Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 24 The Scum of the Mage

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Finally freed from the entanglement of the annoying nobles, Alsace came to sit on the marble bench in the corridor outside the garden alone.

When he was in Lordaeron, he was very uneasy about this kind of banquet that was attended by almost the whole country’s top celebrities. If it weren’t for his status as a prince, he would have to attend most of the time. Arthas would rather hone his sword skills in the training ground. .

"With Van Cleef, you can choose a place to stay in Kalimdor."

While enjoying the gentle evening breeze, Arthas was thinking about what to do next.In fact, he had already planned this place, and that was the original location of Theramore, southeast of Dustwallow Marsh.

Although the climate of Dustwallow Marsh is much worse than that of other places in Kalimdor, there is hardly any local forces of Kalimdor involved, except for some beasts and elemental creatures.

When he drove the orcs to Kalimdor, Theramore could also serve as an outpost and at the same time use the orcs as a buffer zone for contact with other forces in Kalimdor.

Although Kalimdor is more wild than the Eastern Kingdoms, there is hidden the oldest and most powerful race in the world. They are the remnants of the glorious images of the ancient elven empire, the children of the stars, and the elves of the night-Kaldorei.

The ships of the Blackwater Chamber of Commerce have already sailed to Kalimdor, but there are still very few night elves. They are almost all on the sacred mountain of Hyjal, and occasionally go to Ashenvale and Felwood under the mountain. Outside the forest, Kaldorei is rarely seen.

Alsace also sent people to find the tauren living in the local area. They are a peace-loving and natural race, but they should be threatened by the Centaur tribe. As long as Alsace provides help, they should be easily accessible. Trust.

In fact, it is the distant relatives of the high elves that are the most difficult to obtain alliances.Although they don't use magic like the high elves, their pride is a similarity that is branded in their bones.

Even when Azeroth faced the threat of the Burning Legion again, the Kaldorei still stubbornly believed that they were the only force that could protect the world, and disdain to communicate with other mortal races.

Under the blessing of the world tree and the guardian dragon, the night elves have eternal life and eternal youth. Among them, the powerful heroes who survived the war of the ancients abound, and they have a profound relationship with the demigods of the wilderness. Link.

But the long time has made some of them forget the terrible legion.

If it weren't for the power of the Burning Legion "Defiler" Archimonde to completely defeat the arrogance of the elves, they might still continue to stand still on Mount Hyjal and refrain from communicating with the outside world.

Arthas deeply understood that the real threat facing Azeroth, whether it was the ancient gods or the Burning Legion, was not an existence that a single race could contend with. He must unite all the forces that can be united.

This is not a game world where an infinitely resurrected footman is the overlord of a million, but a real planet. Even if one step is wrong, it may be forever.

"What are you thinking about?"


Arthas woke up from his contemplation, turned his head, and met Jaina's smiling face. The female mage put up a green finger on Arthas's forehead and smiled, "Long time no see, my prince ."

"Long time no see, Jaina."

Arthas gave Jaina a deep hug. He looked at Jaina in a mage's robe and asked, "I didn't see you when I introduced the guest at noon. I was disappointed for a while. Please forgive me for all this year. Did not go to Dalaran to visit you."

"Hey, our Royal Highness Arthas is a very busy man," Jaina teased with a teasing expression. "You still notice a little mage like me?"

"Then you are wrong, I can only notice you in the crowd."

Lightly kissed the smooth forehead of his fiancee, Arthas stroked her hair around her ear, "What happened to it?"

"It's nothing, it's just that one of my magic circles suddenly broke down when I was about to leave, and it took a while for me to rescue it."

Jaina left her lover's arms and complained, "That damn magic circle, it's not going to happen sooner or later, but it exploded when I was about to leave!"

"Master Antonidas didn't scold you, did he?"

"That's not the case. The magic circle is not stable. I have been able to keep it running stably for more than two months."

Jaina tugged at the hem of her mage's robe, "But I can't change my clothes."

"In fact, this mage robe suits you quite well, I quite like it." 33 Tingshu www.33tingshu.com

Dalaran’s mage robes are basically tailor-made. Jaina’s outfit is more expensive than ordinary dresses, and the soft and comfortable mage’s robes are more comfortable to wear than the evening gown with a chest and waist. many.

