Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 3 Private Sword

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The call of Baron Rivendell pulled Alsace from thinking back to reality. He apologized apologetically for his distraction, "I'm sorry, Lord Baron, I just thought of something."

"It doesn't matter, I know that His Majesty’s expectations of you will bring a lot of pressure," Baron Rivendell didn’t care about Alsace’s distraction, he just picked up the wine glass and raised it to Alsace, "but now Well, you can actually relax appropriately."

"To you, Lord Baron," Arthas also raised the glass in his hand and touched the Baron.

A large glass of dwarf ale was drunk by the two of them. Rivendell didn't care about the rules of the nobles at all. He raised his arm and wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and immediately filled the two of them with ale, "Haha! Drink like this. Cool! Come! Your Royal Highness, Rivendell of the Silver Hand, I wish you bravery and fearlessness in this life!"

Gavinrad, the great knight on the side, also raised his glass, "Gavinrad of the Silver Hand, I wish my brother a brilliant future!"

"My proudest student, I wish you will always walk with light and justice!" Uther patted Alsace on the shoulder and raised his glass.

On the opposite side of the table, with muscles and muscles, the first-generation Paladin Dathohan, who is tall and solid like a fortress, also raised his wine glass, "Wish, our brother Alsace, never be hurt by evil!"

Tirion Fording, the most gentle and kind, did not forget to send his blessings, "Wish, our brother Arthas, always be kind and honest!"

Arthas looked at the first-generation Paladins who were almost there in front of him, with deep emotion in his heart, and shouted together with these predecessors after colliding with them, "I wish Lordaeron always prosper, and wish the Holy Light of the Silver Hand forever!"

Almost only the knights of the Silver Hand participated in a simple banquet, all of them were the pillars of the Silver Hand, and none were the pillars of Lordaeron.

Who would have thought that just a few years later, the prosperous city would be reduced to ruins, and the powerful heroes would become dead or tragically fallen.

But at least this time, they will not be waiting for their different sad elegy. The fate of Lordaeron, the fate of mankind, and the fate of Azeroth will all be very different.

Mortals may appear so weak in the face of disasters and fate, but when danger comes, these mortals will always fight for the fate of their world without fear.

This is the eternal tone of Azeroth.


The next morning, when Arthas got up from the bed of the lord's mansion, his head still ached.

The group of big guys who used wine barrels as buckets took turns to toast him, that is, Alsace's physique was extraordinary, otherwise he might have to continue to sleep until tomorrow morning.

However, his "combat power" at the wine table is also top-notch. The one who dared to drink him yesterday did not run away. The most excessive ones are Gavinrad and Rivendell, two old and shy, young people. Good health, I have a drink and you made it out of two drinks!

This guy Rivendell hated him for telling his wife Mrs. Anastari about his embarrassment when he was a child, and it would be fine for him, and Gavinrad, the iron hanhanian, followed.

Arthas estimated that these two guys might have to lie at home for two days. The wine they drank yesterday might burst the stomachs of ordinary people twice!

"I almost went out of school, and I was drunk to death by these two old men." Alsace washed his face with cold water in the bathroom, staring at the handsome face in the mirror, and couldn't help but sigh, "Although not I know how many times I watched it, but it's still a bit too handsome..."

He didn't know if the lineage of the Menethil family was too good. His sister Jialia was a well-known beauty, and he himself was even more handsome and messed up. Look at this face, it's handsome while fortitude. There is a little coldness in the chic...

Keke, it's far away.

After Alsace finished washing, he got dressed and prepared to go out. He happened to meet the waiter who came to knock on the door. The waiter quickly stepped aside when he saw Alsace and said respectfully, "His Royal Highness, Master Uther is looking for you. "Look at the novel www.kuaikanxs.com

"Teacher? Where is he?" Alsace was a little strange. Uther did not drink much yesterday. He just drank a little while toasting himself. It is normal to get up today, but why did he come to him so early? ?

"Back to Your Royal Highness, Uther-sama is waiting in the drawing room."

Arthas felt that Uther would come here specially, and he must come to him in an urgent matter, otherwise he could wait until he went to the church.

Leading by the waiter to the meeting room, Uther had already put on a special armor at this time, with the Holy Deed on his waist.

The Holy Deed is a special magical tool for the Paladin. It is actually a special book. It is full of methods and techniques for using the Holy Light, as well as the teachings of the Holy Light and the virtues of the knight. It can be said to be the hallmark of every Paladin. Matching is a weapon to eliminate evil.

As for why it is a weapon, because you have seen the surface made of metal, the four corners are also cast with horns, which are tens of kilograms heavy. They are fastened to the belt with a chain and can be taken down as a book for the meteor hammer at any time?

But once the Paladin carried the holy deed and was still wearing the battle armor, it also showed that he was mostly going to accept orders and participate in battle.

"Teacher, what happened?" Alsace frowned, and Uther was fully armed and came to him personally. The problem may not be small.

"I received an urgent order from the royal capital this morning. Our allies have been attacked and need our troops to assist." Uther briefly stated the situation.


Alsace’s thinking quickly moved-Stratholme’s East Weld region (later the Eastern Plaguelands region) was located on the easternmost side of the kingdom’s territory and did not border any human kingdoms. You need to inform Uzbekistan Thrall dressed up and came to find himself, most likely because the high elves in the north were attacked.

"The forest troll has invaded the elves' territory again?" Arthas asked.

"Yes," Uther was not surprised at all, and even felt that Arthas knew it for granted. "This time there are more of them than before, and the elves may find it too difficult to resist alone."

"This is not in line with the characteristics of the elves," Arthas became interested. "Don't they always think that their magic can solve all problems? Now want us to block the forest troll's axe?"

"The request for help was sent from Dalaran to the court mage." Uther added.

Arthas sighed, "Kael'thas has been worrying all day long, asking me to say that their mages council is too pedantic, and Kael'thas should have acted long ago."

Kael'thas is the prince of the high elves, and at the same time Alsace's friend and former rival of love. As for why he used to be, it is because the person that Kaizi likes is already Alsace's girlfriend.

"Your Majesty asked us to lead our troops to Quel'Thalas to support." Uther did not go deep into the topic of Alsace, he began to explain the power they can use, "We can draw about five hundred elites right now. Infantry, one hundred elite cavalry, one hundred musketeers, thirty priests, ten paladins, and two archmages."

"So many? There are two mages?" Arthas was also a little surprised when he heard the number of troops. This force was extraordinary. Uther's elites were all veterans killed in the Second Orc War.

"Because we are going to the forest this time, the combat capability of the cavalry is limited, otherwise we can bring another hundred cavalry," Uther had already said very clearly.

Arthas understood that his father's meaning was very clear. There was no shortage of troops. The only requirement was that he could win this battle brilliantly.

"I understand," Arthas nodded and replied, "I will bring another twenty'Privy Swords'."

Uther was stunned for a while after listening, but Arthas was willing to use such power in support?

[Privy Sword], one of the main combat forces of [Private Organ] created by Alsace.The sole purpose of their existence is to efficiently bring Lordaeron and all the enemies of Alsace to eternal sleep.

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