne. This imprint represents the most primitive concepts of "soul" and "death", causing the magic sword to undergo a certain change.

Afterwards, he returned the Frostmourne that he had strengthened to Arthas, "I can do so much. The origin of this sword is in the shadow world, not our universe. If you want to truly reveal its integrity You need to go there in person."

After speaking, a flash of light suddenly appeared in Odin's one eye, and he disappeared into the real plane after Alsace went around for a while.

Arthas clearly sensed that this was a certain kind of information. He looked at Odin and wanted him to answer his doubts.

Odin also gave Arthas a face-to-face reply, "I said that the Shadow Realm is a very wonderful place. Although they are closely connected with the time of the main universe, they use a certain method to transmit the news through the Shadow Realm. Can not be restricted by time and space.

Just now I passed the messages of our two conversations into the long river of souls together. Don't worry, it is a message that only people who have lost one eye can read."

Frostmourne returned to Arthas's hands. Although the rune sword did not seem to have changed in particular, only a few inconspicuous runes appeared at the end of the sword, but he could feel the inner change.

Before, Frostmourne accommodated tens of thousands of Theramore souls. Those souls exuded on the one hand gave Frostmourne a strong power, and on the other hand, it also made Frostmourne bear a great burden.

After all, these souls can't be used to squeeze, Frostmourne is only used as a container to use the power of the soul that would be wasted.Miao Bi Ge Novel www.imiaobige.com

Just as Arthas thought, although the increase in the number of souls can increase the power of this sword, and the more it becomes, the stronger it is, but at the same time, the burden of Frostmourne itself will become more and more serious.

It has nothing to do with the collision with ordinary weapons, because the strengthening brought by the soul makes this burden almost negligible, but the energy shock caused by the collision with powerful weapons will make Frostmourne fragile.

If the souls in Frostmourne have great resentment and anger towards this sword, the power of the soul driven by these emotions may break the fragile balance of the sword at any time.

Odin's runes make Frostmourne temporarily need not worry about such a situation, but in the long run, when it absorbs more and more souls, then sooner or later, the rune sword will still end in destruction.

"Frostmourne is a sword that serves death. The more souls it absorbs, the more its power can please its master." Odin said, "But if the soul you grab is beyond your grasp, then it It will also bite you back."

Odin's words are a warning and a reminder, "Every time you use this sword to take a life, you must think clearly whether you can control the other person's soul."

"I understand, I will make good use of this power."

Odin waved his hand, "Hehe, you can pick up this sword without being swallowed by dark thoughts. It means that you are not a reckless person. I just hope that sometime in the future, you will hold Frostmourne. The Cavaliers can forge another path...

This is something that has never been imagined before. If those guys say that I am old and stubborn, then I want to see if it makes any difference."

Arthas laughed a little when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that the big manager Odin would still bear in mind the words of his colleagues back then, hoping to change the fate of Azeroth in his own way.

However, the passage of time also changed the manager's thinking. He was a self-contained "god" at first, but now he is willing to come into contact with mortals and learn from these creatures weakened by the curse of flesh and blood.

"Okay, I have finished talking about what I want to say. Skovald, this guy, let him stay in the Hall of Valor and be ridiculed for a lifetime." Odin sat back on his throne and returned to that lazy state , "Alsace, go ahead and complete your own mission, but the Hall of Valor welcomes you as a guest at any time."

"Thank you, manager, and may the Holy Light be with you."

In the light, Alsace's figure disappeared into the hall, leaving only his voice echoing in the hall.

"Paladin? Haha, Tyr, I didn't expect that the seeds you planted will have a day to bloom," Odin once again fell into the memory. At that time, they were still dedicated guardians, guarding Azeroth. Growth.

It is not a good way to always escape in this hall. Odin feels that he has been away long enough, and even his colleagues are about to forget him.

Loken, eroded by the ancient gods, has drowned in his throne and dreams, but there are still countless pairs of eyes full of greed and sin staring at the entire Azeroth in this world.

Sitting on the throne, Odin lowered his head slightly, "Haierya, I will come to correct my mistakes."

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