Not to mention that Dalaran’s robe designer is online, the background color of violet, highlighting the noble gold and silver rim, coupled with quite luxurious fabrics, if not without the exaggerated waist, this master robe and The dress is actually no different.

Arthas also noticed that the purple fabric of Jaina's robe was embroidered with the magic eye logo of the Council of Dalaran Kirin Tor.

"You have entered the Kirin Tor Council?"

Kirin Tor is a council composed of elite mages in Dalaran, designed to fight against all threats to Azeroth's existence. Joining this council is itself a symbol of strength.

"Yes, it was last week, and now I am also one of the councillors of the Kirin Tor."

Jaina didn't think this was something to be proud of. After all, there are many more powerful wizards in Dalaran. She was able to join the Kirin Tor Council so early, in addition to her excellent strength, in fact, there are more important reasons. It was her father who was the ruler of Kul Tiras, and her teacher was the speaker of the Dalaran Council of Six.

"Congratulations, but I still hope that the gods and gods of those wizards will not affect you." Arthas congratulated.

"Haha, how is it possible, and not every mage is what you think." After Jaina heard Arthas say that she liked her dress, she didn't like the dress very much, so she simply lost the idea of ​​changing clothes.

But Arthas was right. Dalaran really had some old mages talking about gods and gods. They weren't talking about mysterious things, but because their apprentices often messed up things. Talk.

Mage apprentices are definitely one of the most unstable factors in the laboratory. Some apprentices who are lazy and don't listen carefully may misuse the instructor's wand and turn themselves or their classmates into a frog.

Compared with very few apprentices who can even blow up the laboratory of the Mage Tower, these are all small scenes.

After talking about some interesting anecdotes with Arthas, Jaina didn't care about Alsace's failure to see him. Suddenly, Jaina thought of something that Arthas might care about.

"By the way, Arthas, do you know about the expulsion of Archmage Kel'Thuzad, one of the six-member council of Dalaran?"

Arthas nodded. Of course he knew that the secret agents of the privy agency in Dalaran were watching the whereabouts of the archmage very closely.

"I have heard of a little bit, what kind of situation it is, you should know better than me in Dalaran, can you tell me about it?"

"This happened at the beginning of last month. Kel'Thuzad was deprived of all titles for studying necromantic spells in private, and was expelled from Dalaran." Jaina recalled the situation at the time, her teacher Antonida Si also made a fuss about this. "The teacher was very angry at the beginning and said how Dalaran had such a scum."

Arthas coughed-if Kel'Thuzad's necromantic spells are all scum now, what is Arthas now?

However, it is indeed not the time to bring necromantic spells to the table. The death knights created by Gul'dan Warlocks in the Second Orc War brought too many psychological shadows to humans.

"Then anyone knows where this former archmage is now?"

"I don't know this, but I heard people say by accident in the teacher's mage tower that Kel'Thuzad did not return to his hometown, but after leaving Dalaran, all the way south, I was seen for the last time. It's at the port of Nanhai Town."

This is similar to the information obtained by the Alsace agent: Kel'Thuzad immediately packed up and rushed to the dock in Nanhai Town after being expelled by Dalaran, and boarded a ship to Northrend in the far north.

Arthas thought to himself, it seemed that the archmage had been summoned by the Lich King, and the Lich King had already set his sights on the human kingdom. He didn't know if he and the Dreadlord who monitored him had noticed themselves.

His eyeliner has been initially spread in Northrend. Although it is not possible to directly get the news of the hinterland of the Lich King-Icecrown, according to the movements of his forces in Northrend, Arthas can roughly know the witch Where is the plan of the Demon King?

Arthas took Jaina by the hand, "Let's not talk about the mage who tinkered with forbidden spells, the dinner should start soon, and Varian is still waiting for us."

"Oops! I've been chatting with you, I forgot to apply makeup!"

"It doesn't matter. Tonight is not a formal social occasion. I asked Varian to ask the chef to cook a lot of Kul Tiras specialties. Are you sure you still have to put on makeup?"

"Really? Is there kul tiramisu?"

"Of course, let's go!"

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