Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 26 The Son of Frostwolf

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After talking with the old man for a while, Arthas and Jaina temporarily left the monastery, and Jaina was very sympathetic to the old man's experience.

"Unexpectedly, ordinary residents have such a difficult life. The old man said that those few silver coins are already their family's savings. If you don't go hunting, you can't make ends meet."

"The Kingdom of Stormwind has just been rebuilt, and Varian has spent a lot of money and manpower to repair Stormwind City and Elwynn Forest. The economic downturn of the entire country is normal." Alsace just felt sorry for this.

The old man met him as a blessing in misfortune. Otherwise, if his mature son, Markbride, died under the claws of the wolves, the otherwise wealthy family would be even worse.

Jaina just sighed. Compared to Lordaeron, who had only suffered a temporary shock, and Kul Tiras, who was far away from the mainland, the Kingdom of Stormwind suffered a heavier blow in the orc war.

They were the first line of defense for human civilization when the orcs gushed out of the dark gate, and the one that caught the most off guard. Even so, the brave humans temporarily repelled the orcs' offensive in the early stage of the orc war.

After such a small episode, Jaina's views on the issue of the orcs have become more profound, "My previous thoughts were really naive-the Eastern Kingdom has no room for a behemoth like the orcs, unless they are willing Far away from the fertile land, far away from the mountains and forests."

"Of course it is impossible. Orcs are not all saints. Now they are locked up in shelters with basic food and shelter. Once they are released, any intelligent creatures will expect a better life. condition."

Jaina gave Arthas a deep look. "And this means a new dispute."

"Yes, they ruined their hometown. Are we going to let them harm our homeland wantonly?" Alsace said, "but they are not hopeless."

"You mean, the continent on the opposite side of the endless sea you often mentioned?" Jaina was also very curious about the Kalimdor that Alsace said. The fleet of Kul Tiras crossed the sea and the shipbuilding industry was extremely developed. There is also very little news of that piece of land coming into China.

Many people think Kalimdor is just a legend.

"Yes, I have also sent people to find a suitable place to stay. Maybe in a few years, we can really open up an outpost city in Kalimdor."

"But will your Majesty Tenaris and my father really allow you to move the orcs to that land?"

"The shelter actually put a huge burden on Lordaeron. It doesn't make any sense to keep the orcs in captivity. My father thinks this humanitarian measure is an outright stupid thing."

Jaina was puzzled. How did she remember that King Tenaris, Alsace's father, was leading this initiative?

Arthas smiled bitterly. His father didn't want to agree to this proposal. However, under pressure from the rest of the human kingdom, Tenaris had no choice but to agree to build a large number of shelters to hold the defeated orcs.

The old king is not a fool.In the land of Lordaeron, building a shelter for the people and wealth, and spending a lot of money every year to support these orcs who have no economic productivity?These weak orcs have not as good labor as ordinary farmers!

This is just a way for other human kingdoms to weaken Lordaeron. For Lordaeron's position and reputation in the alliance, the old king can only be dumb and swallow Huanglian.

He was now wishing Alsace to find a place to blast the orcs away. Tenaris hated the greenskins a long time ago: they couldn’t kill them, they didn’t know where they were, and they sucked him in his kingdom. Blood.

The old king had spoken to Arthas very early, as long as he did not threaten the safety of Lordaeron, he would throw the orcs wherever he wanted.

In fact, the number of orcs nowadays is much less than when the invasion was just a moment ago. One is because before the Dark Portal was closed, a large number of defeated orcs withdrew back to the Dark Portal, and the other was because of the orcs in the shelter. , The mental state and physical condition are not good, and there are often weaknesses and deaths.

"How can the orcs travel across the oceans and reach another continent?"

Jaina thought for a while, feeling that no matter what she did, Lordaeron would still have to pay a huge amount for the aftermath to get rid of the trouble of the orcs.

"Do you remember the former Warchief of the Horde, Orgrimmar Doomhammer, who escaped from the shelter a few years ago?"

Arthas gave a mysterious smile, which made Jaina even more puzzled, "I remember, haven't you still caught this dangerous orc yet?"

"I sent him away on purpose."


Not every orc has completely consumed his will by failure and curse, and there are still some orcs who still hold the desire to revive the entire group.

Orgrim is an excellent leader. He knows that with the current orcs, he is not the enemy of the human kingdom at all, so his first goal must be to find a way to continue his race.Literature 520 www.bxwx520.org

Once he was given a new hope and goal, would Orgrim take the remaining old, weak, sick, and humans to death, or would he lead his compatriots across the ocean?

