Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 288 Resurrection

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"Tulani, we have to stop! The soldiers can't support it for too long!"

The deacon beside the female draenei who was called Turani was a little anxious, and even the guidance of the Holy Light spell in his hand was confused for a few seconds.

Such an error slowed down the purification speed of the Aggonar Pool again, and even the light barrier guarding them was dimmed.

"Don't be distracted...we can do it!" Turani gritted her teeth, and although her physical strength and the energy of the Holy Light were almost exhausted, she still did not stop casting the spell.

Collecting such a team is not an easy task for the draenei who is now living in Hellfire Peninsula.

However, after Aggon's death, his depraved energy is still continuously polluting the surrounding land.

And the worst part is that many demons were attracted here, set up camps in the pool of Aggona, and tried to resurrect Aggona.

Although Aggona died, the soul fled the Outland, but if those demons can repair Aggona's body and inject enough fel energy into it, it will speed up Aggona's resurrection progress.

There is already a terrible Magtheridian in Outland. He is constantly commanding the demons and orcs under him, squeezing the living space of the draenei. If Aggona is resurrected, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the soul-binder Turani chose to take the risk, and before the demons gathered more and more, the body of Aggona was purified, so that it was no longer possible for him to speed up the progress of resurrection through the remains.

However, she had miscalculated the tenacity of Aggona's remnant-in fact, there were too few people they could gather now, so little that this action was undoubtedly suicidal in the eyes of some people.

The guards brought by Turani suffered heavy losses in the fight all the way, and the defense in front of Aggona's corpse, the densest place where the demons of the entire pool of Aggona, made them more stretched.

The demon slammed into the protective shield made by Turani and her companions without fear of death. The violent concussion made several priests pale, but they persisted.

But no matter how strong their will is, they cannot change the objective fact that this place is polluted by the devil. The Holy Light gathers here extremely slowly. They have to spend several times more energy and physical strength than usual to mobilize the power of the Holy Light. .

A part of the demons soaked in Aggonar's demon blood attacked the draenei guards feverishly. Their power comes from the essence of Aggona. If the body of the Abyss Lord is purified, their power will also disappear.

Under heavy pressure, before the guards fell, one of the deacons fell into a coma due to lack of physical strength and fell heavily to the ground.

Turani wanted to allocate a part of her strength to help her comrades-in-arms, but all her energy was concentrated on purifying Aggona.

"Is it... over?" Turani gritted her silver teeth, and blue veins appeared on her forehead. She had tried her best to activate the Holy Light spell, but Aggonar's power continued to resist the purification of the Holy Light. .

After all the comrades behind him fell, Turani stood alone among the demons, the protection of the holy light had gradually dissipated, but Turani remained unheard of, still stubbornly maintaining the posture of spellcasting.

The demon guard wouldn't let Turani's behavior continue. He raised the magic iron sword in his hand and swung it at Turani's back boldly, and countless blood was sprinkled on Turani's back.

The demons didn't seem to want to kill her right away, but chose to continue torturing the priest.

Accompanied by a cry of pain, the severe pain from the back to the brain eventually prevented Turani from using the Holy Light spells attentively. She fell forward and fell on the ground, splashing with the dirty liquid in the pool of Aggona. In her body, the wound on her back caused more severe pain.

"Still...is it a bit short?"

Turanie raised her head strenuously and stretched out her right hand towards Aggona's stump, but weakened weakly. Then, fatigue and pain made her consciousness fade away...

The demons grinned and wanted to pierce Turani with their weapons, but the sudden commotion behind them stopped their movements and looked back at what had happened with a little doubt.

But this time around, more than a dozen demon heads were smashed by the warhammer, and the demons instantly boiled again.

——The dead draenei guards stood up again, dragged their broken bodies and warhammers, and began to frantically harvest the lives of the devil.

These "resurrected" guys didn't care about the attacks of the devil. The blade pierced their bodies, cut their flesh and blood, and even cut off their bodies, but they couldn't stop their actions.

They are as numb and efficient as machines that have been given instructions.

In the face of opponents who were not afraid of death than themselves, the demons also jumped for a while, and paid huge casualties to suppress these draenei undead.

However, they managed to completely destroy an undead, and their remnant immediately produced a violent explosion, shredding several demons, and at the same time spread a suffocating poisonous mist from the dead demons. .

Even the devil can't be spared in this mist, this chaotic energy mixed with fel and death frantically devours all living things around.

In the chaos, no demon noticed, Turani, who had fallen but was still alive, had disappeared.

Lothar was standing above the valley, and Turani was in a coma on the saddle of the Undead Horse.

"A group of fighters with firm will and respectable spirit."

Lothar sighed, there were too many demons here, even if he was surrounded, he would be in a dangerous situation.

Those draenei warriors who were resurrected by his necromantic spells were also because their souls were not far away, and their obsession made them still want to continue fighting to protect the soul-binders and deacons to the last moment.

Even Lothar didn't force them anything, these draenei accepted the power Lothar bestowed on them without hesitation, and died below without hesitation.

But anyhow, a "local" was picked out.

Lothar looked at Turani who was in a coma, and scratched his stubble chin-the other party seemed to be bleeding continuously, and the amount of bleeding was still a bit large...In this case, I am afraid that he will die without waiting for treatment.

Lothar didn't hope that he had finally saved the individual, but the other party still couldn't hold it back, and she had to use psychic spells to pull it up again later.

After thinking for a while, a cold wind condensed in Lothar's hand, and she used low temperature to forcibly plug Turani's bleeding wound.

However, this is only an emergency measure. If the treatment cannot be done in a normal way, Lothar will only have to talk to the dead.

So Lothar quickly tied the blood collected from Aggona's corpse and the samples collected from the pool on the war horse, and opened the rune portal to the natural disaster camp.

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