At that time, Arthas only needed to play the role of driving ducks and open a mouth to Orgrim, and he would take the orcs and escape from the Eastern Kingdom.It will only be the orcs that bother, Arthas doesn't even care about how they build ships to Kalimdor!


Far in the snow-capped Alterac Mountains.

"Orgrim, this is your share."

The old shaman Drexar opened the tent and walked in with a huge wooden tray on which was a thick roasted deer leg.

"Thank you, Drexar," Orgrim grabbed the deer leg, opened his mouth and tore a large piece of meat from it with sharp fangs.

Drexar found a place to sit down, his tone was full of worry, "Orgrim, today our hunter encountered an ogre while hunting-they are also hunting, we lost two young people."

Orgrim's chewing action paused. He quickly swallowed the food and said, "They occupied the ruins of Alterac City. How could they ran to the snowy mountain to snatch our prey?"

"The spirit of the elements told me that the number of prey in this mountain range has decreased, and we need to migrate to new places." The old shaman touched the black cloth wrapped around his eyes, and both of his eyes were blind. But the spirit of nature allows him to see more things.

Orgrim's rough brow furrowed, and he put down the half-eaten deer leg, "It's about to enter winter, and the weather on the mountain will be worse. Is it really good to migrate at this time?"

The old shaman's voice seemed to be mixed with wind and snow, "I know, but before winter, the ogres will definitely make a big move to store food for the winter. Our current home is not safe enough."

"Home—?" Orgrim let out a rough breath, and his voice became hurried, "This is not our home, Drexar. Our home is destroyed! By that traitor Gul'dan!"

The old shaman couldn’t see Orgrim’s expression, but he could feel the anger in his chest, but Drexar had long been used to it, "But now this is our home, at least from the Frostwolf clan. Home-Draenor is gone, Orgrim, and you are no longer a warchief."

Orgrim's uplifting voice stopped suddenly. He sat stiffly on the animal skin carpet, looking at the half of the deer leg, and after a long while, he said slowly, "I'm sorry for the Horde... I'm sorry Durotan... ...I'm sorry to every orc."

"It's not to blame you, Orgrim, at least we are still alive and can still eat," the old shaman shook his head, he didn't mean to scold Orgrim, "but we do have a better chance, Ogrim. Grim."

Orgrim shook his head. He was burdened with the failure of the Horde. This heavy burden has crushed him over the past few years. He even had nightmares every night, dreaming that he was covered by bloody orcs. Grasp the question: "Is this the victory you promised?!"

He didn't even know how he raised his spirit and strength to escape the escort of human beings.

"Do you remember Guyle?"

The old shaman's question made Orgrim's expression even more sad: this was the son of his dead friend Durotan.

Durotan, the former chief of the Frostwolf clan, openly opposed the use of fel energy by the tribe, so Gul'dan, the warlock leader of the Shadow Council, sent a killer to eliminate this opposition.

After Durotan was assassinated by Gul'dan's Shadow Council, his newly-born son disappeared. Now more than ten years have passed. Everyone believes that the son of the Frostwolf chieftain has returned to his ancestors with his father and mother. .

"I heard the call of the elemental spirit. Guyle is still alive and has grown up at the foot of Alterac's mountain under the care of a human."

"What?!" Orgrim grabbed the old shaman's shoulders, and there was a look in his declining eyes, "Do you know what you're talking about! Guyl is still alive?!"

"The elements will not deceive me, as they did when they warned the orcs in Draenor."

Orgrim sighed. If anyone had listened to the warnings of the ancestors and elements, the orcs would not end up where they are today.But these are things in the past, and he now has a new hope, that is, to find his friend's son.

The old shaman was silent, he was telling the truth, but he also knew better than anyone else that it is not easy to find Durotan's son, but with a new goal, he can be depressed and sober all day long. Orgrim, who was lingering in the middle, cheered up again.

The Frostwolf clan seems to have made a home in Alterac Valley, but Drexar, who currently leads the clan, knows very well that Alterac’s severe climate and location too close to human territory make the fragile Frostwolf The clans are at risk, and they must find new habitats.

Before leaving, Drexar said to Orgrim, "Guyle is full of the blood of Frostwolf, I believe you can find him, and he can bring us change."

This is the first time Orgrim believes a shaman's prophecy so much.Because this is not only a prophecy, but also his hope.

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